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Everything posted by jwl

  1. they mihgt want to add this one too
  2. oh definately have to keep them painted, the ones in my refference to Echo Lake where painted bright red and yellow we always called them the Ronald McDonald boats ,probably also a good detterrant for theft. The one we had was also pretty damn ugly..red and gray
  3. jwl

    Feb 8th

    just fortunate enough to have the better part of 30 years experience fishing that water, and also to fish with a bunch of great guys who also know the river very well. We hop on eachother's boats for the day, or get groups of boats together out there for a day's mission,hit the banks, hike the gorge and put in alot of time each cold weather season. We all learn stuff all the time out there, compare notes and share tactics all the time. There is a pretty hardcore group of anglers I fish with over the years, all of us get out there in all sorts of conditions during the cold water season. Believe me if some guys make it look easy...they put in alot of time, leg work,lost or broken tackle, bumps bruises,scratched boats,dinged props ect...along the way. Some days are easy, others you really have to put your knowledge to use to get into a fish, it's a big river with lots of variables out there
  4. ya that totally reminds me of the ones we used to rent to fish Echo Lake we would bring our own motor and gas so we didn't have to haul a boat all the way, and the people who rented us the boat where a great ole couple who only charged us $10 for the whole day..dark..til dark anyways we used to laugh all the time and flip for who was going to be the driver that day becasue even if there was a bit of chop on the water, the person in the fron always got totally soaked
  5. if you take the time to read the forum around a bit and read back many old posts, you will probably find that most people tend to practice CPR. I myself maybe keep 1% of the fish I catch for the table, and of that generally speaking a portion of those are given away to people I know that don't get out much or have much luck but enjoy a meal once in a while many members of this forum, myself included also do things to give back to our sport like volunteering time for conservation. I am involved in an annual stocking program in my area. You may be seeing alot of people's catch and keep posts this time of year becasue it's the ice fishing season, and may people get together and kick in to pay for annual trips out to different areas, and thus tend to bring home a good haul of fish for thier rewards. I would tend to think that for the most part a huge percentage of anglers are catch and release fisherpeople. Good to get a report and opinion along the way from another side of the world
  6. I used to have a 14 footer steel boat, and also used to rent one alot and we brought our own motor and gas to get into a small lake when I lived up north The one I had was a great stable little boat it was however pretty heavy compared to an aluminium, we ended up trading the steel boat for a tinner after a while as we only had the 9.9 to push it with and it was really sluggish with that..lol
  7. tonnes of chrome on the big river I fish
  8. jwl

    Feb 8th

    I know a couple others who where out there today and got a few, once there are too many boats in the drifts, and rejects running thier boats right through the drift instead of going out and way around the drift to start over again, it spreads the pods of fish up and you have to really pick a couple areas apart and try a couple spots, pick up a fish or 2, then move on and come back to those areas when it's gets quieter.
  9. nice fish Bruce..you guys been hittin the water pretty hard there..you drill any more holes in that place and you will be casting lures in it soon good thing you aren't submitting those fish for your team tourny
  10. jwl

    Feb 8th

    rainbow roe from one I got last time on the Lower on a streamer ice is hit and miss by the day still...good on both ends of the river today though...down where we fished today and up by my place...and steelies at both ends if you know where to get em!!!!! I just can't get out enough right now, have to rely on someone else to tow my boat for me or hop on with someone else for a trip. Need a 4x4 most days this winter to get the boat back in at the launch and up the road out, can't rely that the van will do it every time yet until it gets warmer out, so I been ho'in myslef out for a ride lately , you got the tow...boat's ready to go
  11. that's pretty cool, have had that happen with cat fish before
  12. jwl

