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Everything posted by Syn

  1. Pike don't give a crap if its wire or flouro, if they are hungry they will bite (they are the thugs of the fishing world) but imo fluro does give me confidence that they will be more likely to bite. Perhaps flouro may increase my bite ratio....perhaps. I like flouro because it does not kink so easily like wire and I heard its safer for the pike (and musky) if it trys to roll itself in the leader. Anyhow I use 12-18" for casting and 24-36" for trolling (just letting the lure out not casting it). Really hard to do accurate casts with 2ft of leader and a 3oz+ lure.
  2. R/C helicopter fishing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFalTelvMow...feature=related
  3. Related question: I want to order a few animal products from the States (bunnybou rabbit strips), but I read on an American fly fishing supply website: "Orders shipped outside the U.S. containing animal products such as feathers, hairs, furs, skins, etc. will automatically incur a $49.00 health certificate fee. All foreign governments require this certificate for animal products entering their countries." Anyone order any flyfishing stuff (animal products) from the US and charged a health certificate fee? tia
  4. .
  5. Great reporting and pics . Amazing colour pattern on those fish. Never knew Ling Cod was so near Barrie. Thought you were catching them somewhere way up north at first. Looks like a prehistoric walleye. Does it even taste like a walleye or something totally different? :thumbsup_anim:
  6. Incredible pictures. 7 miles out with seatbelts off and windows open (just in case). Planes on the ice too. My jaw dropped. Quite the adventure. Glad to see you all had a great time.
  7. Awesome we finally got a name for it. I was thinking of doing Zonker strips on the wire and first 4/0 trailer hook. That rear treble could use a bit of shrink hose too. Another picture of it. http://mariau.fr/phpBB_peche/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=98 edit: wanted to edit not add new post doh. After doing lots of research I thnk I'm going to buy HARELINE magnum rabbit strips from bass pro or online. Crosscut for the body and lengthwise cuts for the twin tails I think. http://vodpod.com/watch/3157784-fly-tying-...disfly&mp=1 Cool catalogue--> http://www.epaperflip.com/aglaia/viewer.as...mp;page=1 edit, another hairy killer video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xm_jWr-ZhRc&feature=player_embedded
  8. Hit and miss. Sometimes overestimated by $30 on orders of $180. No idea why. ALso note the exchange rate is not up to date. Wish we were still at $1.03, but were creeping back up there latest purchases at $0.94.. Thats another important point too. Last night my USA purchase rate 0.943 pal pal/bank. online xchange rates 1.00 CAD=0.970356 USD. Final cost website 1.0286. On $300 that will be about $26 difference between highest and lowest exchange rates.
  9. You can use this website to get an estimate of the total. http://www.thefinalcost.com/ I suggest shipping with USPS ONLY (with tracking # for expensive items) or you will be bent over and rogered by UPS/FEDX and the amount they charge for brokerage. Items under $20-$25 don't think it matters who you ship with because there maybe not brokerage or very little. Still waiting for my final bills from Candapost which can take up to 6 months to come on my latest purchases. Some times in the past I have purchased from the states and Candapost never charged me anything lol on $60 items. UPS usually you pay the brokerage when they deliver it to you, and you will have this expression on your face when he hands you the bill --> You really have to weigh the pros and cons. Is the item made in the USA? What about warranty is it still valid (eg fishing reel)? Whats the return policy and will it cost you more than if you bought it locally and need to exchange the size. Ideally if you have a family member or friend who lives in the USA and can ship it to you that would be the best option imo.
  10. I'm gonna try making one with a wood head. I'll see what home depot has in the way of small wooden drawer knobs. IMO wood would be more sturdy to use than cork for pike teeth and will cast further. I could use cork on the wire near the rear to keep it horizontal. Don't know. It will take some playing around with for sure. Some clear epoxy over a painted wood head. It will have to be a neutrally buoyant wood, or slightly sinking, I think the epoxy might make it more bouyant, not sure. I tried googling BFT european/scndinavian, and strike pro, can't quite find that fly though.
  11. I think its because computer questions are far more frequent than bath tub or reno questions in this forum, especially since a properly working computer is essential to accessing OFC and having a functioning bathtub is not Oh snap!
  12. That looked pretty cool. Saw it again in this video at 4:30 Its the red worm like thing that fluffs out underwater. Its cool how you can cast it out with spinning gear and it jut suspends. I will try to build one if I understand the weighting and boyancy system. Maybe cork and lead weight? Looked like wire going to the rear hook. ANyhow we need a name and some close up pics of it. Looks like marabou type. I'm suspecting it has something to do with BFT big fish tackle? I can clearly see a larger treble on the rear with a split ring and possibly wire. Wonder whats on the front for buoyancy/weight? Looks like painted green wood with eyes on it.
  13. For reference to price: Was just looking at the BPS flyer, Sedona $54.94 after $15 rebate. Daiwa regal Xia $50. Daiwa Exceler $ $70. Also seeing purple Rapala tail dancers for you walleye guys that were hoarding them.
  14. Nice report and pictures. Boy do those pike and smallies look chunky and healthy. Looks like they've been fed well.
  15. He couldn't help it. That wobble was so tantalizing I'd bite it too.
  16. What size you getting, 2500? IMO That's a good size for bass and pike, walleyes. Don't know if they make a 3000 sedona that would be a good size too if available, same weight and extra spool capacity, same drag weight too (using stradics as reference since I don't see a sedona 3000 here http://fish.shimano.com/publish/content/gl.../Sedona_FB.html. The sedonas I have are all 2000/4000. A 4000 is a bit heavy for all day bassing imo. I just use it with 50 lb braid when hunting bigger pike with spinner baits. Yes we had a huge ass thread about shimano VS reel trade in program. Results: Shimano USA not participating. Shimano Canada BPS Vaughn IS participating. So you're good to go.
