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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Happy Birthday Mercer!!
  2. Nice way to end the soft-water season... still got a BIT of time before it COMPLETELY ices over...
  3. I just realized how incredibly lazy I can bee sometimes..... My apologies guys. I should've googled. Thanks Ben!
  4. Ok, So I was browsing the internet (Criagslist to be specific) and came across a posting claiming they will give you 3000+ channels all for a 1 time fee price of $49. It peeked my interest, because I am one of the few and unlucky that DO NOT have WFN. So this had me thinking... Has anyone heard of such a thing? If you have it, is it worth it? Does it work for regular TV also? Is there a certain # of TV's that this will work on around the house? or does it ONLY work on PC's with a TV-TUNER? etc... etc... Here's the website: http://www.tv4pc-canada.blogspot.com/ I am no way affiliated with these guys, I just wanted to know what/if people have had this service before. Thanks! A2F
  5. Sweeet!! Nice 1st report! Congrats!
  6. Good thing you took the picture with thie hooks showing... otherwise, it'd just look like a... "WTeF is THAT!?".... I find 'em all the time @ Canadian Tire & LeBarons. EDIT: I think I've seen them @ JB's Fishing Depot too *I'm going there tomorrow after work... I'll hopefully remember and report back*
  7. Nice Dude!! Maaaaan.... with all this work around the house, and seeing all these STEELHEAD reports, I'm DYING to get out there!! Keep bringing in the reports!
  8. I can tell you my 1st setup... this will be my 1st full year steelheadin'. Here's my setup: Floatreel: MATRIX (By: Raven) Floatrod: 12'6" 2-PC Shimano "Convergence" Line: Unsure at this point (The store I bought it from spooled it up for free; Plus, I got the rod & terminal tackle the same day too.) I've been thinking of upgrading my toys... but I haven't used it nearly long enough. So, I'm not going to. Plus, bearings are the best/cheapest way to upgrade.
  9. Congrats bud! Welcome to the club... ya know, there's still time to 'jump ship' J/K
  10. Not after tonights performance!
  11. Happy Birthday Rick!
  12. You're REALLY getting addikted to these BAITCASTERS, eh Mikey?! Is that a "Toronto Make Me Laugh" blanket in the backdrop?
  13. Same question as LD17... Where and how much?!
  14. LMAO!! That was an AWESOME Storyboard!! hahahaha A+
  15. Hey Folks, So I went to BPS today (man, I LOVE THAT PLACE!) I picked up a few Crappie Jigs... and I'm thinking of 2 possible ways of rigging this... 1) Straight mainline to jig... OR... 2) With a float. Now, here's what I am thinking... I should be able to get away with both tactics, but I'm thinking this jig was meant for a specific type of setup?? I dunno HERE is what it looks like. Any insight on this particular jig would be much appreciated. Thanks in Advance, A2F
  16. AWESOME VIDEO!!! I like our choice of REEL - One of the BEST for its VALUE reel out there! Question: Did you BUY or MAKE your Camera Mount for your Rod??
  17. All these AWESOME REPORTS, and I've only gone out once in the las 2 weeks! :s ITS DRIVING ME MAAAAAAAAAAD!!! Oh, Nice catch by the way!
  18. Did you go today?? How recent is this?! ... I too was thinking of hitting BPS soon!
  19. Awesome!! Thanks Dave!
  20. Hey OFC'ers, I just noticed that when I read ANYONE's post, it doesn't post their response with a box, but instead it shows it in 'POINT FORM' below it?? Even if its MY OWN POST...Ya know?? Anyway, it USED to show be a box with response inside, did I change any settings?? Or is everyone else is having this problem too?? It makes reading other's responses so much harder to find out?? Cripe! I hope I'm making sense here.... **PS: I'm sorry if someone posted this topic before**
  21. Well... he really wasn't a "Little Bird"... But anyway... I went to JB's today and a fella angler was nice enough to tell me about upgrading my centerpin's bearings instead of buying an expensive one. He was trying to recall the name of the website where he got his.... I think it started with a "B"? or something... Anyway, Does anyone know of a place/website where I can get bearings for my Matrix (By: Raven) upgraded? I prefer to go to a store in person to have it done... but if anyone knows of any PLACES or any SITES... I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in Advance, A2F PS: If that angler is a member of this website...... Thanks!! Very nice of you to share that info...
  22. I'm sorry to hear... 18.5yrs is a pretty long time...Sorry for your loss!
  23. LMAO!!! That's hilarious!! Hahaha....
  24. Hey Addikts, I'm sorta in the market for a new Centerpin... The one I currently have is somewhat cumbersome and heavy. I would LOVE to switch to a more LIGHTWEIGHT pin - Anyways, while searching on the internet I came across this reel called "HBE Singularis 130 5"OD Carbon Fiber Centerpin"... My question(s) is/are this/these... 1) Does anyone know if this reel would be made available anytime in stores? (The only info I can find is off a website I often frequent, but not have yet joined their forums) 2) Does anyone know if any lightweight reels you would HIGHLY RECOMMEND to other pinners? (aside from above mentioned) Thanks Folks, A2F Incase you are curious as to what this pin looks like - here are a few links... http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_hFbuukmLkmE/SsyS...PA050003(2).JPG http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hFbuukmLkmE/SsyX...lerie_06_xl.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hFbuukmLkmE/SsyY...-h/DSC_4500.jpg
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