    Feb 8th

    Had been having ants in my pants to get out for some Lower River steelie action,I tried to get a tow to head out in my boat yesterday and was wicked bummed I had no takers. With only having the minivan to tow the boat, it's hit or miss at the launch so I was tyring to find someone with a 4x4 who wanted to get out with me for some big steel. I finally got out today on an invite I had from a few days ago to join another steelie nut job fishin buddy in his boat out on the river today so a gladly jumped on the chance. Was a little less then perfect wind for the river and a good bit of shore and boat traffic being the weekend with a about half the boats being US boats fishing our side in the mix, but we gave it a good go and came up with a couple nice ones. I broke the skunk by boating this one as our first fish of the day A while later I got this pig pushing over 10lbs easily of totally fresh chrome And that would add an upgrade from my previous GL trout entry for team #1 with yepper 28 inches bumping us up 3 inches with 2 bonus inches pending..putting our team to be the first one to break the 100 incher mark for 2009!!! Hey GCD, I will message you a pic with team sign in it for an entry!!!!!!! Now I can't wait to get out there and try and top that one!!!! It was a bit slow out there but I still went 2 for 3 for the day..we went 4 for 6 total in the boat. Hoping to get out again soon..my boat is all charged up,gassed up and ready to do some
  13. shoot me a PM next time you guys plan on hitting the river, I always have up to the minute reports on conditions practically, might save you a trip and some trouble
  14. my kids catch fish on pieces of hot dog,balogna,ham
  15. cool on the fishin, and yepper those bugs can get pretty big, had one in the summer the kids where playing with, pretty wierd to see in the winter
  16. Ugliboyz getting a booth at the Niagara show Bruce?..if so, I will be there too with Cliff at the CCRods table selling custom rods and flies ect.
  17. all this talk about music stuff and some pretty high end gear reminds me of a few years back in TO, I worked fixing up thier debit/credit card system at Long & Mcquade(not sure spelling) bfore they had a huge sale the next day, I winded up buying my Les Paul there because they gave me the sale price it was going to be the next day. On the wall they had this real beauty..sunburst LP Custom...all gold hardware and whammy bar, wicked pearl inlay on the fret board of all these vines and flowers....out of curiousity I asked the sales guy how much......answer was $18 thousand bucks , it was nice, but I don't know if it was the price of a car nice
  18. wow pretty diverse group here self employed for just over 10 years....small company JL Cabling network communications cabling, most of what I have done over the last 10 years is travel all over Ontario setting up debit/credit card terminal networks for Scotia Bank(now ChasePaymentech), I run the neccessary LAN cabling, set up the debit/credit card terminal devices and do any neccessary basic system function programming. All so various merchants can take your money at the swipe of a card
  19. going to be a zoo there on the weekend anyways..shore derby going on I wouldn't worry too much about posting a good day there, not much of a secret fishing hole or anything...you have to take your lumps and have many trying days in that harbour to get into the lucky big number days, lots of variables to deal with fishing there...I don't do it much,but get my boat in there a couple times a year to salvage a fishing day if the river is spent. We usually make out pretty good, but also the people I fish with there have many years experience on that water, and we still have days where we struggle to put 1 or 2 fish in the boat Looks like you guys got one of those lucky days
  20. this one is just a black roller ball pen and some pencil crayons
  21. thought I would share a bit of mine too, been a hobby of mine since I was a kid, I have popped into this section of the forum a couple times, and enjoy some of the work that has been posted here. My favourite subjects to draw and paint are outdoors and nature related
  22. good to see you starting the month off right there Bruce, gotta have fishing pics from all 12 months I been meaning to get out there with you guys to share some hardwater action but I can't seem to get off the river trout fishing...I toss the coin...hmmmm do I try and get out and catch a couple perch...or do I try and get out and catch a 10 lber steelie..seems with me the big fishing fun always prevails over the "food fishin" I'll have to make a point of getting out with you guys at least once before it gets too warm, you still have to get out with me on the river for some trout action!!!
  23. very nice report man, you summed up the month pretty well there. It's only been the hardcore nut jobs out there for the most part trying to get into the fish and it hasn't been easy either pretty tough trying to get any good numbers of fish when only like every 20th cast you can make is a good one who would have thought that steelies would turn out to be the fish of 10,000 casts February can only get better,as long as I don't make plans a week ahead of time to get out in my boat maybe we won't get a foot of snow at a time Toughing it out paid off for you and atleast you got something every trip out, now all we have to do is figure out what colours the damn fish want..seems it's been differetn every time, I been fishing the lower from shore and the upper from boat over the last few weeks and I swear every fish i caught came on a different colour. Good seeing ya out there the other day, too bad we where packing it in for the day, have to try and catch ya on one of those days where a few of us get together in our boats and try and get you out there for the day Hey I just noticed something in your pics there...looks like all hens, and some fresh ones too, last couple times I was there almost all ole beater been in the river for a while bucks caught by everyone, nice to see the mix
  24. I must be one of those nut jobs too,I am waiting on a friend to pick me up and go steelie fishin in the boat on the big river
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