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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks again guys for your kind comments
  2. Welcome to OFC johnny13 Nice brookies you guys caught!!! congratulations Looking forward to reading your future reports Thanks for sharing Leechman
  3. Beauty for sure Great job silverstreak and thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Great report Big Cliff Nothing beats a day out on the water amongst friends... Good times for sure!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Great report and pics l2p You guys sure had them dialed in.... congratulations to everyone Thanks for sharing Leechman
  6. Great report and pics kickingfrog It's always a special time when you get to go fishing with family and makes it even more special landing a few!!! Congratulations to both of you and thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Great report and pics icefisherman That is one beautiful fish!!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Great report and superb pics Bill I know how you feel about getting the gear prep and the tossing and turning.... I don't know why I ask my wife to set the alarm cause I'm always up before it goes off LOL The colors on those brookies are amazing.... real dark!! and the scenery shots are superb Thanks for sharing your adventure with us Leechman
  9. Thanks again guys for your kind replies That trout pic is burnt into my brain and will never forget!!!! Thanks tjsa for sharing!!!! They sure are copycats Good job!!! Congratulations
  10. Congratulations to both of you and to many more!!!! Jacques
  11. Congratulations on the new addition to the family He's a cutie and a keeper Glad that mommy is doing better Congratulations once again Leechman
  12. Right on Spiel Congratulations on that beautiful brown Thanks for sharing Leechman
  13. Good quality feed for ya for sure Thanks for sharing your time out on the water Leechman
  14. Great report and pics Fang Spending quality time with family and sharing the passion.... nothing beats that Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Thanks guys for your kind comments Just finished cleaning the beast and know now why she hit my black furry..... she was running dry..... only had one little minnow in her stomach and nothing else. This is the biggest so far and the season just begun..... tight lines everyone!!! Jacques
  16. Great report and pics jediangler No need to ask you what kind of fight you just had on hooking this brute from that statement "It was 26 inches long and pulled my kayak for 20 yards before I could land it." Congratulations on landing this beauty carp Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. Great report and pics Mike Pike This is one species that I never targeted and will have to make it on the to do list at some point. Congratulations to both of you on landing those beautiful browns Thanks for sharing Leechman
  18. Great report and pics Steve Beauty specks for sure and good table fare Worms are good and another lure of choice for me is a Mepps Black Furry #2 in black and yellow.... a real killer up here
  19. Great report and pics UF Your little one is turning into a pro at catching them good looking pannies Good on ya for taking her out and congratulations to both of you Thanks for sharing this wonderful time with us!!! Leechman
  20. Thanks Musky or Specks!!! Trust me, they are speckles for sure Thanks smokin joe!!! They sure can Thanks Bruce!!!
  21. Well guys, today tackle another lake in hopes of catching more specks.... the plan was for Paul and I to go to our favorite lake for them.... Left home at 6:30am, temperature was 10C with a slight south west wind, made a pit stop to timmies for some hot refreshments and the way we go. Got to destination at around 8:30am and this time around did not have a boat, had to walk around the lake to tackle our hot spots. Man I must be getting old cause my legs a just hurting right now LOL Keep reading you'll understand. It's totally different scenario fishing this lake from shore with a lot of dead fallen trees on shore, hauling our gear through bush very tiring and makes casting our lures something to think about. So I decided to leave my stuff to the first spot I stop to and continue on.... Not 20 minutes went by and make a good cast out, started my retrieve and guess what.... yes the inevitable happens... I get snag on an underwater tree Had to break the line and loose a $6.00 dollar Mepps Now at this point I'm kind of peeved of loosing my lure, that my tackle box is about 100 meters away and have to walk over to get another..... lets just say that once I got back to my first spot and tied on another Mepps, I wasn't going back.... so I stayed where I was and chose another.... Got busy casting the second Mepps and all of sudden I get another snag.... well at least I thought it was until I see my line move to my right I'm like "OK SET THE HOOK!!!" LOL the battle lasted a couple of minutes until I saw this brute surfaced and had to basically handle the rod so that it wouldn't run directly into a sunken tree. Once I was able to beach it's head on shore, I reached with my right hand under it's belly and literally threw it on solid ground LOL Was I ever happy to see this monster out of the water.... Here it is folks, 18" long by 12" girth.... had no scale on hand and don't know what the weight is!!! All I can say is that is the biggest speckle I ever caught on soft water Here's another shot of her This would be the only one we caught all day.... got back home at around 4:00pm. I just can't believe the size of the fish.... All in all was great to be out and thankful that I had to return to my original spot to retie. Hope you enjoy Leechman P.S. Glen aka GCD, I know in my previous report I said that I would make a video of how I clean specks but this one is too big for that.... she's going to give me a couple of big filets
  22. Great report and pics Rattletrap Congratulations on those beauties and thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. Great report and pics Cliff Looks like your daughter has the crappies dialed in!!! Congratulation to her for that big brute Sounds like a fun time was had by everyone.... nothing beats a family outing!!! WTG guys Thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Great report and pics Bruce That carp is a real beauty!!! Congratulations Looks like you had a great time out there and like you said "thank god for plan C" Thanks for sharing Jacques
  25. Great report and pics tizfun Got to love it when the fishies come out to play!! Congratulations and thanks for sharing Leechman
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