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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Ya dont see that everyday .. specially durig the hardwater season ... that must be the endangered sub-glaciel-diving-non-migrating species of duck !
  2. Ok folks listen up - this is serious stuff !!!! No matter what you THINK you see ... the fact is, the folks that make this stuff are BAD GUYS and they spend alot of energy and they WILL fool you... even if you think you are reallllllly smart....I have been doing this stuff for 30+ years and EVERY SINGLE DAY I see something new. When you got that email and just by opening it (not only when you clicked on the link) there is a good chance that a program which logs your keystrokes and later sends them to the originator has been installed without asking or telling you ...in this case, you then get led around to legitimate sites to do legitamate things so that your private information can be stolen ... and even though spy-blockers and virus software do their best to identify, detect and block these actions, they cant always get the job done. And NO you are not immune on a MAC or on a LINUX box ... its just that fewer bad guys spend their time working on attacks targetted specifically for these platforms ... and its not because they are safer or harder to fool ... its just because fewer of them exist (for now) ... but if you behave 'unsafely' you WILL get burned sooner or later ... in the win-tel world it takes about 5 minutes (or less) after you connect if you are not properly protected ... and even then you will see wierd things happen if you go messing around in the 'grey market' ... especially gambling and porn sites and places where you are offered things for free which you really SHOULD have to pay for .... OK .. no more preaching ... lets get back to fishin
  3. BOTL is now at Glen Orchard (not far from Mactier) ...and yes John is a great guy... it used to be in Port Carling... I believe the other fellow in Bracebridge is still there (I never go up hwy 11 any more so I am not sure) I have often got the great BIG suckers from behind the PetroCan station on the 400 as mentioned ... its just before the King side road exit and normally has quite a wide variety of choices ... and they open long before the sun comes up ... so you can double up with a timmies stop and minnow pickup ... havent been in there in a while so I am not sure if they were affected by the whole who-can-sell-what-bait-where rigmarole I am pretty sure most of the other bait shops on that route tend to be closed for the winter including Perks, Pier 69, Marshes .. although I understand that there is someone in Mactier who also sells bait in the winter ... You may want to call these folks to see as well : Moon Basin Marina & Cottages Mactier, 722 Basin Marina Rd. Mactier ON CAN P0C 1H0, 1 705 375-2288
  4. When you see emails like this do NOT .. repeat NOT .. click on any of the links .. in fact just close and delete it immediately .. unfortunately even just moving your mouse around can permit nasty events to occur ... clicking on a link that you are suspicious of could do alot more than download a virus ... you could be 'permitting' a program to execute on your computer that could do literally ANYTHING ....
  5. Yes I say that the other day ... thats just WILD !!! The real question for me is who was the guy who first said ... "hmmm lets see if this will work" .... and lived to tell about it
  6. Heh ... now you got me thinking ... its something I have been meaning to address for the Mrs' vehicle (as she gets to park outside) ... has anyone tried Armorall ... its made for the plastics/vinyl etc and leaves a real smoooooooooth skid area on hardwood (I have noticed quite literally by accident)
  7. Sometimes its just a matter of moving out 10 feet deeper .. or moving in 10 feet shallower ... Lakers move around and tend to 'pass by' once or twice a day in any given area as they forage for food .. so sometimes its just a matter of trying a different time of day. I have always had the best luck a little later in the morning than you might think ... like 8:30 to 9:30 or even 10 and again in the early afternoon ... I tend to try two different approaches at once .... one live/dead bait right on or near the bottom and another live or jig higher up in the water column ... Because the lakers are constantly moving you can never be sure where or when you are going to get a hit ... I have noticed though, that action always seems to be better when other things are 'happening' .. like switching baits, like bringing up to check baits ... or dropping down after checking baits ... so dont just stick with one thing (unless its working) ... and most important ... enjoy !
  8. Great day out there ! I am heading north in 9 days ... now I really cant wait !
  9. Nice ! Just gotta love Rosseau for lakers ... I had one come up (about that size) bitten almost half-way through .... top predator became prey while it was thrashing about on the line ....
  10. Good stuff ! Another hundred yards out and you'd have been right on Whitie/Laker money ...
  11. Looks like a good day out there Wayne geesh I guess I havent been out on the bay chasing wallerals for wayyyy tooooo long ... I completely forgot there was a slot I often wondered how the little village out off Waubashene was making out - on what I would have thought was scary ice (what with all the current coming out of Matchedash and Port Servern converging right there ) - I am guessing you were nowhere near them ?
  12. What and skip right past Valentines Day ?
  13. Very nice ! Consider it an appreciating asset .... that you will enjoy and appreciate EVERY time you use ... if thats not what life is all about then I dont know what is !!! And if she makes you get rid of it, just send it over this way (I'll take real good care of it for you till she sees the light )
  14. I have the aquavu ... was a little disappointed because the thing really only works within a few feet if you are fishing at any depth beyond 'daylight' ... its pretty bulky ... so unless I am truly gonna be out all day (and in the hut) I dont bother bringing it any more ... I like it ... but I dont love it ... Now .on the other hand ... if you are bringing kids along .. theres alot to be said for letting them see the minnow swim around .. or to be able to see the jig bouncing up and down ... and sometimes even see a fish sniffing around .... ok .. maybe I do love it (sometimes)
  15. camillj


    Darn I think I pulled something ... you forgot to mention the importance of a good warm up * Reaches for coffee *
  16. Bronte used to get a real nice (late Dec) run of Coho's in there too ... havent checked the regs as I no longer live in Oakville and dont get out here much in the past 15 years... but used to have a lot of room to myself around the QEW in the late fall (probably closed now though) ...
  17. Yup ... best this to do in slush is to pile snow into it ... and dont stomp too hard ... let it 'set' I love my Ice cubes (I have the 2 man and the 4 man) ... really are easy to set up and they get toasty warm as soon as the sun breaks through the clouds
  18. In the hut .... "hold my beer" In Quebec .... "move your beer" On the Dock ... "bring me a beer" In a trib "beer-on !" ... I think my daughters will attest .. my most common line ... would have to be ... "WHO's Your Daddy ?"
  19. Yep ... now maybe I am just always lucky ... but they really have been responsive, courteous and helpful EVERY time I have spoken with them.
  20. No surprise to me at all, Ive seen a lot of that around here. As a matter of fact Cliff ... I think you have put a pound or to into the Carma pot yourself ... But Thanks for sharing !
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