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Everything posted by Bondar

  1. For sure, there's definitely some good ones, like them all lol I don't want to sway anyone's opinion, funny contest
  2. If any of you folks with Facebook would be so kind, I'm enter in a contest on The New Fly Fisher Facebook page If you could take a second and give my fish Fumble picture a like it would be appreciated! Plus it's good for a laugh https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151697870332750&id=262565577749&set=pb.262565577749.-2207520000.1384557885.&source=42 Thanks Jeff
  3. Yes it will be, should clear up around June..........
  4. Would like to get out this fall if possible
  5. Check sierra trading post.com The have great deals Redington sonic pros for just over $200 and Patagonias also some simms if you catch the right day they have promo codes for up to or more than another 30% off worth a shot. I've bought from there without issues, I had bare blackwater II for 4 years and they just started to leak so I aqua sealed them for back ups and bought simms g4s time will tell on those though
  6. Awesome fish!!! I'm excited I just won another of your generously donated trips on Monday looking forward to it
  7. Heres a few from that weekend
  8. I think the conservation license is like $18 as well Starting in February New York license will go for a year from the purchase date, hopefully Ontario will follow soon after
  9. ready to go south again .....

  10. Compre Musky rods for $75 and free shipping to canada!! yes please

  11. That picture is like 5 years old but, they are still out there im sure
  12. There is indeed plenty of perch in the lower river
  13. http://www.thefishinhole.com/index.cfm
  14. If you need a hand getting one shipped to MURICA I can bring it over for you. Just need to pay the tax. I ordered 3 telescopic ones a couples months back and shipped them to my ups address, I have a 9' telescopic I'd sell I want to go one lighter it's an XH breaks down to 7'6"
  15. Burkfalls this weekend ! Its been far to long

  16. They do make a dual drag , its the Raptor model also a 46" per turn retrieve I believe
  17. http://www.buffusa.com/sports/collections/sport-series-mxs-gloves/styles/filter/gloves
  18. My vote is for the Alumacraft boats
  19. Alumacraft + 1
  20. http://www.thmarine.com/products/Outboard-Jack-Plates/Jack-Plate-Ladders/TWIST-STEP-Emergency-Jack-Plate-Ladder
  21. Well done I ended up with nice Spiel custom and an autographed shimano lid ,pretty excited about that
  22. It certainly wouldn't hurt it if you did have one for what they cost
  23. Bills Bait
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