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Everything posted by cram

  1. Why do you guys investors want to buy into Hydro One?
  2. The whole 15% richest thing is a complete lie. http://www.macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/new-numbers-on-who-wins-from-income-splitting/ 2/3 of the families benefiting are below the average income for 2 parent family households (~120k.) 2/3 of the overall financial benefit goes to that same pool. Trudeau painted it as a benefit for the rich, but it actually serves the middle class pretty well.
  3. His math on those tax hikes applied to that family. Not everyone in Canada. I'm no fan of Stephen Harper, but some of the math that Trudeau is selling you guys as fact is just wrong. The "putting money in the pockets of 9/10 households" just doesn't seem possible to me. The income splitting benefits almost 70% of 2 parent families, not "the richest 15% of Canadians". That whole concept is a complete lie. A family with 2 parents, 2 kids will lose: - up to 2k in income splitting - up to 10k in TFSA room If combined to earn over 150k they're losing $2400 in UCCB So if you make >150k as a family, know that you're 4400+ in the hole next year, plus whatever future benefit you would have seen from 10k in TFSA contributions. I'm not saying Harper is a better option, just pointing out that Trudeau isn't being completely truthful here either.
  4. The fed drives stimulus programs The provincial govs don't?
  5. Did you actually read the article? It didn't really refute the math at all? Just said it won't apply that way to all families the way it applied to that one.
  6. Yet he's going to be elected. Open your wallets, folks.
  7. Marshmallow!
  8. Yep, it does That article brings up a good point -- good luck getting doctors to move to New Brunswick when the combined tax rate is >58%. Holy cow. Combine that with what's happening in Ontario with doctors getting squeeze by the provincial gov and you're not making those guys feel very welcome.
  9. Trudeau has built an entire campaign around it, and he can't define it. The income splitting witch hunt was especially ridiculous.
  10. Looks like a Liberal minority.
  11. If you like east coast oysters, this is the best time of year for them.
  12. http://www.vox.com/2015/8/24/9183525/gun-violence-statistics
  13. There's the tinfoil hat again.
  14. We do? I thought it was for vehicles. Not arms.
  15. Certainly better than our options. Quick - someone convince him to throw his hat in the ring for Oct 19th.
  16. Saw this on my twitter feed and thought it was pretty topical. It's well worth 10 seconds to view the charts if you haven't seen this stuff already. http://www.vox.com/2015/8/24/9183525/gun-violence-statistics
  17. Wouldn't want to roll over on one of those grenades.
  18. Is this what you guys wear to bed at night so that you're ready just in case?
  19. If someone was hurting you or your family, would the dogs react differently?
  20. Or Manitou - you need to tame that bear that likes to visit your front lawn, it can be your guard dog.
  21. Chances are no one on this board will ever have to use one. In fact, chances are pretty good that no one one this board knows anyone or has a family member who has had to worry about it. If you're worried, get a dog. Speaking of which - Manitou, how did your intruder get past your dogs?
  22. No one knows what he does with the $. For all you know he's supporting a family member with medical costs or something. (or he's blowing it at the local casino.......my point is without knowing, who are we to judge?)
  23. Rick -- were you wearing a tinfoil hat yesterday? Holy cow. For those JT fans out there, this is a pretty good interview from CTV yesterday. Especially 7:20 and on....http://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=708807
  24. Nice healthy looking fish!
  25. They used to. What musky could resist this?
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