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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Thats a beauty! A meal on its own
  2. That was better game for sure I feel better bout the Medal game now, however.... They need to play a physical game like they did vs. the USA yesterday.... This Swedish Team is good, and will make them work hard. So If Canada can establish a physical dominance early, and shake off the dumb Penaltys that are no doubt going to come with a Physical Game they can win. If they try to get fancy, and play Euro-style game it'll be over before it starts. This Swedish Team is to good at that game to be out done with fancy plays, and long passes. Its gotta be a Dump and chase game, bang'n in the corners, crashing the net, and holding the line. Make 'em pay when they get fancy crossing the blue line, Make 'em pay when they win a race, and make pay if they come any were close to the front of the net.....MAKE 'EM PAY!!! If The boys can establish the games Pace in the first period, and get the Swedes to think twice about were they skate, they will crumble in the second. Go Boys go!
  3. Cool man, FYI though.... No ones whinning...just discussing a topic that happens to be fishing related right? We're all in this sport together, thats why we're here. I wish you luck on your quest for the next 40lb Northen. No doubt a high bar to set for ones self. But Might I be so bold as to suggest some humility? Cripes dude.... even you admitted to finding a loop hole in the rules Lets face facts here Most research suggests the chances of Natural Triploid Trout occuring in the wild is about 1%....right? Like I said Its a BIG fish no doubt, and a record "Triploid Trout" it is in my books. Cheers,
  4. Impressive fish non the less... I'd question the validity of the record though. Based on the selective growth of the genus....its litteraly bred to grow as large as it can. Its been selectivly bred similar to a miniature poodle. "These fish have NOT been raised on hormones or genetically engineered. They are the product of decades of selective breeding, a carefully honed natural diet that recognizes trout need different types of food and nutrition at different stages of their life, and perhaps most importantly, they are put through a process that sterilizes the trout shortly after the eggs are fertilized, and this is what makes them triploid. This last step prevents the trout from maturing sexually or reproducing. Farmers and veterinarians have neutered animals and poultry for many years so they can reach their maximum growth potential in the shortest amount of time. While all animals expend great amounts of energy in reproduction, trout and salmon utilize so much energy that many die after spawning is complete. Even trout that survive the cycle are severely weakened. They lose weight, their meat becomes soft, and they are susceptible to a variety of diseases. By making the trout sterile, they do not waste energy growing eggs and trying to spawn. They can reach huge sizes. "The main reason for that is they continue to eat and grow all winter long," said Phil Mackey. "Regular diploids go into a spawning mode and they don't eat much. It's just very stressful on the fish, and they don't have the stamina. Triploids are younger for their weight than diploid fish and they are generally a more fit fish, especially during the winter months." The sterilization process for trout eggs is done by subjecting the trout eggs to warm water about 10 minutes after fertilization when the eggs are first dividing. In normal, diploid trout, there are two chromosomes that determine sex, but because of the heat-shocking process, the trout develop with a third sexual chromosome that makes them sterile. These are triploids. Fishery biologists believe some of the huge fish caught in the wild are actually triploids. This sterilization process can occur under the right conditions in nature, happening about one percent of the time, according to some studies" http://www.californiafishingguide.com/trout_history.htm Crap man I mean no disrespect I'd love to catch a Bow that big too but It just sits wrong with me as being a record. The work was put in to find the fish, and I can respect that. The fish were caught, and landed...I can respect that too Call it a world "all tackle" Triploid record...thats cool too Just not sure I would agree its Rainbow record, but then again I don't write or approve the records right? Like I said Impressive fish non the less. Cheers,
  5. Crap... Hope it turns out better then it sounds.
  6. That things fat... Your right though, not overly sporting? By rights its a record, but it just seems a bit cheesy to "raise" a fish as a record...
  7. Oh my!!! That fit through the hole LOL!!! Giving birth is about as Acurate as you could get in describing that scenario I'm sure
  8. mmmm...what could it be? 20 minute fight on 4 lb test through the Ice....must be a biggun!
  9. I have to agree unfortunatley...They are just not gelling? This last game the boys should have DOMINATED....it should have been quick paced, and more importantly, it should have seemed organized! The looked sloppy, and worse yet there was no flow... Very choppy plays, loose pasing, and were the heck was the heart, the hitting, the fire??? It was actually a reeeeeeely boreing game to watch? Man alive thats what i've been saying since the first game LOL!!!! I really think this is a bench issue now.... Call it a GM draft issue or a motivational coaching issue if you like, but the talent is there IMO...its the Style thats missing. Either these forwards(and offense is totaly the issue IMO) are incapable of playing traditional smash and grab Canadian hockey or the coaches are failing to ralley the troops and are communicating the wrong game plan here... My bet is the Coaching strategy is foul but...then again I'm just an arm chair observer
  10. Tis But a flesh wound! Nice to hear he's comming along...sounds like you have the time to support him well, so I'd a bet a speedy recovery is forecast.
  11. Mine are pretty simple... Eat a bit better for my health And enjoy life a bit more with my Kids this year (so in other words...work less, play more) That and catch a bunch more fish!
