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Everything posted by cram

  1. That looks different from the blue walleye i've caught. Maybe just how it's expressed on a pike
  2. cram


    Had him as well. Thought he was doing the best (and didn't think it was even close). Him and that Florida guy (or wherever he's from) seemed the most balanced and comfortable (relatively speaking).
  3. cram


    Is anyone else watching Alone on the History channel? There are lots of "outdoor survival" type shows on the tube, but to me this one is easily the best. The premise is simple -- drop 10 guys on Vancouver Island (individually) to fend for themselves with limited supplies, and the last one to call for rescue wins $500k.. It's not as spiced up or action-filled as a Bear Gryllis or Survivor Man show....but maybe that's a good thing. Just 10 guys trying to outlast each other while freezing, starving, or scared to death from the bears/wolves/mountain lions wandering around their camps. Anyway, worth checking out if you haven't seen it. Recommend you watch from the beginning of the season if you can. http://www.history.ca/alone/
  4. They sell like hotcakes so watch out for the breeders who are just pumping them out as fast as they can. Try to find a breeder who gives a crap about the results of their work (esp around temperament). Most important, meet the parents if you can and see what they're like.
  5. Have seen lots of blue tinged walleye. Apparently it's a pigment in their slime. May be something similar?
  6. Maybe white balls let light through.
  7. Neat idea. I wonder why they used black balls (which are going to collect a lot of heat) instead of a lighter colour.
  8. I wouldn't be so quick to blame the cottage owners. Years ago the MNR stopped maintaining the boat launch on the lake our cottage is on, and told residents they could pay to maintain it or just give it up. It was that way for a long time, and the MNR eventually took it back (not sure what changed). Maybe the same thing happened there and the residents weren't given the option or just didn't want it....
  9. Ha - that's funny.
  10. Awesome.
  11. Awesome fish dude. You sure know how to do it up. (was kidding about the pics - I have never been to and will likely never make it to LOTW).
  12. So what you're saying is......we should all be heading over to Fisherpete's LOTW report and stealing his spots?
  13. Can't imagine the pain you and your family are going through. Really, really sorry.
  14. Forget the name of it but there is a mold/mildew removing chemical at Home Depot under their white label brand (HDX?), I think. Used it on a bouncy castle that was put away wet, and it cleared it right up seemingly without harming the nylon. You'd want to do a spot test to ensure it doesn't wreck your fabric. Edited to add - think this was the stuff here. http://www.homedepot.com/p/HDX-128-oz-Mold-Stain-and-Mildew-Stain-Cleaner-HDXMM128/203458649
  15. You can likely get a lot of work done on your own for the difference in price btwn new and used. Plus what good is a warranty if you're on the road and nowhere near the trailer manufacturer (or one of their dealers).
  16. I don't know if it'll keep them away, but has he tried bear bangers?
  17. I bet that got the adrenaline going!!
  18. Good point about suckers etc. I actually learned about the plastics on this site, probably this thread - http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=67994&hl=%20trout%20%20plastic
  19. Gotcha. I didn't know that. Curious though - if you cleaned a trout or a walleye with a belly full of old gulp worms, would you still eat the fish?
  20. Nice looking fish. You guys are well into double digits on 2 trips....not a bad year so far!
  21. I'm sure every lake is different, but we've had a lot of luck with leeches as well.
  22. http://www.bassmaster.com/news/dont-discard-soft-plastics-they-can-kill http://www.oodmag.com/fishing/troutplastics/
  23. Fish eat them and they don't digest well.
  24. Why not use minnows instead? It's better for the lake.
  25. Did you check wholesale sports?
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