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Everything posted by Skud

  1. Sick fish! What province?
  2. This atv is my first so I am not too worried about having every option on it. I actually bought it with my 76 year old Dad in mind. He can ride it while I walk this coming moose season. He probably won't care how the engine is fed gas either, as long as he doesn't have to walk 10 km a day to get to and from his hunting spot.
  3. I don't think so
  4. Just bought a 2012 Kodiak 450 EPS. 7k plus tax. No pdi or admin fees. Just in time for hunting aeason
  5. That's sick!! Sweet tanks! I wonder what the mathematical odds are on pulling to 50"ers out in two casts. Unreal
  6. Great report and awesome pics. I am itching to get into some nice Gators soon.
  7. Great report Mike. Love the pics from the top of the mountain. Looks like a lot of big walleye in that lake. The blue/green colour in their fins makes them look tropical. Whats a guy gotta do to get in on a trip like that?
  8. The only person that could answer those questions is Eddie. Give him a call or email him. Conditions on that river can change daily, let alone weekly.
  9. That guy must be in great shape to fight that beast for 1 1/2 hours. Good for him.
  10. Skud


    Bears taste great. Cook him ON your BBQ.
  11. The show they did last on that river was Pym Island with Hurst air. I was also at Eddie's camp when the boys were in shooting a show. Great guys to hang out with and very down to earth. Enjoyed their company. I see nothing wrong with trying new things. At least they know when to pull the plug if it's going down hill. I wish I had a chance to guide them for a day. It had been my 7th time up there since Eddie opened camp and I am getting to know the waters well. I was too busy though building a new cabin for the camp with another member from this board. I voted for Paul.
  12. Thanks for the reminder to all us Dads that every moment we spend with our kids is special. We may at times take seeing our children every day for granted and become to busy for them. Good for you for taking care of your family. In time your son will recognize this, follow in your footsteps and grow up to become a great asset to his family as well.
  13. My son at Eddie North's. A 43" pike
  14. Skud


    Nice Tigers
  15. WOW! What a great multi species trip. Great report. Thanks for sharing
  16. I was up there the week before Walleye Wanderer. You will have endless shallow bays to fish for the pike. Just look for warm water and fresh weed growth. The main channel is pushing loads of water through but there is plenty of current breaks to hold the walleye.
  17. The rain will wash everything off. No worries
  18. Gay x 2 but funny
  19. You're crazy Dude. And just think, you are only a "ghost of your former self" when it comes to time spent fishing. I could almost go except for the fact that I am going up to Nakina for a week at the end of the month. Thanks for lining me up for that by the way.
  20. That cinnamin is one monster bear!
  21. Skud


    WOW!! Great pics. A lot of good times there. Thanks for posting
  22. That is some pretty good action being that shallow after the ice has been gone for so long. Don't go back in the summer and expect the same results. Lady Simcoe can humble you fast. Thanks for the report.
  23. Awesome slabs and great pics as usual. I have yet to hit the soft water. Probably won't until I am on the 'Skat' at the end of May. Have been looking for sheds with the kids also with no luck. Lots of deer sign but no antlers. It has been several years now since I have found one where I hunt.
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