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Everything posted by Skud

  1. Great fish pics Mike. How'd they taste?
  2. Drooling with envy Congrats
  3. Feeling old yet? Congrats Brian
  4. It will be tough to find a good one for that price, even used. Buying a bow and then all the accessories adds up fast. Wolfs Den does usually have used ones for beginners from trade-ins. Just give them a call for stock and prices. They will tell you straight up over the phone.
  5. Bowtech has a great beginners bow (Soldier) and Diamond (by Bowtech) has two different beginners Bows. Nuclear Ice for little kids and Razors Edge for young teens. Wolf's Den west of Barrie always has all three in stock if you want to check them out. I bought my daughter the PSE Chaos because it came in pink and was on sale at Gagnons. All those little bows are pretty damn quick. I have the Bowtech Allegiance.
  6. Beautiful fish those Browns are. Great pics.
  7. I was also out there yesterday in Foot's Bay. My buddy landed two and lost a couple and I got skunked. We fished from 2-7pm. Lots of chasers but light biters, hard to get a good hook set. Will be out next weekend. The ice will hold up for sure. I seen over a dozen trucks driving around out there still. 12 to 16 inches of ice. Lake Joe has been unkind to me this season. Need to have a good outing for closure.
  8. Anybody here catch wind of the postal system? Buy the gun and get it shipped. If you buy a restricted gun in Canada you can wait 2 weeks for an ATT to bring it home or have it sent in the mail and have it in two days. Buy a gun in the US, get it sent up through a broker and then you can have possession of it when it is on Canadian soil.
  9. It wasn't a comedy like Evolution was it? A bug got in the one guys suit but I don't remember an exploding head. There was also 'MARS' with Val Kilmer where there was bugs that also got in peoples suit and into their bodies and fire made them explode.
  11. Great video. Thanks for the report
  12. :dunno: I can't even tell the difference between a Pike and a Musky.
  13. Don't know if this has come up before but the trout I caught today had gobies in it. Has anyone seen this before?
  14. Todays warm weather did not effect the ice at all. The holes actually continued to freeze over. 16 inches of solid black ice under 6 inches of white ice
  15. Sure fun to see them trout rush up, even better when they slam the lure. I caught my two trout in the same time frame. Before that they were just having a look.
  16. Did better than I. Maybe I moved around too much. Good stuff
  17. All finished up and at home. Landed two trout and two whiteys. Put one whitey back because it needs to grow a little bigger. I also thought I would catch another to get my limit but the afternoon was not good to me. Lots of lookers and a few hits that I messed up. I also caught myself a great sunburn on my face. Red lobster! The trout both hit a lipless crank 40 feet off bottom and the whiteys were both caught on a Meegs on bottom. Maybe next year I will get out more then once. Here are the pics Early morning End of the day
  18. Still out here like a shmuck. Have two nice lakers and one whitey in the sled. Just trying to close the deal
  19. One trout, two whiteys and a herring so far. I will get my limit yet
  20. Out here off of the 7th. A few chasers but no hook ups yet
  21. I will still be heading to 9th line. Some did well in the 70-80 fow range for Lakers today. I am on foot so the 1+ km walk will warm me up. If the fishing is slow I am going to run and gun(on foot) towards the 7th line. Tight lines.
  22. Great pics. You most be feeling better these days now that you are getting out on the water again.
  23. Good show. I have spent a lot more hours then you on Simcoe with less results. Great report
  24. Nobody going out?
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