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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. I don't know if you guys are watching but Chara almost decapitated Pacioretty with a vicious hit The second period was ended while the emergency staff tended to the injured player.... Man I know it's a physical game but does it really has to be that way All I can say is I hope Chara get's a big fine for what he did Hope that Max pulls through
  2. Sweet ride Doug Congrats
  3. skinni, here's a link to get you started Lure Making I've ordered from them before and highly recommend them..... they are top notch!!! Leechman
  4. "Cooking with Yan" is an old cooking show that I used to watch and as soon as I started watching yours, reminded me of it.... hence the quote
  5. Chad, season close March 31st up here.... still lots of fishing opportunities left compared to last year which we had an early thaw Then it's square tails in late April ps Did you get that pic of the big walleye you caught sent to Geoff??
  6. Nicely done Skeet
  7. Got to love surprises B Good on you Mike
  8. A little sneak peek for the up coming event <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2011%2FSneakPeekFishoThonPrize2011.mp4"> Leechman
  9. Geoff, you could always donate your $100.00 to the Mrs Leechman's YBC fund so that she can tag along with my daughter in Saskatchewan j/k j/k You have too many options in my opinion mon ca-pi-ten They're all good choices make your pick
  10. The nerve of some people now a days That's why I always keep everything under lock... Glad that it was only a gas can that was taken and that you found out who Jacques
  11. Serious full action pack fishing episode in the first vid Simon Lots of great looking fishes.... a great mix bag Second video was like watching "Cooking with Yan" except it's with Simon Great recipe dude My mouth is watering right now Awesome job to the both of you Thanks for sharing Jacques
  12. Great report, fish and pics walleyemaster Glad you guys finally connected and shared some fishing time Thanks for sharing Leechman
  13. I got a good chuckle when he went over the bank and kept sinking in Beautiful colors on that shot
  14. Thanks Dan!!! I won't say what the next package will have in it but I'm 150% sure who ever wins it, will be very happy Just like the fisherman below:
  15. Great report and video Andrew Thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  16. Welcome to OFC Glenn Best site on the planet if you ask me!!! Leechman
  17. I will have a little package ready for this when the time comes
  18. Nicely done Lew The stain really bring out the details in that piece
  19. Welcome to OFC Sean Nice steelhead and thanks for sharing the pics with us!!! Looking forward to reading your adventures along the river banks Leechman
  20. Devastating news.... thoughts and prayers goes out to her family.
  21. Nicely done Chris That first laker had some girth to it Congrats Thanks for sharing Jacques
  22. That tom in the second vid was a little heavy eh Thanks for sharing Wayne!!! Jacques
  23. Now there's a nice looking laker Congrats Jasper on the enormous brute
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