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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Great report and pics Minnow Beauty cats for sure Congratulations to you and your Grandpa and thanks for sharing Leechman
  2. Great report, pics and videos Bly Congratulations to all involved :clapping: A lot of work and effort but well worth it!! Thanks for sharing your day with us Leechman
  3. Great work you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  4. Great report and pics Out4Trout Got to love it when the bite is on.... Guess you'll be eating well this afternoon!! Good job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. She must be really proud of being able to spot them and catch them.... good on her Leechman
  6. Welcome to OFC Dave Real beautiful down there!! got to love it living close by the sea Looking forward to your future reports Thanks for sharing Leechman
  7. Great looking eyes todd Thanks for sharing Leechman
  8. Sorry ONPB can't help you on that one but welcome to OFC Leechman
  9. Great report and pic l2p Not so great about the rod got to hate that when it happens Beauty trout for sure!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. Great report and pics Fishmaster Looks like you guys had fun.... Good looking cats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Sweet reward for your efforts Great report and pics Kemp Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Great report and pics Mike Thanks for the preview..... but where's the full report?? I see that you haven't come up with a new pose LOL Leechman
  13. Congratulations Dirk She's a keeper and a real beauty Leechman
  14. I got to hand it to ya Drew.... That is one wicked report :worthy: Been waiting for this one to come and want to say thanks for taking the time to put it together Weather wise up there can get a little crazy and unbearable at times but you certainly know how to plan your escape onto the most beautiful place up north!!! Congratulations for your PB What a beast Congratulations to Bren for her first whitey Beauty and to Agent Stevie Zebco and Uncle Norm on their PB's Jacques
  15. Thanks for sharing the view of the presidential suites with us.... Awesome
  16. That was quite a show of mix bag o fish Steve Loved the smallies and the gators!!!! Thanks for sharing with us Leechman
  17. Great job you guys Some purdy kitties Thanks for sharing Leechman
  18. Going to bed :lol:
  19. Another spoon you can throw is the 5 of diamonds.... cast out and retrieve.... vary the speed like mentioned and sometimes twitch your rod stop and go type. One of the best lures for pike is the spinnerbait.... I like the white and the chartreuse color. Let us know the results Hope this helps Leechman
  20. Terry.... Now that's photoshopped LOL Great job on doubling the herd LOL TJ sure is amazing to see that many on a skidoo trail!!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. What else can you do other than a snowman at this time of year Good on ya for getting your kids involved Thanks for sharing Cudz Great job!!! Leechman
  22. WOW!!!! those are some big kitties for sure Paul's cat on the third pic is a hog..... BIG gut It sure looks like you guys had a blast but looks a little chilly out there Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  23. Real beauty CC congratulations I say that's a well spent few hours on the creek!!! Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Great report and pics Mike Looks like your daughter is having a great time out there.... and happy belated birthday to her What better way of spending the first ride of the year with your loved ones!!! PRICELESS.... Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Great job troutologist Nice looking trout for sure Leechman
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