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Everything posted by Syn

  1. NOW: Clear ziplock bags, sometimes I double bag if they are gulp. The bags themselves weigh practically nothing compared to a plastic box and I can easily add or remove what I don't need. eg Don't need leaches today, plastic bag of leaches taken out, without getting my hands messy. I store all the plastics for the day in larger nylon lunch bag. Before: The plano 4700 to store all my plastics. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/descpage-PGSTT47.html But it was just too much to carry around sometimes if I'm using 2-3 different types of plastic worms/grubs. Fully adjustable box and it was about $15 with two levels.
  2. +1 But I can't be absolutely sure its foam because I never held a CI4 (looks like foam though). The rubbery paddle handle I like even better than the old type round type wood handle. On my old stradics I would file down of both sides of the wood paddles and re-schlac them. pic
  3. lol yeah love Ebay! Awesomely picked up a stradic 2500 Fi for $100+shipping and a decent muskie 8'6" IM7 rod for $36+shipping, not to mention all the one of a kind painted muskie gliders.
  4. I think a 2500 is sweet for bass or 3000/4000 for bigger pike would be good sizes.
  5. Again that has nothing to do with the Shimano not participating in the reel for kids program. If the original post said "Shimano Canada" or "Vaughn BPS" then you would be correct but it does not. I am not talking what JPD said. I know he is talking about BPS Vaughn from his comment. I am responding to you and your comment which was "When this entire topic was about the BPS store in Vaughan, why are you assuming that he is talking about anything else BUT Shimano Canada?" The entire topic is not about "BPS store in Vaughan". If you read the original post again it says "Shimano" and "BPS" not "Shimano Canada" or "Vaughn BPS" and since BPS AND Shimano are both international companies then it is valid to include other countries besides Canada for discussion.
  6. What does that have anything to do with the discussion of "Shimano and their participation the kids reel program." The original post has NO mention of Shimano Canada. Shimano is an International company, just because it does not effect me personally, does not mean I should close my eyes. We live in a global economy and about half my stuff now comes from American retailers. There is not guarantee that Shimano Canada won't stop participation in the next few years. I hope not. edit: This Shimano thread for me (won't presume to tell others to shut up, that would be rude) does have a political tinge to it because Shimano is an huge international company. Should I not care if it happens outside our Canadian border?
  7. hmm nothing in the original post stating "Canada" or "Vaughn" so why are you assuming it only about Shimano Canada for discussion?
  8. Sorry JPD but this part of your comment does not sit well with me "Should the whining about Shimano not participating in the reel trade in at BPS stop... YES! " Its not right to stifle other peoples opinions. Shimano US is NOT participating in the reel program when all other reel manufacturers are. I have loved Shimano products for many years beginning with Shimano derailleurs and groupos in the mid 80's, moving onwards to their fishing reels. I love technology and Shimano has been at the forefront at adding new reel features although that won't necessarily make me a better fisherman lol. Even recently got yet another Stradic added to my gear. But at the same time Shimano is making money hand over fist in the International market. Its nice that Shimano Canada is participating but compared to the American market we are small fry. Shimano US is NOT participating in the reel program and this will influence my future purchases of Shimano products in the future. I was really surprised by Shimano not giving a spare graphite spool with their $114 reel. Really? How much does a graphite spool cost them? They'd rather sell the spare retail for $15-20. Them not participating in the reel for kids program is yet another dick move. I just don't like the direction Shimano is going.
  9. Great Job JAQUES. You have an good idea and then make it happen. The tip up looks like its ready to be sold in stores.
  10. Still its a dick move by Shimano. Considering the stradic now pushes just over $200. Ebay is always an option. Can get a stradic shipped for about $140-150 and warranty is still valid.
  11. Can't believe a huge company like shimano with tons of money would not want to help kids in the reel program. Wonder what their excuse is. Pretty greedy if you ask me. Feeling a bit of regret on my latest purchase. Also noticed they stopped including spare spools on midrange reels like the symetre.
  12. zip file? Did you look inside the zip? Maybe you have to extract it.
  13. Theres always http://www.ibycus.com/ibycustopo/ for "older" garmin. Might work for lowrance too, not sure.
  14. Try the fish tank they have at Loblaws. You can even see them biting. I'm only jabbin ya, so you better not leave, I like you posting style.
  15. Awesomely entertaining report chickenhawk. Thanks for taking the time to post all that. Feel so lucky I live in Ontario, we have some awesome fishing here.
  16. ah ok. I think you are becoming addicted to fishing like the rest of us lol. Can't wait til summer! Yep do like Raf said and if you can put the reel on the rod and then check how the whole set up feels.
  17. Guess you are buying from the states cause the Canadian market BPS Spring Classic sale is from March 12-28 (reel trade in March 12-17) http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...rade_in_can.cfm
  18. Hope you reconsider leaving. Thought your posts were cool. True sharing is sharing and expecting nothing in return. If I had to rely on any internet forum for my daily dose of happiness then I'd know I'm missing something important in my real world.
  19. Thread title is misleading. Was expecting to see virtual fish!
  20. Shimano Stradic 1000 spinning reel, 4lb flouro, 5'5" UL Old Sienna rod <---can even shoot heavier flies with 4lb line to 20 feet. Fun times with crappie and small trout. Shimano Symetre 2000/4000 spinning reel, 30lb braid with 20 flouro leader/ 50lb braid 80lb flouro leader, 7" MH IM7 Daiwa. <---Bass, pike. 8'6" XH IM7 Rod, still shopping for muskie reel.
  21. Personally it would not be my first choice for muskie looks more like a bass reel to me. Anyhow, people catch muskie on their walleye gear all the time. Here are the specs:link to reel
  22. Did they mention what shipper? If its USPS then thats a good deal.
  23. The rod action between companies for the same action probably varies due to what material is used. IM7, IM8, Glass, etc. If I find that the rod action is too heavy, well then, I'm going to have to catch larger fish.
  24. Rotating shifts now then probably back to steady nights in a month. I love working steady nights though (working rotating shifts is brutal). Love going home at 8am and watching everyone else rushing to work, sleep about 6hrs then go shopping during the day feeling like I have slept in and have the day off lol. So beautiful watching the sun come up in the morning and hearing the birds begin to chirp at 3:30am.
  25. Cliff you're an inspiration to us slightly younger guys who are sometimes afraid to take on a new challenge because we think we are too old. Congratulations!
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