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Everything posted by jwl

  1. Have a great one Cliff. You are really lucky to have such a nice wife , it's not every day ya get invited over your mom's house like that
  2. right on, that's some decent musky fishin there ..now I really can't wait for another 9-10 days until I get to giver er a go...thanks for the teaser guys
  3. At least I wasn't trying to get him lost like you Cliff I would have to say go by Cliff's 'intown" directions for sure as he lives there, most places I have worked in that area are pretty easy to find they are mainly in a "power centre" type setting just off the hwy.
  4. I often have to head into that area for work as well, and pass through there everytime I go to my trailer. I never take the 407 so don't have much help there...I would ,after getting into Canada..take the 405 to the QEW, then take that all the way through to Oakville, then take the 403 cut-off near the Ford Plant, keep going on that to the 401 East, then into Oshawa, depending on where on Taunton Rd you have to work,,first exit in Oshawa I think is the Thickson Rd cut-off just past Whitby, go North to Taunton if going this way.
  5. nice fish Cliff, great to see your wife let you catch one this time ,don't knock that countdown technique either, I do that for steelies and lakers from shore with spoons...it works pretty good
  6. via boat or shore???, what ya wanna fish for, and where do ya plan on it..Upper or Lower river??? might be able to help ya out with some pointers, I fished the river since i was like 8-9 years old
  7. hey nice fish Bly,wow,you been into some big ones lately . As for your kind of jinx yourself after that theory...I always think that too..has happened to me lots of times,musky fishin,pike fishin,trout fishin,walleye fishin....nail a fish before anyone even get's thier lines in the water...turns out to be somehting huge, then no-one else catches anything the rest of the trip , go figure Once again, I don't know how they do it, but bring the girls fishin and they almost always outfish the boys
  8. that's funny you said that...when I lived by there (North St) about 10 minute walk away from the locks there where people that would dive there, and come up with loads of tackle then sell it there.
  9. If you people notice...none of these wize cracks from many members of the board in regards to the same subjects are actually directed at any board member, race,creed,walk of life, age ect..look at the board right now, there are already topics starting about all the idiot things that happen to people,people see or hear of along the way and it's just the beginning of this fall season...fishing isn't even remotley good yet. I can't wait to see some of the stories that people have to tell once the word gets out that there are actually fish loading all these areas. Why take offence if you are not one of the offenders??,all people are doing is sharing observations, and points of view with fellow members of the board who have the same opinion about the same topics...we all know for every one member logged on the board there is probably 50 non-members lurking in the background waiting for the guys who already did the leg work, have spent many years fishing areas figuring out the hot fish catching patterns for different times of year to turn around, make a post about it, then they read up on a board like this...and go invade your favorite fishing hole, it's people like us and boards like this that are inadvertantly teaching these guys where to go. Try this out some time...take some old photos of a great day fishing at a specific area, make a fake fishing post about it then watch the place for the next couple days after...I guarantee you it will be full of idiots within a day or so crawling out of the woodwork......it's been done before to prove this exact point. If anything, by sharing different opinions and points of view on the open forum...it gives these lurker rejects who are ruining our fishing holes and making us good guys look bad a bit of insite that there are people who care about the rescources we have in Ontario, and won't just idley stand by and watch them go down the drain. It also is a good way of informing people who are newer to this sport and some of these issues a bit of insite to an uglier side of fishing that many don't see...tips off people to areas where poaching is taking place,people's things are being vandalized or stolen, that there may be a group of people in the area causing trouble ect. If for example, there is a post on here that someone had there car broken into and they post about the bad experience, or the example the other day of a quiet fishing trip getting ruinned by some yahoos that came and took over the fishing hole..does that mean we are pointing fingers at all the members on this board cuz we on this board are car thieves or inconsiderate jerks out to ruin your fishing day??? I don't think so, it's not the members of this board who are the culprits..so why is it that it's the members of this board that get so offended by comments that people make in regards to some of the idiots out there???? Don't take it to heart folks,take it for what it is...a fellow member sharing some insite of the wrong-doings they see while they are out there enjoying some of our favorite activities...what do ya want a fishing board full of a couple quick pics so we can brag about the catch of the day with no reports...or some insite be it good or bad into what is really happening in and around or waterways as we enjoy our angling experiences along the way????? It doesn't matter what part of the universe these idiots are from, if they got green skin and 3 eyes,4 arms so they can snag 2 fish at a time or what...no matter how you look at it...an idiot is an idiot..if enough people started seeing a gang of people wearing pink polka dotted fishing vests every where going around to various fishing holes, keeping everything they hook, being rude to people,littering all over the place,pushing locals out of the spot, and showing that much of a disregard to the area, and the people and rescources that abound there..well hate to say it, but sooner or later you are going to hear about everyone wearing pink polka dotted fishing vests getting pushed into the water too, or beaten up or whatever by the local vigilatny justice league no matter what part of the world they are from. Again, lighten up folks actually read the posts and see that