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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Thats sooooooo perfect ...
  2. Listen to Dan ! When I bought mine .. the cards were a $100 and the MapCreate were close to $300 .. so it a good deal ! Course now that I have NOW dang HEAT ... my thinking isnt quite as clear as it used to be so take the advice with just a pinch of salt
  3. Mo, let me know if you still need help ... I'm there for $100
  4. Wait isnt this akin to the 51 perch all in one cooler ? So many family members so little room in their bags (oh and by the way dont forget .. in Quebec its a 10 fish limit per person) Lets remember theres always another side to the story ... then... afer da tryl ... lez ang the ba'tard avec is frenz !
  5. Way to go Pete .. I honestly attribute my 323 days to this BOARD and to people like Joe (Daplumma) who jumped right onto my tentative announcement of quitting with serious support ... the thing that worked TOTALLY for me was realizing that the craving REALLY only last three minutes ... so look at the clock ... HARD .. for four minutes .. the craving will be over and imigine that if you had a REAL PROBLEM .. like say a broken leg or something the pain and suffering would be real and much longer .... and yet ... the gain to be had by staying the course is worth so much more ... not just to you but to everyone who cares about you ! Good luck bud !
  6. Thanks Cliff .. appreciate the offer ! Im in it for the long haul now though ... come what may ... I consider it my training for Lake Joseph lake trout opener's .... one Absolut and one Bell's per hour whether I need it or not .... to keep the spirits up ... But seriously .. thanks ... I'll give you a call next time I'm up there ... probably around pickeral opener's .. we'll do beer's on yer dock
  7. Thanks Roy ...couple six packs of logs ... and a nice bottle of Bordeaux and all is right with the world
  8. Apparantly I can now officially cut glass with these bad girls
  9. Well.. thanks all .. the good news is ... I THINK ... I am getting a new furnace tomorrow ... gonna be a nother long night with 3 hr logs though .. we/'re down to 13 degrees .. just a little brisk for my liking but between the stove and the space heater and the fireplace at least the cats arent dead and the pipes arent froze ... the misses ... well she'll defrost when we actualy have a furnace Good news is it starting to look more like $5g's now ... but unfortunately the fella that was supposed to 'drop by' to spec it all out for the 'big crane lift' tomorrow wont be by till tomorrow .... so I am only half expecting to be warm again by tomorrow night .. what with murphy and his pals always so keen to get involved ... but as I always like to say ... keep a stiff upper lip (at least the butter is staying hard ... which by the way goes really well on the fresh bread ) oh .. by the way .. company X was politely told that they could take a long HARD SUCK ON MY ARSE !... not only because they failed to show up last night with the afore-promised heaters ... but also because they were several hours later than promised on the quote/commitment to deliver ... and the misses insisted I start moving ahead with shall we say .... plan B ... the fact that theres almost $3,000 difference in from the original quote is honestly NOT the reason ... but I could definitely justify it to the board
  10. Heh .. I had noticed a similar problem shortly after getting 'validated' for auto-withdrawal (which was suposed to be so much better) instead of credit card ... anyhow I was considering turning off the bank account thing .. except there are some sellers who prefer the bank thingy -because its confirmed - even if its not always instant (apparantly it also depends on THEIR bank/currency/clearing)
  11. Thanks Don ... unfortunately that wont work for me... they were the first ones I dealt with (about a year ago) ... I got sold into their maintenance/insurance 'plan' ... about a month or so later they came out for a little 'inspection' and said .... ooooooooh nooooo sorrrrry .... we dont do outdoor units ... and gracefully refunded my money
  12. I agree about CO... and I do have CO detectors in the house which have always regstered 0.0 ... but I like the fact its an outdor unit ... because that makes it just a little less likely to become an issue (in my opinion) ... the point is this this unit has been working along just fine ... if theres a crack its been there for years... dont turn it off before you have a replacement on hand and delivered and before I have had a chance to agree we have a problem that needs to be fixed ... now I got a new risk which worries me much more ... possibly overloaded circuits from electrical heaters drawing current like crazy to make up for something that was JUST FINE if I hadnt bothered to call them.
