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Everything posted by Ben_Daniels

  1. How come this never happens to me when I'm surf fishing in Cape Cod?! Somewhere I've got a picture of a 13 pound PORGY I caught is South Florida a few years back that would have been an IGFA record if the rod hadn't been handed to me from a charter boat captain would have beat the old record by almost 5 pounds! -Ben
  2. OFC is like crack....you'll be back -Ben
  3. Nice fish...I smell what The Rock is cooking! -Ben
  4. Walk into the closest Asian restaurant and say that your from another restaurant down the street and your out of tempura batter...usually they give it to you for free lol. I've had to do this for work a couple times. Mix the powdered batter with water, 50/50 mix, and chill it and your off to the races! -Ben
  5. I agree...gotta have the batter on ice... thats how they do it in most of the restaurants I've worked in, seems to make a difference. -Ben Daniels
  6. So true! That's why we need to privatize transit in Toronto, we'd get twice the service at half the price if they privatized and maybe they'd stop encouraging drinking and driving and keep the subway open past last call . Also have you noticed how all the ticket collectors are really old? If your were being paid 100k to be a Customer Service Rep, a ticket taker, you'd hold onto that job until you die, doesn't make sense why they make that much, we don't pay the guy selling tickets at the movie theater a fifth of that. And my rant is over. -Ben
  7. I've been waiting for this report!!! Nice fish EHG! Hope to see more reports like this! -Ben
  8. I don't think anyones assuming that! But lets put it this way... someone's breaking into houses in your neighborhood, wouldn't you want to know the description of the people that have been doing the crimes? I'm sure you would. -Ben
  9. I agree completely. Including information about the perpetrator(s) is critical. If there were people randomly attacking other people, especially fishermen I would want to know what they look like ect.People get so obsessed with being being politically correct that they forget the point of things. -Ben
  10. You know what I would do if I had a million dollars? I would invest half of it in low risk mutual funds and then take the other half over to my friend Asadulah who works in securities...
  11. can you spell google? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...12094134AAk2Lro -Ben
  12. Look about 5 Topics below this one you started..... -Ben Daniels
  13. i think its time to buy some crawbugs -Ben
  14. Tim Horton's isn't a Monopoly.....
  15. I've done well with this one...the one on the right. -Ben
  16. I voted for her...shes really getting crushed on there by Dominican Republic, Victoria Fernández and Indonesia, Ayu Diandra Sari eh? P.S. tell her to shoot me a pm -Ben
  17. There's an APP for that! actually i have no idea. -Ben
  18. That's cause you weren't fishing a jig.
  19. I fished there a couple times when I was younger, probably 10-15 years ago, mostly off the dock but sometimes out in a canoe, caught a bunch of panfish and smallies. I distinctly remember running into a guy who pulled out a cooler with a couple 3-5 pound rainbows! He tried to sell them to me lol he said he caught them around a drop off with a spoon, pretty good memory for 10-15 years ago eh? I wonder if there are still rainbows in there? Edit*: Did a little research and found this document , apparently there used to be brook trout in there too... during the 60's or 70's, There's a basic hydrographic chart too. pretty cool thing to find. http://www.waterfrontmuskoka.on.ca/LakeInf...ys-northend.pdf -Ben
  20. This has got to be my favorite OFC post of all time!... or I've had a couple too many wobbly pops -Ben
  21. Yea I gotta agree, I hate watching that infomercial...I mean fishing show. 20 minutes of plugging different products and then 5-10 minutes of actual fishing, I think I actually saw more fishing in the Line Dancer infomercial. -Ben
  22. I'd love to see some underwater footage...its my favorite I'd also like to see some urban fishing shows, like Toronto Islands,ect. maybe even from shore! Great show either way Dave...and I'm not an easy one to please! -Ben
  23. Seeing all those pics of the Vanish burning put a smile on my face After losing a couple 3lb+ bass I'm done with it...I'm gunna burn too it so I'm not tempted to use it lol...report to follow. I've used the vanish as a mainline...I just hate coping with how stiff and uneasy to manage it is. If its good line i don't think there should be a problem using it as a leader. I dunno If I'm right but I usually use BPS XPS Fluro as a leader even though its supposed to be used a mainline. Never had any problems with it...which leads me to conclude that Vanish is Garbage -Ben
  24. Nice report and pics! 4 fish at once eh? and they say fisherman tell fish stories Just messin with ya Dawg, Great read! -Ben
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