they are not directed at any one of the great members of this board...people like this would no last on a board like this for very long, they would be weeded out and ousted in no time flat....this board is made of of a huge variety of people who all get together for the love of our outdoors and fishing....it's salmon season you are gonna hear lots of complaints and bad reports from all over Ontario..everything from the ole fued of the bottom bouncers VS the pinners,so called fish dentistry AKA flossing, the "marshmellow" arguements,rejects shoving thier way into someones fishing hole...vandalism and theft, and much more....it hasn't even begun to begin yet..everyone should just be aware that these comments, opinions that many are going to share along the way...are not directed at the board members, so why get your panties all up in a bunch over it??? PS sorry to the guy who started this thread of with a valid question, and it got hi-jacked...hope you are getting some of the answers you where actually looking for
  10. I am sure the people on this board aren't the said.."pond scum", but I guarantee you over the next couple weeks we will hear lots of stories about the garbage that lines the banks during the annual "salmon angler" migration ..yep you are right there are alot of ijuts in boats too, people should lighten up and not take little wize cracks as shots at people on the board ....if these kind of idiots where on the board here, I am sure they wouldn't last too long
  11. nice going, that spot can produce some great fish this time of year, don't overlook the boardwalk either for some great salmon action..just walk along the river, you will see some spots where the current changes and try there , you can get them by running a 3 way rig and body baits just by dropping your line straight down off the walk. If you are fishing buzz-bombs, it's a very popular lure up that way..be prepared to lose a whack of them painted up sinkers with a hook on em
  12. I think it's all the residue that runs off all the pond scum that lines the banks this time of year
  13. nice going on the fish, they get real scrappy when they start to get into the 40's,looks like you had some ideal weather too..can't ask for much more than that
  14. some great looking fish there,that one shot with the cliff face there is really cool. Thnaks for sharing the adventure and pics
  15. man, I am glad that with the exception of a closed period for lakers, that I live, and fish in a place that trout is open (browns,Steelhead) 12 months a year.
  16. wow definately a great achievement together , next time you happen to be in the area and not going to skip out on any celebrations that might get you in trouble, shoot me a PM if ya want to get any news on what's happeneing fishing wize, I can steer you to a few good places no problemo
  17. great example there Raf, as of last year when I lost about a 30lber musky near boatside I started using that type of swivel/snap. When I lost the fish, I first thought that it broke me off, but when I checked out my line I had discovered that it straightened my snap swivel right out and my hook came off. I like the option of the fish having to kind of go through 2 locking methods with that style of snap much better now if the snap does open up on you, it still has the secondary loop that will keep it shut
  18. it's reasons like this at a couple places people actually park thier vehicles and boat trailers in places they run the risk of getting a parking ticket as opposed to leaving them where you are supposed to park, I guess to some the parking ticket is alot cheaper then the damage sustained by a busted window or your trailer wheel coming off on the way home...and in a round about way, a little bit of assurance that there will be police around checking up on things
  19. my go to everyday rod is a 7 foot med action Fenwick I have had for years,trick is have a reel with a super smooth drag. This is my favorite combo for fishing with spinner baits that are fairly light so I can still get decent casting distance,using baits like husky jerks, and for jigging pike in deeper water. However sometimes when I know I am fishing an area that holds lots of bigger fish(average up to 3 footers with fish in the 40's possible), and for example I am using a big float/chub combo,or musky sized baits I will use my 8 footer heavy action rod. The heavier rod also comes in handy when fishing heavy weedcover to help horse the big ones out of the weeds or bring them up top really quick so there is less of a chance of them dogging it on ya into the weeds. I probably however actually use my lighter set up alot more as come the colder months I fish a couple places where "finesse fishing" the pike with jigs is the most effective method to get them.
  20. hey!!, you can come fishing with me for a couple days in my boat at the trailer, but if you think I am tieing your line the whole time we are there...you better think about bringing the boy
  21. some good looking recipes there coach..with some great rainbow action awaiting a month or so from now, that might come in handy for scoring extra brownie points with the wife , if she likes it, maybe she will make me go fishing more too!!!
  22. hey good find thanks for the info..my tackle bag has seen many seasons and better days,time for a new one..gotta check and see if I got a flyer
  23. I tend not to use a snap..swivel...or leader most often then not. I am one of those guys who thinks sometimes the action of a lure gets inhibited too much, or like with big crank baits, they do not run properly on a swivel. For me, I catch more fish without a leader that with one...I lose the odd lure due to bite-offs but I really go by this theory for myself. The only time I use a leader is when I specifically go out to target big muskies, and at that even...3 out of 4 of the biggest ones I ever caught (48 inches and up)....guess what, came at a time when I was fishing with no leader, or swivel of any sort go figure
  24. welcome to another side of salmon season. ..happens to guys around the Niagara all the time this time of year, specially in a couple places they know you have to park at the top of the gorge and walk down. People's windows have been smashed, items stolen from inside vehicles,tires slashed..last year someone even had the lug nuts loosened on thier boat trailer while they where on the water. What is with this time of year???
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