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Everything posted by cram

  1. Bad apple in every barrel.
  2. Brush wolves are half that size. Maybe a timber wolf.
  3. Your personal time to download is likely worth a lot more than the cost of a monthly netflix membership.
  4. Dax - ask your doctor about Flonase.
  5. Another beauty.
  6. Saltwater drum (like redfish) aren't bad. No idea what the freshwater ones are like. Funny though how "poor man's lobster" is always a terribly ugly fish. The other "poor man's lobster" is monkfish, and it's really tasty.
  7. Further, you know your friend. Is he one to steal? If so, then you can assume that's what happened. But if not, isn't it more likely just a mixup?
  8. I wouldn't assume he stole it. Is there any chance it was just mixed up with his daughter's rod and they didn't know any better? I have a rod in my garage that isn't mine, and I have no idea who owns it. I certainly didn't steal it....expect it was left there by a friend after a trip. I don't use it (assume someone will recognize and claim it one day), but a kid may not know the difference. Either way, I would do is send him a note or email saying something along the lines of: "I didn't want to mention this in the boat with your son, but I'm 90% sure the rod he was using was one I had misplaced a while ago. Is there any chance you or your daughter mixed it up with hers? If you look up that model online you'll find it's likely not the one you bought for $60".
  9. bull shark
  10. Not a squirrel, mosquito. This was less than 15 feet for me and froze, with a birch tree behind it. Then ran along the hedge for 20 feet. Got a really good look.
  11. Ha....or our MPP. I think it's a mink though, based on pics. Just kind of surprised as we aren't that close to the water.
  12. Nice. Certainly got the conversations going. Speaking of animal sightings......had some sort of weasel in my backyard in Oakville today. Dark brown throughout (didn't see a white belly, though i could have just missed it). Not very big (maybe 1.5 feet long including tail). I'm a couple of blocks up from the lake so not exactly far, but not close either. Any ideas?
  13. If you read my posts they say I believe it works. I follow the solunar tables. I just don't get *why* it works.
  14. Couldn't it also just be a fake? The timing (perfectly in line with him finishing his intro) is pretty peculiar.
  15. Okay....up and down ocean tides move bait, shrimp/crabs, etc. Do inland tides on small lakes do that? I have a hard time believing it. And why does a full moon or new moon (or moon underfoot, overhead) have an impact? I completely 100% believe it does. Just don't get WHY it would affect a fish.
  16. Has anyone figured out why this stuff works? I believe it does, but I can't figure out: - why a moon's position would have an impact on inland fish. There are no tides to push bait or create chaos. - how the fish feel barometric pressure either way. They're under water, where I assume the above-water changes are either impossible or near impossible to detect (or not, apparently).
  17. The date on that is April 1st. :-) I have heard of Bull Sharks in the St Lawrence though.....maybe just recycled from that (probbaly fake) story. Who knows.
  18. There are bull sharks in the St Lawrence, so maybe....
  19. Some of my very best childhood memories were at provincial parks. Good for you - the kids will have a blast.
  20. Elephants, dolphins, gorillas, etc certainly/absolutely mourn their dead, and it is believed they have some understanding of mortality. I'm not sure what you consider communicating complex and abstract ideas, but dolphins, whales, and chimps teach one another how to use tools, or different hunting strategies. It's believed they communicate this, and learn. The part of the brain responsible for a lot of this is the neocortex. We have a big and complicated one. Fish don't even have one. Even if they feel pain, they likely don't perceive or ponder it like we do. Anyone who's had a dog experience death has seen them mourn. As for the P3TA comment above from Manitoubass.....i think pigs are very smart, but know i"ll be bbq'ing a few racks of ribs tomorrow afternoon.
  21. I think you're right about fish (no conscience at all, more "instinctual" than thinking), but elephants, dolphins, whales, primates, and even pigs are a lot more sentient than you're giving them credit for.
  22. Should have fined them 4000 each. Or 5x as much.
  23. Nice fish! Clean and healthy looking too.
  24. You realize that the governing party can just call an election, right? They didn't need a non confidence vote. In fact, I think Wynne pre-empted the vote by calling an election in advance. She put that budget forward to get the NDPs to keep them in power. Same reason she added taxes to her budget last year (to get the NDP onside). It didn't work and we went to an election anyway, and the rest is history. The one good thing out of them having a majority is they won't have to appease the NDP to get anything passed through. Hopefully that means they'll dial back a little bit.
  25. Income tax in Nova Scotia is much, MUCH higher than Ontario.
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