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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Wow ... thanks for sharing ... my next trip (to the ZEC) isnt till end of August .. hate to wish the summer away .. but now I really cant wait !
  2. Check if the prop will turn freely when you are 'in neutral' - youd be surprised how often you are not where you think you are But be careful if there is any resistance on the prop .. it could actually start if you turn the prop by hand when it is in gear ... Not sure how old you said the motor was .. but I once opened up an Evinrude only to find a completely trashed piston that had come right off the push rod .. not a pretty sight but I did manage to fix it with spare parts off ebay
  3. Hey TJ ... I just noticed ... in your avatar pic .... ahem .... you're danglin out front a wee bit there bud
  4. Great Report Joey ! Now ... where's all the logo's and Team 4 inches ???
  5. HOLY PIKE TJ !!!!!!! Great pics .... and WOWZER thats gotta be the fattest pike I have seen in 20 years !
  6. I'd normally defer to BC .. he knows his stuff .. but I would personally take a stab at the coil overheating ... its a cheap fix ... assuming you can find the part (about $30) .... just be sure sure you know how to reset the timing and points .... hmmm take it to BC ... might be cheaper
  7. Great Job Lew ! Nothing like an early season sliming !
  8. Great pics guys !!! One of these years I am gonna have to make the treck !
  9. We see alot of them come through Muskokas in the fall ... not sure where they spend their summers though
  10. Hmmm ... sounds like there trouble a-brewing ... I am sure thats wasnt Joe .. it was someone who looked exactly like him .... maybe it was Art ???? No worries Becky, Lakair is all work and NOOOO fun ...
  11. Sorry to hear... my deepest condolences Gary
  12. Nope .. not just you I start piling the 'important' stuff in the living room about a week (or more) in advance ... unless I am getting back from a trip I plan to 're-run' with two weeks ... in which case it stays out .... and it never ceases to amaze me just how many trips to get 'ready' - despite having over 40 years of accumulating every imaginable amenity ... there ALWAYS the new ideas from the last outing that must be prepared ...as the day of departure approaches the excitement (and supplies) mount until finally its time to try and get just a couple hours sleep before leaving - which of course almost never happens - or is broken up by a look at the clock every ten minutes and the fear that you'll finally fall asleep and sleep right through the alarm ... so ... get up make a pot of coffee and wait till the agreed to time for departure .... and I wouldnt trade it for the world
  13. My doctor says I need more omega-free-fatty-ass !!!!!! So ... I keep the following (within regs) ... rainbow, specks, salmon, brown, pickeral, whitefish .... most saltwater gamefish on the RARE occasion I get to fish for them. But I Normally dont keep Bass, Pike (actually I do sometimes) , Musky (cant take the wrath of the Musky hunters and dont like to kill anything older than 4 years anyways), perch ... too many have to die for a meal
  14. Just love that Pickeral porn !
  15. Very pretty Specks ! Especially for the stream ... thanks for sharing ! And great meese shots ... but please ... Ya gotta be careful with those cows especially when they have calfs around ... I'd hate to read about ya in the wrong sort of report
  16. Good stuff Lew ... the carma has started off on the right foot ... here's to a great season for ya !
  17. Its our (Maltese) national dish .... called Fenkata ... Here is a little recipe for you ... Stuffat tal-Fenek - Rabbit Stew A hearty rabbit stew to get you through a cold winter's night! Preparation time, 30 minutes; Cooking time, 3 hours. Serves 4 to 8. Ingredients 1 rabbit, cut up in pieces 2 cups water 2 beef cubes 1/4 tsp Rosemary 1 large onion, chopped 5 medium carrots 5 medium potatoes 1 medium turnip (kohl rabi) Gidra 1/4 cup Tomatoe paste 60 mL water (1/4 cup) 1 clove garlic, crushed Method: In a large frying pan, lightly brown the rabbit pieces in cooking oil. Add the 2 cups of water with dissolved beef cubes, salt, pepper and rosemary. Cover tightly and simmer for 1 hour, stirring occasionally, or until rabbit is getting tender. Peel and chop vegetables. Remove rabbit from heat and pick out fine bones, if desired and transfer to a larger pot. Add vegetables to rabbit pot. Mix the flour or gravy powder with the 60 mL water and the crushed garlic. Add to the stew stirring occasionally. Simmer for another 40 minutes, until all vegies are soft and the stew slightly thickened. Fenkata Use this stew as topping to dishes of boiled spaghetti
  18. Jeeze GCD ... you gonna miss out on all the bo-bo-tayteee ???? I cant believe a little rot-gut will ever keep you from the sweetest tater-salad ... besides .. its very slimming One of these years Im gonna haffta git my butt up there too
  19. Great pics Dan .. cant wait to see some of those Nipigon Coasters ... boy the markings on the backs of those lakers are just like the big brookies. Thanks for sharing
  20. And yet .. despite the NF in the title you're in the thread not only reading but WHINING (er posting)
  21. Way to go Cliff ... that has my vote for post of the year !
  22. Here are a couple of the underwater pic's (taken in April at a nearby Lake O trib) so they dont count for the tourney ... and besides ... its hard to get the team logo to show up under water
  23. Thanks, yes the ZEC is near St Gabriel in Quebec, which as far as I know is very much within the rules of our tourney. Glen ... you'd be surprised how much fun it is to catch a Spec down 9 coulours on 12lb lead line with a 6lb leader ... its actually the only way way to catch fish after the water warms up. Most of our fish this weekend were caught on the fly (you'll notice the fly rod on the bench beside him) ... but mostly early morning and at dusk ... the risers were everywhere ...
  24. Another great opener at the ZEC ... here's a few pics to share with you all ... We have a new (private) road in to the lake which runs right along side this creek which runs almost 400 feet down the mountain from our lake ... The weather was beautiful and we even managed a few fish ... And a little team 4 logo (Joeys Man Ho's) ... inches The new waterproof camera case came in handy ... and I have a few cool underwater shots from opening day I'll post later ... Here's my navigator doing the four colour troll ... with a magog smelt
  25. Testing one two three .... I think we're good
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