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rob v

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Everything posted by rob v

  1. Cool - Thanks. See ya at the show !
  2. Dave mercer, Cliff, Bly, Monique and karl Kalonka
  3. Congratulations Gerritt - I've been smoke free for about 15 years now and I haven't regretted it for 1 second. The secret during the cravings is to keep yourself busy. What ever it takes - if a round or two with the old lady works for you and she - then go for it. Anything to make you think about something else until the craving subsides. And if there,s somethings you do that are especially tough - try and think of a different way to do them. Keep it up - you'll won't believe how much better you'll feel, smell, taste etc.
  4. Commercial Banker - BMO. 26 yrs and counting.
  5. And there's no doubt in my mind there will be more and more of these kinds of scams as people start to look for "bargins". Fools and their money are soon parted.
  6. Territory of Canada Land Mass The total area of Canada is 9 984 670 kilometres square. Of this, 9 093 507 kilometres square is land and 891 163 square kilometres is fresh water. Canada's area is the second largest in the world (after Russia which has a total area of 17 075 000 square kilometres). From a fact sheet on Canada - published by the Gov't of Canada. That works out to 8.92531 % )) Oh and meet, greet and bleep.
  7. hey - I have no idea what the answer is - I just came across this thing today and noticed what they had posted on their flyer vs what I read here last night. Enjoy the show ! )
  8. Seems some of the people here aren't the only ones that think the tank is 5000 gallons (?) http://www.mississaugabassmasters.com/pdf_...mp;BoatShow.pdf
  9. It was a while ago , but the only insurance claim I've had to make so far (touch wood) on my home was with respect to a roof of shingles that were in need of replacement (age etc). One winter morning I woke up to see bits and peices of my shingles laying in the snow. A look up at my roof and on the wind blown side several shinges were gone/tore etc. I got up there that night with a can of roof patch and called my insurance agent the next morning - more concerned about possible damange as a result of the missing shingles until I could get them fixed more than anything else . Not to worry - they made arrangements for my adjuster to come the next day - he looked at my roof - said that can't be repaired - it needs to be replaced. Get two quotes and send them to us. The next thing I knew I had approval to replace half my roof on them less the deductible. A pleasant surprise in deed. My recommendation - talk to your agent.
  10. My condolences Lew. Cherish the memories. Rob V
  11. A compass and a cell phone (don't forget safety).
  12. 2000 Ford Ranger XLT with the 3 litre v6. Tows my 17 foot crestliner nicely. I've owned it about 4 years and so far (touch wood) I'm quite happy with it. Not the best on gas - but I think it's a good compromise between big and small.
  13. Shoot - I was banking on his answers being in the wrong order (?) oh well, keep trying
  14. 1) 11:15 am 2) ichthyophobia
  15. Are you loosing more sleep over loosing the $10K or the opportunity to gain it back ? If you're loosing sleep over your investments and you're not worried about kissing the $10K good -bye then sell the mutual fund, pay down the mortgage and when your mortgage is paid - start putting that money into an investment.
  16. That would be a nice unit to have, the bad thing about it you wouldn,t want to leave it out on the ice for fear of somebody helping themselves to all the goodies. comfortable while you,re using it but probably a bother to have to keep an eye on !
  17. Pete Mania.
  18. I would tend to agree - after spending $11,600 what's another $400... and you'll definitely have more warranty/assurance that the job was done correctly.
  19. I've used an electric knife cleaning larger fish (walleye etc) plenty of times and recently considered getting one of the electric filleting knives for all my fish cleaning - including pan fish etc. I had my eye on the electric rapala - not the cordless model but the ac/dc model. Anyone have any experience with this unit good or bad ? thx.
  20. Trips like those are about more than just catching fish. Great report.
  21. Yes Emil I guess you're right. I hadn't thought much about it until now so I'll have to look into one of those units. Might make the process a bit easier ! Look'n forward to using my new toy this season !
  22. My question is why the ram mount ? .. or is the answer too obvious - i.e. more flexibility in mounting, changing viewing angles etc ? ... or am I missing something ?
  23. Beauties !!! ... wish I was there !
  24. I try not to keep track.
  25. Back it in ( I don,t know if these things have reverse gear)? and then drive it forward out - at least you'd be behind it instead of in front of it.
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