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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Hmmm... sounds interesting.... Do they have a website? I'm a shore fisherman too...
  2. Holy smokes!! That's a nice fatty!! I can't wait to hook into my 1st!!
  3. Gorgeous catch dude! Next time smile with the 7lb'er!
  4. My apologies... you're absolutely right. What I meant to say was "if you care to share your fav. spots, i would greatly appreciate it - fire me a PM"...Sorry 'bout that folks!
  5. Hey Folks, As time gets closer and closer - its making me wish I could do some river fishin'! (and not just dinky lil' guys) Anyway, my question is to those who has tried fishing Bronte Creek (in Burlington) for Trout/Salmon... Just wondering if the fish are known to run up there? Thanks! RoB PS: I'd like to know of your fav. places (PM me).
  6. Hey Folks, Heading down to the Rouge River (probably the mouth 1st... then duffins afterwards)...was just curious if anyone has tried to fish there with any luck? Thanks! RoB
  7. Al Flaherty's on Dufferin in Toronto has baits for carp that you're looking for. Even Canadian Tire has 'em....well, most do.
  8. MTBF - I think its either a QUANTUM OPTIX 20 or the QUANTUM ARRAY 10... not too sure. hahaha... got both reels tho I feel bad still about the fish - even when I look @ pictures of it! I hope it survives (which, I'm sure it will be ok). SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURE WAS UGLY!!
  9. Whoooooooooooooooooooooo!! 2009 has been such a good year to me so far!! Caught myself another "1st Species" of its kind - CARP!! But this wasn't your regular looking carp....at least I hope not ALL of them are THIS UGLY!! To make a long story short... I decided to head out with a buddy (Jip) to our closest body of water...Lake O. I take out my ULTRALIGHT with 6lb Test and about 50 yards of spool left (was too lazy to add more)... Anyway, float fishing with Gulp!Alive stuff... anyway... I notice the bobber going down... but not in its typical "fast/quick" action... almost like its "stuck" like in a river...so.... I go to set the hook... the fish somehow managed to get the hook wedged in his eye...now, im not 100% sure how it happened... but it did! I'm assuming he somehow cruised into it... but didn't notice the line nor the hook... Anyway.... Here are the pictures.... If ya look closely.... NO EYE on one side!! An even close inspection confirms it! DEAR GOD ALL MIGHTY this thing is damn ugly@@ Flipped him on his other side...oh look! at least he has 1 good eye!! Anyway.. that's my post. Mr. Carp... I'm sorry for the eye! I hope he's gonna be ok. I still (even to this day) still feel bad about that fish!
  10. Hey OFC'ers, Just had a quick question...and I'm sure everyone has their own method. I'm still fairly new to the "Steelhead/Salmon" float fishing world... so it had me thinking... What type of KNOT do you use when you're rigging up your float? Do you use the same knot for everything (even for plastics/bio stuff)... What about for Eggs/Trout worms? I've just learned of a knot called the "Egg Loop Knot"; So it had me questioning.... What type of knot do you use? Why? **I'm asking because I'm liking the idea of this knot... it seems to be pretty versatile** Thanks Addicts! RoB
  11. Went there today... just baby suckers and small creek chub. (Erindale Park)
  12. LMAO!!! OH MY GOD!! That was too funny!!
  13. Sweet tips!! I should give it a try next time I'm down there....
  14. Interesting question! I'm going to the Credit River tomorrow... I'll let you know.
  15. Sweet!! I'm going there on August long weeked - personally, I fish from shore. I mostly hit the damn... and the pier near Port Maitland. Not too sure on what methods are used to catch 'Eyes... I'd be interested to hear on other peoples inputs... I assume you will be fishing from a boat?
  16. Good Luck on the Surgery! I'm sure your kid will come out fine But I'll pray for the lil' guy & family.
  17. From what I've seen/heard - its ONLY available @ BASS PRO SHOPS in VAUGHAN MILLS, ONT. I once heard from a little bird, its apparently available @ a CT near you - then again, I think that's all just "speculation"...
  18. hehe... Sometimes, it feels like YOU are the ONLY ONE sitting IN HIS BOAT... and he's telling YOU HIS secrets! Plus, his humour is alright! hahaha... gotta love the lug!
  19. No kidding! Caught my 1st PIKE (and probably a PB; for awhile at least) out of LAKE ONTARIO using "Mercer's Magic" Like its always been said... "Don't knock it, until you try it!".... Awesome Show Dave!! Wish I could get my hands on MORE of your SIGNATURE LURES! I'm down to my last "Steak & Potatoes" (Yes, I've nicknamed my favorite lure) I've caught a good amount of fish this year on his Sigature Series Lure.... This one is my PB PIKE (1st one ever caught) in LAKE ONTARIO. PS: Don't knock me for how I'm holding it - My thumb is in the gill-plate... I'm not "bucketing" the fish like a Large-Mouth I also caught this Brownie (also my "1st" fish) on an Mercer's Magic And this.... And finally...
  20. Hahahaha!! I saw this! Pretty HILARIOUS stuff!
  21. You got the idea! I got into "Float Fishing" this past Spring - MAN IS IT FUN!! Now I understand why FLOAT FISHING is the way to go... You can literally feel all the headshakes the fish does!! The idea is.... 10'ft - 15'ft Float Rod Float Reel (If you're serious about it) and... Split Shotting Technique/Rig If you send me an email to [email protected] - I can send you a .PDF file (that was recently shared on the forums here) that'll explain to you the different styles and techniques of Split Shotting. Good Luck & TightLines! RoB PS: Checkout FloatFishing.Net - Good place to look for some used Equip.
  22. Dude, if you look @ the link I provided in the 1st post - what is that thing to the LEFT of the MARINA? Is that a dock or something? HERE IT IS again if you missed the 1st post.
  23. Hahaha for sure dude! I might be going tomorrow sometime during the day.
  24. I've been meaning to try out THIS PARK - I was also curious on how this area is? Thanks Man!! I'm gonna bring my ULTRALIGHT sometime!
  25. LoL! Thanks Victor! *Smartass* hahaha.... FISH-MIESTER - Answer to your questions... I will be fishing from shore... would LIKE to tackle some CRAPPIE...but I'm open to other species!
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