  12. Happy New Years to you as well Lew, and the rest of ya'll too! Best wishes in 2008 with all your resolutions!
  13. You read my mind!!! Yup... Flood the net with bodies and let 'er rip....smash and bang at the rebounds!!! Control the front of the net the same way we own the boards, with a firm physical assertion. The minute we start playing a fancy Euro-game we've beaten ourselves.... Let face facts folks, no one can play a Euro-style game better then the Europeans....thats their game, lets play ours!
  14. Ouch... Sometimes it hurts to be right I'd rather be wrong this time, but Me thinks the boys are not clicking. They have adjusted their game and abondoned the intense Physical play for fear of penatlies.... And in doing so they seemed to have lost their hustle as well. But I have to say...Sweden looked great. Their passes were on the tape, and they were winning the races. Some bad calls in this game as usual but it went both ways, so no exuses. If Canada could play this game over again, I'd suggest they get back to smashing hard, and forget about the stupid penalties, cause they are evidently going to happen any way.... They should keep the physical edge, and make their opponents fear those long passes, and make them think twice about winning the races. Thats how we've always done it, and it works. Its worth mentioning the D-looked a bit lost today as well??? Cross your fingers folks the tourny is WIDE open....
  15. Yup...Sutter has some real promise.
  16. Hope so... We'll see tommorrow, when they play a formitable opponant(AKA Sweden) I think the boys will do well, but they just don't have that spark We're used to seeing from the team. Goaltendning is solid...no doubt But the Transition game is spotty IMO. The D is feeding the puck through, and hanging back(traditional stay at home defence) But the Offense seems shakey? I can't quite put my finger on the pulse of the issue? They are in the corners quick, and controling the boards, but they seem out of sorts trying to penetrate in further then the slots? Either the Slovaks, and Czech Defense was better then they appeared or the Candians are gun shy to rush the net?
  17. So whatcha Think? Only 2 goals vs. Slovakia? Not your average Canadian win....Call me crazy but am I the only who thinks the teams offence doesn't seem to be gelling as well as expected? Were is the physical play we are so used to seeing from the juniors? Its Good thing our goal tending is stellar IMO.... Canada needs to gel before we see the Swedes let alone The Americans or Russians later.
  18. I totaly thought this was going to be a junior hockey thread LOL!!! (boreing game....Finland vs. Sweden.... yada, yada, yada)
  19. The pan fish in Belwood needs a break anyway.... Not a bad thing, this inconvienence will improve the fishing for next year with a bit of Luck.
  20. Ya...didn't look great the first two periods IMO Don't get me wrong, they looked good, but they were not really gelling well and had trouble getting to the net it seemed? But they came on later, and I felt a bit better about them. But Boy oh Boy....what is up with those officials? Its ALWAYS bad but what was with the Phantom calls? Lets hope the officiating comes on later as well LOL!
  21. The Remington 870 is what I use. The diversity of usage is what sold me. The rifled barrel will fire a 3" sabbot that will knock down a moose, deer, or bear very quickly, plus the velocity and mass of a 3" sabbot is ideal when hunting dense brush (but then again some would argue buck shot in the smooth barrel is better) Your effective range is obviously limited with a shot gun, but then again as a new hunter you'll find out in your course/class, your unlikely to be taking any shots over 100 yards very often if at all depending on were you hunt in Ontario. One draw back to the the 870 I can tell you about....the sabbot barrel kicks like a mule, but its very effective. the barrel is also quite short making travel easy, and cuts the weight down. Then on the other side of the coin, you have the ability to fire dove shot from your smooth barrel for upland birds, or scale up for waterfowl, rabbit and Turkey etc... The draw backs I can tell you about are pretty minimal....it a slightly heavier barrel then most smaller gauge firearms. Really to me the difference between tha 20 and a 12 gauge is the ability to up size. The fire power you need/choose to use is all in what size/weight shells you purchase. When Firing a 3" sabbot compared to 2" dove shot you can feel first hand the diversity the 870 give you...its VERY different LOL! But like its been said the remington 870 is awesome if its the only gun your going to own for a while, because it won't limit your hunting at all. Buts its all personal oppinion... Personaly I would say for the average huter 3 guns will do.... Somthing with range for open shots on big game like a 30-30 or 30-06(optional scope) If your covering an open ravine etc... 12 gauge shotgun for larger game in dense brush, and a 20 gauge for smaller game, and birds of all types Thats my recomendation.
  22. Thats a great Christmas gift for sure, The big C is a scary one, I'm very glad to hear its off the table. Merry Christmas.
  23. And here I thought it was our strong economy... LOL!
  24. That sucks...plain & Simple. But Dan said it best. Its not life threatening, and he'll recover. There are many who would not pony up the cash in your situation. I both sympathize with and applaud you for making that desicion. Pets are a member of the family to me, and it seems they are to you as well. I've always said you can tell alot about a person by the way they treat their pets. Your quite obviously a very compassionate man...good on you. hang in there,
  25. Thats the funny part Ramble... My bro's luv going in deep in the Spring, when its cold, and have no issue with sleeping on the ground...its just the bugs they don't like. I don't mind them to be honest. Sure they eat ya alive but after the first day its done, and you kinda adjust?....atleast I do
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