  17. That first pic looks like you've found a little piece of heaven. Very nice scenery. Congrats.
  18. Just in case you didn't hear about it: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=41150
  19. Thanks for giving us an heads up TJ! You guys want to try Chatroulette in the meantime http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/77...-web-cam-creeps
  20. bumping this 1 month old thread. Any idea when the chat will be fixed.
  21. yeah true ice fishing. I love my 500 for panfish/small trout and use 4lb. I did not know what to do with the spare spool, so I filled it with 6lb lol . 8lb floro had too much spring for the 500 spool size. I've been spinning in my hand my new stradic 2500 fi and my older sedona 2000. lol. LD17 Save up and go for a stradic fi or the mgfa stradic if you find it cheaply on clearance. It comes with a spare AL spool too. The sedona about $72, if you find the stradic mgfa for $100 you'll have a sweet fishing summer and well worth the $30 difference. IIRC there was a thread mentioning a store with the mgfa on clearance. Although ebay is an option too.
  22. How badly do you need the extra spool and how much does it cost for one. The sedonas slightly more advanced design with the propulsion system and lighter IIRC but missing the extra spool. Did you physically have both in your hands to try? I'll tell you a spare spool sure is handy with a 2000/2500, not so handy with a 500.
  23. I feel sorry for the guy but he was well aware of the risks. Wonder if a cell phone could have saved his life (assuming reception works).
  24. Its my fault for not being 100% clear. "grey" is a sales term, it has nothing to do with prohibited by law or not. The baton (non prohibited version) is a grey market item. (edit: there are different versions to the exact definition of "grey market" depending on the item to be purchased but the point is "grey" has nothing to do with prohibited/non prohibited and everything to do with sales). "grey" 100% legal to sell, but government and police are making it harder for you to buy it by cutting supply in some areas (especially crime ridden). The spring loaded baton black market item. For example: In my area we had a variety store that sold lotto tickets/food/ sweaters and hats. He also had a glass case full of knives, batons and other edged weapons, and fighting sticks (which i still have). I came back months later all that was gone. Why? Owner told me cops came and basically harassed him into not selling it any more. Told him about teenagers buying and committing crimes in the area, school stabbings, etc. He could have told the cops off but he probably weighed the pros and cons and decided not to sell anymore. I'm finding government and the police being more restrictive in how easily the general public buys weapons. edit: exact same thing in the airsoft market (over 18). The guns look so real and have been used in holdups. They are legal to sell provided you have the proper licenses but police and government would rather not see them being sold so readily and openly especially in the city. Here is what I wrote: "Sure you can find it in store but the ASP is a grey item. I can go downtown and buy brass knuckles (prohibited) even seen them in store windows in the past. Since its not a spring loaded baton you can buy it legally, but many reputable security stores that sell batons ask for ID, security lic and proof you took the baton course or they won't sell you it. The baton you have is not prohibited because its not spring loaded, so they can sell it legally." "if the baton and holster are 100% visible it is not possible for you to get nailed with concealed weapon. as long as you use it for dog defense the cops cant do squat." You can be charged with other offenses and it will depend on the officer and on which part of Ontario you get stopped by police with your baton. There is no way I'm going to walk around with a visible baton. To get to my local park I have to walk 5 minutes down a sidewalk passing kids going to school, people waiting for the bus with a baton. My park (humber river) has had rapes committed with the use of weapons in the past and there is a conservation and real police officers roaming the asphalt trail. one example in the tread from blue line forum http://forums.blueline.ca/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=2225 "If I found someone carrying an ASP baton, I would definitely lay a charge under 88.(1) of the CC, Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose. The elements of the offence are proof of possession, and that the purpose of possession was one dangerous to the public peace. With an ASP baton, there is little doubt what you a carrying it for, to hit someone with it. With the singular use of the ASP, I would argue that the only reason for carrying it would be for a purpose dangerous to public peace. The annontations, state that the section does not prevent someone from arming themselves for self protection, that an offence is not committed under this section if the accused is carrying an appropriate instrument to lawfully repel a reasonable attack, and that the accused is competent to handle the weapon, and is likely to use it responsibly. The charge would probably go to trial, but a reasonably competent crown should be able to illustrate the training necessary for police to be able to carry the baton, and talk about the no hit areas such as the head, spine etc. If the accused does not have specific training in the ASP, it could be argued that the accused is not competent in handling it, and thus committed an offence. It should be noted that a conviction under this section can bring a weapons prohibition order. " Post by Grum "N" division, on horseback So you see, you can still be charged. Cop could just give you a speech and say bye. Or charges are dropped immediately or could go to trial. You will say you were going to use it to to repel against coyotes and the officer and crown will argue about you baton certification, the specific use of a baton (not recognized and marketed as a wild animal defense), how many coyotes you have defended against in the past and even that a baton is a poor weapon of choice against wild animals because the baton is so short you have to get in really close to strike. You will argue it was for self defense, crown will argue you were being dangerous to public peace especially if some one had called to complain and people to being intimidated by you and seeing the baton. edit: I'll be seeing an officer later this week (family) so I'll bring it up. Please do the same with an officer in your area. I would not be surprised if we get different answers because there is no such thing as 100% consistency in application of the law. In the end I still think a baton is not a very good choice for wild animal defense. If it were 100% guaranteed not to get charged, I would carry a walking stick sword for wild animal defense because its lighter to swing and has twice the reach of a baton and its sharp. but if it were legal to carry around a sword then I'd upgrade to an AK-47.
  25. fishing 24/7 I take issue with miss stephanie out-fishing you most of the time in your postings. Come on you're making us males look bad. kudos to her. I enjoy your posts and from the smiles on your faces its nice to see you're all having a good time fishing.
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