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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. I hear ya Carp. I really don't care to take them kind of risks, but my friends are more into the scene since they live up there. I can remember years ago being in a truck on 8", and on 4" with a Yamaha ET 250 snowmobile.
  2. Gotcha
  3. Thx fer the report, young fella.
  4. Gee, had no idear. Good to hear y'all in good spirits. Elly Mae says she kinda likes ya.
  5. Me and 2 of my friends walked on 2.5 inches of blue ice over 20 feet of river water with a mild current this week-end.
  6. Saturday Jan 20 2007 10:00 Am went out and verified that there was between 3" to 5" of clear blue ice on the Sturgeon River on Minihaha Bay, which is close to our OFC site owner TJ's home! Because it was -22 C, we decided to wait till 3:30 PM b4 going back to fish. This way we would avoid standing around all day advertising our presence to other would be ice anglers, and also spare our fingers and toes from the fridgid temps. I'l tell ya, it was difficult for me to be patient that long. I just wanted to get out there, but waiting made sense. So we headed out. Here is a pic of the open river in the background, under the train tressle, look familiar TJ? Chopping a hole through 4" of ice was very easy with a standard ice chisel. We also used an 8" auger, which required 12-13 turns of the handle to bore through While there we were entertained by some cowboy coming up the open river with one of them fan boats, who proceeded to propel himself onto the ice and head for the boat ramp where 3 hopefull anglers were waiting. Unfortunately the jet boat got stuck when it got close to the landing. It took them till dark to get unstuck, and make his way back from whence he came. . Me: Between the 3 of us, I was the only one who caught our only Walleye for the afternoon, a nice 15.75' er, that was exactly below the slot size (16 inches). My buds were glad that I caught it, since I travelled so far. . Well, that's it. Have to say it was pretty exciting to see my friend Peter Potvin tied around the waste with a rope, with Charly Desbois walking 20 feet behind him, while Peter checked the ice with the ice spud every 10 feet or so. I brought up the rear . Interesting, too, was the fact that the ice got thinner halfway to our destination (2.5") because of the river current in Minihaha Bay. By the time we got to wher we fished, the ice was about 4-5 ".
  7. For those about to guide...................... we salute you ( to be sung a la AC/DC)
  8. Beauty report! Anything kept, or were all released?
  9. Thank you for sharing some pictures we seldom see of wild turkeys in their own enviro. Looks like they are doing well.
  10. Dang, hard to keep yer catch.
  11. Just wonderin' why the critter won't eat the carrots in front of him
  12. I thought when the 1st snow falls rabbits went from brown to white. Apparently this liitle guy, is still waiting...
  13. I used to subscribe to CT's equivalent of CAA, which gives you the towing service, etc, but there is a clause where if you have your vehicle towed to CT, it doesn't affect the kilometrage. Once it was a fuel pump. CT charged me $550. some odd dollars. My friends said I was ripped on that one. Another time I had them replace an alternator, cost was around $350.00. I had a similar alternator replaced on another car at a privately owned shop for $136.00, labour included.
  14. CT will rip you off. They charge way too much.
  15. That's just insane. It's hard to beleive people will stoop that low.
  16. Eeee doggies, that's a fetch a pain yer a settin' on. I've been holdin' up granny from tryin' ta practise her doctor skills on ya.
  17. These charities are very irritating. Why don't they go out and perform a service and earn the money. You can't go grocery shopping, to the beer store, liquor store. or even Tim Hortons without one of them putting the hit on you. If the Cadets are trying to raise money, why don't they canvas the neighborhood, and offer to either shovel your driveway in the winter, or mow your lawn in the summer for the money? I say when people or charities are asking you for money, they have become bums, no different than the ones who come up to your car in Toronto with the styrofoam cup.
  18. Years ago, my drunk bros drove his car across Cache Bay on 8" of ice You could hear the ice cracking and moaning but he never broke through.
  19. The thinner the line diameter, the more turns. Eg: 6lb test (mono) may require about 12 turns around the hook shank, 10lb test might only need 8.
  20. Fuel pump
  21. Yeah, me too. By the looks of it, I would say it is open water. How can you tell what's ice or open water?
  22. Good stuff! Mind tellin me what type of camera, etc?
  23. The one allows two people to share the torque load of cutting the ice, the other doesn't. I posted the pics that show the two models.
  24. I found the spearfishing vid in poor taste, but the Ice fishing one was good.
  25. Ohhh, that looks niiiiice!
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