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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Awesome Ben Absolute beauties
  2. Welcome / back to OFC Sam Love the lunker pics Leechman
  3. Thanks Bruce!!! no skunkin today either Thanks Vince!!! I got another upgrade today.... not much but email sent Thanks RC!!! Today was really different standing amongst the snow flakes But better than a day at work
  4. Thanks Frankie!!! French Connection lol I like that lol Thanks Richard!!! Thanks Joey!!! yeah it was about time I get into some
  5. Well I finally got into some fish today after having a not so good start to the season.... skunked the first 4 tries Anyways it's a thing of the past now It was so warm that I made it a full day out on the hard stuff It was like fishing in late March but hey, I did not complain.... heck I even got a sun burn on my face Here's my little compilation that I made.... hope you enjoy!!! Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2011%2FIce%2520Fishing%2520Feb%252005%2FOFNTourneyFeb052011.mp4"> Edited to say: Oops that 2 fish made it to be submitted and that all fish were released to be caught another day Also in the little vids I only speak french sorry folks
  6. Congrats on the laker Joey Beauty My day was not stellar like yours but got into some Thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Right on Bruce Sounds like fun Thanks for sharing Jacques
  8. Welcome to OFC Riley Looking forward to reading your fishing adventures Leechman
  9. Your best bet is to get a hold of Tyler aka TDunn.... he guides in the Soo I hear he's top notch Leechman
  10. Good call on moving the shack Sweet reward for your efforts congrats Rod Caster Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Catching a fish on my own lure creation
  12. You got me good hammer until I saw the heli launch a missile Good one
  13. Great job guys
  14. Yeah you can do it Paul.... take it one day at a time Good luck dude
  15. Here ya go B.... hope this sticks into your mind for a while Try it
  16. That's one great looking speck and an awesome story Congrats to your buddy and thanks for sharing Al Leechman
  17. Dude you OK??? Sounds like you need to get out fishing I know exactly how you feel B Enjoy
  18. Best Web site on the planet if you ask me.... Great community too
  19. Cool Ben seeing the bend on the rod was just amazing It looked like you were holding a twig
  20. Sounds like fun when you were able to locate them Great job darcyheitzner Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Wow man that's some serious rod action Awesome pics and enjoyed the vid You guys sure put a beating on them whities Great job Simon and Co. Question: were you fishing with an ultra light rod at some point?? Jacques
  22. That was cool seeing that gator take the bait through the hole Congrats trophypikehunter and thansk for sharing Leechman
  23. Welcome to OFC Phil Looking forward to reading your kayak adventures Leechman
  24. Canadian Tire They seem to have a lot more to offer on their shelves then Walmart. Seems like Walmart's getting smaller every year.... but do have better price then CT, not by much but they do. Leechman
  25. Nice mix bag o fish TDunn Love the colors on those specks Thanks for sharing Leechman
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