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Chuck Best

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Everything posted by Chuck Best

  1. It was good to meet you too Rich,If we could have controlled the weather and the bugs,it would have been perfect....When you come up next year,bring your wife and leave the bats there.....lol......TC and tight lines....
  2. Hey Graham.......just got done unpacking.....What a great time.....was great seeing you and everyone again and thx again for that SPECIAL jig....lol....it worked the magic a few more times this week.....TC and can't wait till next year......Chuck and Shelley.....
  3. Hey Gunsmith,glad you to have you aboard.....the more the merrier....TC and tight lines.....
  4. Thanks to all who replied,We went and had a look at the princecraft last night,and she's a beauty,normal scuffing was noticed,but she's clean,and now they're throwing in 2 downrigger rods with Okuma countrer reels and a Sea-doo doughnut with the rope and even oil to boot.All in all,I think it's worth every dime he wants,but I still kinda stuck on having a walk though with a top....Thx again to all who answered....TC and tight lines Chuck and Shelley.........
  5. Homers rule says,Leaves of three,let it be.....Leaves of four,eat some more.........lol.....TC and tight lines all....Chuck....
  6. Our condolences Lew,he will surely be missed by many.......TC and tight lines all.......Chuck and Shelley.....
  7. Sure hate to hear those horror stories,Wayne,You mentioned that the wiring was done by an 8 yr. old and it sounds like their younger sibling did the PDI on your rig.....Sure hope Lund gets on the ball,so your next trip is more pleasant.I think I'd be writing letters for a week.....Here's to hoping they cure their problems......TC and tight lines........Chuck.
  8. Glad to hear everything worked out fine bud.......Here's to hoping we never have to do that again....TC and tight lines.....Chuck.....
  9. Way to go buddy.....Glad to see everything got installed and works good.....We'll do that Simcoe thing next week.....Just call ahead.......TC and tight lines.....Chuck....
  10. I just tried to call our reservations in ,but got the machine.......We'll be there Tuesday till monday.....See ya's all there....TC and tight lines .......Chuck and Shelley.....
  11. Very sorry to hear of your loss Brian.All our condolences to you and yours......On the other hand ,that's quite a feat in todays society,here'e hoping for another 25.........TC and tiight lines....Chuck.....
  12. Beauty report and pics Scotty.Sorry I never made it down before opener and now I'm gearing up for our Shelter Valley Weekend...AAAAHHHH....Can't wait........TC and tight lines all......Chuck.....
  13. Glad to hear that the repair went well and you's even got time to wet a line,Way to go guys.......TC and tight lines ......Chuck.....
  14. Ouch,those ribs are the worst .....Here's to hoping for a speedy recovery with no ill effects.....TC all and tight lines.....Chuck
  15. Glad to hear you doing fine,and yes ,I'm sure it's the fishin' and hunting that keeps us in shape.They were all amazed when I got out of bed after 3 days and home bound in 10......It's got to be the lifesyle......Keep it up....TC and tight lines.....Chuck....
  16. WHAT....We didn't get all 5.....no rice rockets or Goats...lol.....And an oil drip got in....boy oh boy...what's this world coming too???.....lol.....TC and tight lines all....Chuck...
  17. Nice choice Roger....I'm sure she'll bring years of happiness and TONS of fish......TC and tight lines Chuck...
  18. Glad to hear that she worked out just fine on her maiden voyage,boy she 's a beauty,I thought I'd call ,but when I read about the journey you were embarking on ,I thought I'd better wait till tonight...lol....TC and ttyt.....Chuck...
  19. I know the river well and was actually thinking of heading there this morning.....HHHHMMMMM....should I stay or should I go NOW......OK now I'm really thinkin'....lol....TC and tight lines.....Chuck....
  20. I checked out the "Guillotines 'at the Wolf's den and the bolts you use must be longer than the foot stir-up of you bow,so I'll be using the "Thunderheads",I use for deer....TC and tight lines.........Chuck....
  21. All the "BEST"today DouGy....and many,many more to ya.....
  22. Buddy of mine works in Newmarket,they clean them spottless......I'll call him tonight...watch for a PM......TC and tight kines....
  23. That's it Roy.......Make them all memorable........LOL@ Big Cliff..............TC all and Tight lines.....Chuck.............
  24. I got to say "Hi" to them this year as Don brought them by "The little Green hut",but it was cold as a witch's !*! that day and windier than beside a fan............so we never got to talk much......Chuck
  25. All the "Best" on this day to you and may you have many many more....
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