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Everything posted by Ben_Daniels

  1. There everywhere!
  2. I was under the impression that most of our garbage in Toronto and Ontario goes to the US...am I wrong? -Ben
  3. What I find really amazing is that the first bass was caught in a 124 acre lake. The second bass was caught in a 72 acre lake... Big Fish, Big Water? I guess that works until someone plays god and puts Bass From Florida in a tiny lake thats filled with Hatchery Rainbow Trout...I think its time for a trip to California either way -Ben
  4. nice perch...nice meal...for the price I personally like Old Milwaukee. -Ben
  5. Holy Crap FHR! with the ice right next to you...your Hardcore! I still don't have waders, I'm headin up to BPS this week though, cant wait till the ice is out! -Ben
  6. If you hate downloading like me you can stream most episodes in HD on..... www.sidereel.com/lost Enjoy! -Ben
  7. I'm definitely ready for some TO Pike Action!!! I think its gonna be a while though...I was at one of my local spots, a small bay, trying for some Brown Trout earlier this week. I ended up walking a good KM or two before I even got to open water. I was going to fish this bay but ended up fishing wide open Lake O because everything else was frozen over . Someone mentioned goin out in float tubes....I got one this winter and I'm yet to use it. Id be down for some float tube Pikin!!! -Ben
  8. Never fished for Brookies myself but have read a number of posts on here about them..... I hear Muddler style jigs are brook trout candy...DanC....
  9. I can positively say that Catch and Release works with Largemouth Bass. While living in South Florida I had many lakes/pond's in my neighborhood that were connected through canals to many other lakes/ponds. I lived there for over 8 years and caught and tagged many bass. I have caught many of these tagged fish numerous times. One bass, which was over 9 pounds, was caught by myself and 2 other individuals in a two year period. Heres a picture of the fish the first time it was caught. Also, in this system most of these bass move into one pond to spawn, during the spawning season I could go to this pond and spot numerous fish on beds that I had caught and tagged. Catch and Release definitely works when largemouth bass are not spawning. In Florida, bass season is open year round. While doing this informal study I fished for many bedding bass. The bass that I tagged that were bedding were usually not caught again, I presumed they died or moved out of the area. After releasing fish that were on a bed, they would either abandon the spawning bed or go back on the spawning bed and look very stressed out, their eyes would look weird and dilated and they would be discolored, they would look very white and pale. Whether the bass left or stayed it seemed bad to me. After seeing this I came to my own conclusion that even if its legal to fish for spawning bass, it is just wrong. So in conclusion I feel that Catch and release does work, with certain species as long as they are not spawning. I think that some species have a much higher mortality rate, such as muskie and trout ,but I feel that overall Catch and release does work. -Ben
  10. I'm 20 and I'm in Toronto....what kind of music is it? maybe I can check it out either way
  11. I clicked on this topic assuming I'd see a shore fishing report...then I saw your in a boat, Sweet! Awesome fish, especially In January, who'da thunk it. I think its time I get out there and go for some of those browns. -Ben
  12. HAHAHAHA!!!
  13. Nice fish....amazing pics...what kind of Camera are you using?
  14. Ive got a friend who uses Kerosene Heaters in his Garage for working on cars in the winter. Not sure if that will help with the condensation but who knows. -Ben
  15. I'll try to be short and sweet.... 1.Shouldn't this cop have something better to do? Downtown Baltimore...theres probably a drug addict around the corner shooting up about to rob someone. 2. Disrespect is not a crime and does not require physical force. Not the Officers place to teach him respect, that would be his parents place. Even if he is disrespectful officers cant go around beating people they think are disrespecting them. 3. If he was holding a fishing rod instead of a skateboard most of you guys would have his back, not saying he should be smacked. The officer was probably beaten as a child....look at him, did it work ? 4.This cop is a 16 year veteran and he's in that little crappy car messing with skateboarders...seems like the department doesn't like him anyway. My guess is he will be fired. -Ben
  16. Oh Family Day.......Heres my 2 cents on this holiday, It was around election time and some politician decided it would get him some more votes if he added another payed holiday...thus family day. Seems pretty nice? Its really bad for the economy though, employers are paying out more money, stores are closed, tourists come in and theres nothing to do..... long weekends in general result in lower sales for most businesses. Every year "Family Day" takes about $40 million out of Canada's Gross Domestic Product. -Ben
  17. Theres just something about a perch/firetiger crankbait...it seems like I come back with a couple every time I go to Bass Pro....., but now I want this one
  18. Hey SNAG thanks for the tip on the breakwalls! Those GTA smallies are elusive! Ive seen some bedding in early spring in sheltered bays at a couple different spots through GTA, but when Bass season opened up they were no where to found! I think its time to hit up the dollorama for some spinners
  19. Those are some awesome smallies and pike SNAG! so where'd ya catch the smallies??? ....of course I'm kidding, Awesome fish!
  20. Usually I'd say between 75-100...since I've been in college, its been cut down a lot, probably 15 this past year.. ...When Iwas living in Florida with a pond in my backyard it was 350-365 haha
  21. I'm on Danforth and I heard it and saw about 3 or 4 really bring flashes to the north... it blinded me
  22. You and your buddies on the ice...Drinking Beer...Staring and an 8 inch hole in the ice...Yea there gonna be some swearing Can you tell I don't ice fish yet?
  23. Happy Birthday Guys! I guess the birthdays get tamer once the kids pop out!
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