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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and excellent pics l2p Thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  2. Sweet!!! Those would be perfect for salties
  3. Sounds like you had fun Copper Got to love having the shoreline to yourself
  4. I don't know yet Carl.... haven't been out that way yet, but will know more on Friday. Lac Leamy has been ice free for some time now so I'm hoping to other lakes will be Freezing rain is on the menu for our area
  5. Photoshop kidding Nice surprise indeed ctranter Congrats
  6. Bill don't forget to bring the auger.... it's a possibility
  7. Happy birthday Brian Hope your having a great one!!!
  8. Leecher


    Well said mon ami Paul In a nutshell... doesn't get much better than that
  9. Well for me up here.... rain or shine.... I'm targetting specks in a lake
  10. Very shocking to hear.... sincerest condolences to his family and friends
  11. Ya can keep it down there eh it's nice and sunny up here now
  12. Thanks Dan!!!
  13. Happy 47th Brian You have yourself a great day!!! and a cold one Dardevle in a box
  14. Thanks Frankie!!! The feeling is mutual... wish I was closer to partake in this great event Hoping that some day I'll join you guys Thanks splash!!! I wish you the best of luck Thanks Twocoda!!! As long as you say "très bien" all is good I'm sure my dad would of loved to be the beholder of this little gift Thanks again mon chum!!!
  15. You can barf all you want still PRICELESS
  16. ONE WORD............... PRICELESS
  17. Thanks SRT8!!!
  18. Thanks Ryan!!! I'm thrilled to hear that it's shaping up to be the biggest and best for this years event I think you guys deserve a big hand of applause for undertaking such responsibilities.... it's guys like you that makes a difference I will send you a pm when I put it into the mail (not now but in July ) talk to you later!!! Thanks Brian!!! Mignon will do.... Très mignon is very well said and appreciated
  19. Thanks Tibbs!!! I'm hoping he / she will
  20. Merci Mon ami Paul!!! About a month's work into it overall
  21. Thanks Loonietoon!!! If you ever win it, I hope you get to use it and catch a biggun with it That would be the ultimate for me Thanks Geoff!!! I knew you would like it
  22. Thanks d_paluch!!! Wish you the best of luck
  23. Thanks Mike!!! This is the very best I put into it
  24. I've been wanting to keep this a secret from you all for the longest time, but today, just couldn't resist Finally finish putting my little contribution together It's been a couple of years already since my dad past away from this terrible disease and to this date, really miss him This event (last years and this year) is the reason I became involved in donating a gift to the Fish-a-thon and truly appreciate Ryan's aka TheUrbanFisherman's efforts (this also include all volunteers.... too many to name but you all know who you are) for raising money toward a worthy cause So this year I wanted to do more.... more in the quality of the product I would deliver and this is what I came out with, enjoy: The crate Inside look Closer I also made a little video for those that enjoy some of my hard rock music selection <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2011%2FFish%2520o%2520Thon%2FFinal%2520Product%2FFish-a-ThonFinalProduct2011.mp4">
  25. Very sorry to hear Dan. Sincerest condolences to you, family and friends.
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