  13. So I call a company lets call it company X to come out and take a look at my furnace because the thing is making funny clicking sounds before kicking in ... been doing that for a long time (I figure we have a little ignition issue) ... anyhow they come out open her up and point out a corroded/loose connection at the igniter ... I'm thinkin cool ... lets fix it and move on ... but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO .... we first ought to have a look at the heat exchanger to be sure there are no 'other' problems ... so we rip the whole furnace apart (its actually a furnace and airconditioner in one outdoor-unit) ... and as its coming apart I can see that it aint going back together again (I could see it coming) ... sure enough .. there's a hairline crack in the heat exchanger ... its totally UNSAFE .. they shut off my gas and issue me with a 'warning' about not trying to turn it back on ... a few hours later a sales rep shows up who tells me there is ONLY ONE SAFE choice in replacement units and it will be approx $8,000 !!!! The company reps are all out of the country ... so he cant get me a proper quote till tomorrow .. but dont worry someone will be by with heaters so the cats (and the misses) dont freeze tonight ... well I just dropped in on my parents to borrow their space heater ... And here I am no furnace ... no heat and no idea exactly when its gonna be fixed/replaced or what it will cost ... to me this is about the same as shutting off the air because the aqualung is unsafe ... while you're in the middle of a dive ! Anyhow .. my point is if you ever get a guy to look at your furnace and you STILL have HEAT .. dont let them even LOOK at your heat exchanger until you have decided about getting a replacement (and its been delivered) ... according to a bud of mine they ALWAYS find a cracked heat exchanger...so now it looks like I may be several days without heat ... never mind the cost (sheesh the real issue was a little loose connection ... shoulda fixed it myself
  14. Actually .. think of it this way .. when your rod is on the rigger and in a holder whats the difference (except of course you are IN the boat while trolling .... BTW wayne looking at your avatar made me think POWER-TROLL from the plane
  15. There always at least one pooper at a party .. I say totally cool and legal ! .... Now try that up in waynes world and some 58 incher will EAT THE BOAT
  16. I totally love my Lowrance H2Oc with the Mapcreate topo ... I put most of Ontario/Quebec on a 1 gig card ... and now all I need is better lake maps/charts ... but I understand they're coming ... I took it to bermuda and it worked perfectly ... just didnt have the roads
  17. Wow ... nice fish ! Thats it .. Im packin for tomorrow
  18. camillj - My first Vax username (back in '79)... and on about 200 Vaxes around the province ... first six letters of last name and first initial (it was an industry standard) ...was also my All-in-1 email address (wayyyyyy before email was common) became my real-life nickname by co-workers and baseball team (I was, in those days at least, a VAX GOD and a star 1st baseman!) ... pronounced CA-MILL-JAY ... ok I admit did also have to put up with "camel-jockey" (last name is Camilleri) first name is Jon (as in Jonathan) ... so there it is ... and there ya go.
  19. Can you tie his compensation to his results ? If so the hours wont matter more to you than they do to him ... just a thought.
  20. hmmm ... lets see ... today -9 months .... Roy ... I hate to bring it up bud ... but isnt that just around Trout openers ? Did you used to go away for the whole weekend ?
  21. Theres a couple small lakes around the Teapot/ Camp Lake area that I have tried ... one in particular that I have never been able to find in the winter (I dont own a sled or truck and its about a half mile off the road)... it borders right on the park and I have had some luck from shore in the summer, but the roads are a bit dodgy in that area ... would love to go for some hard water specks/splake - so PM me if you are ever looking for some company. I am in the big smoke but cottage in the muskokas and happy to drive for a good outing
  22. When I drove by last week it was OPEN water where the huts used to be ... Ive always been a little nervous about that area .. lots of serious currents ... but listen to Wayne and Mo ... they live right in that area
  23. They actually offload inside now Wayne ... go in off Elizabeth there is a parking lot you can wait (or cruise around) in ...at least thats what I do when my youngest comes in from London
  24. And now we use it as our remote control ! Wow .. what a blast from the past ...I used to LOVE Popular Mechanics ! Thanks Dan
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