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rob v

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Everything posted by rob v

  1. I just bought a vermont casting grill from Home depot. What you have to be aware of though is that the parent corp of Vermont Casting declared bankruptcy last year - if you get a fancy one you may have some difficulty getting parts. The one I bought was the plane jane 3 burner unit (made in Canada) - but for $275 I think I got a great unit - and the only parts of significance I,m worried about can be replaced with generic stuff easiy enough. When I compared what $275 got me in other units this one was head an shoulders above the rest. I think HD is trying to get rid of them also.
  2. I'm still trying to get the motor I bought (1985/6 vintage) running properly. Apparently the engine has been sitting in someone's basement (i bought it at an auction) for some time. It seems to start okay (not great but okay) but I can't get any RPM's or power out of it - it really seems to bog down. At first I thought the engine was starving for fuel but pumping the bulb didn't help. Then I noticed that the exhaust was a terrible smell (smelled of gasoline) and the water it was running in (I had the motor in a barrel) gets very dirty and had a very distinct film of blackish oil on the surface. Plugs (which are new) get very black also. This led me to believe the engine is running far too rich. When I disconnect the fuel line and let it run - just as it begins to run out of gas the rpm's increase signficantly and it seems to run much better for a few seconds - then naturally it dies when it runs out of fuel. This makes me think the engine is getting too much fuel - and I'm wondering if this is due to the float valve not seating properly and the fuel supply is not shutting off. I've had the carb completely apart 3 or 4 times - soaked in cleaner and all jets appear open/clean. I've had the main nozzel removed and all the holes in it are open/clean also. I can't see anything in the float seat that would cause a problem so I'm thinking I may need to replace the float valve. It has what appears to be a small rubber tip on the seated end. Do you small engine experts think that the float valve is the problem and should be replaced ? The float seems okay - no holes and it's not flooded and it seems to move freely as well. I appreciate your input/suggestions. thx.
  3. My son was delivering papers well before he was 14 - but I think I needed to sign a parental consent. I sure wish there was some kinda act when I was younger than 14 - growing up on a farm meant you were doing plenty before you were 14. My guess is if there was some type of legislation like that then it wouldn't have carried much weight with my folks.
  4. OMC engine tuner - besides a specialty marine store - can you buy this stuff anywhere else ?
  5. Thanks for the info. I don't think it's sucking any air - the bulb pumps up and stays firm - and I don't see any fuel leakage. That unlit propane torch is a new one - I'm not sure I,m real comfortable with that idea - but it sounds like a good one. I think the next step is the seafoam idea. I had planned on doing something like that eventually. thx.
  6. I recently bought an older honda outboard - but it didn't come with fuel line or fuel line couplers. I couldn't locate an after market product made specifically for this motor (honda) so I bought a model (female coupler that hooks to the motor) that says its made for Johnson/Evinrude. It seems to fit and doesn't leak. I've gotten the motor to run but it's not running well and I'm trying to eliminate possible problems. I'm sure I've got some carb adjustments to make also. Can the wrong fuel coupler make a difference to the operation of an outboard ?? I know there's people on this board with a lot of outboard experience and any input would be appreciated. Thx.
  7. Well I was the successfull bidder - got it for $330 taxes and buyer premium all in. Got it home and checked all the fluid levels - looked good - no discoloration in the lower end - no metal filings etc. Plugs looked okay too - no corrosion etc. I don't have the tools to do a compression check - but it's too late for that now anyways. Seems to turn over nicely. This weekend I'll get some fuel in it and see if we can make it run. I figure for that money it's probably worth it for parts. Hopefully I can get it running. If I can (touch wood) I think I got a decent little kicker.
  8. By the capt bruce - I assume you're happy with yours ?
  9. Thanks capt Bruce - that's kinda what I thought. After my original post I contacted a honda service centre and they thought it was an 85 from that ser. #. If I has some assurance it was in decent operating condition I'd thing $500-$600 might be in order. Without it I gotta kinda take my chances. We'll have to wait and see how the auction goes. There are no fuel hoses, no kill switch, plugs and I,m sure I,ll need to replace the impeller and related gaskets. that all adds up too.
  10. Hey guys - I may have an opportunity to purchase an older Honda outboard - hopefully to use as a kicker. It's at an estate auction and they,re selling it as is. Apparently it was in the parents house and the kids are cleaning up tthe estate. they're selling it as is. From a cursory inspection it doesn,t look too bad - no obvious signs of abuse, leakage, cracks etc. Prop seems to spin okay and the engine turns over. Obviously I can't do a compression test. Engine oil needs to be changed but at least there's some in it. Plugs look pretty new - but again I can't take them out to inspect them. Ser # is BF75L 1700986 (the only number that's a bit hard to tell is the 9). Anyone know what year this unit is ? Also - would anyone have an idea of its worth ? (approx). Any input would be appreciated. Thanks very much. Rob V
  11. look'n forward to the London show. I think it would be good to cover off some of the tried and true techniques plus some of the newer products/theories/techniques. Maybe a tech talk would be good - how to make best use of your sonar/gps tools &/or how to properly use them.
  12. This one's guaranteed to succeed. : ) http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2009/0...pless.cafe.WGME
  13. I won the lottery 3 times. 1) when my wife said I do, 2) when my son was born 3) when my daughter was born. somtimes I don't always remember it but those were the three luckiest days of my life !
  14. I was there to-nite (Friday). Not too busy so it was easy to get around. I thought it was a good show,, lots of boats and tackle to look at, (some deals I think), and plenty of outfitters there also. I was happy.
  15. Sorry for your loss. May he rest in peace.
  16. I agree with some of the previous coments. For the money involved just listening to the guest speakers and having an opportunity to talk to/meet some of these guys was worth it. I hope the show continues/grows.
  17. nice rig - that'll definitely keep you comfy.
  18. Fantatstic - thanks for sharing your story. I really enjoyed it. Probably the closest I'll ever get to experiencing the real thing ! Obviously you get to meet some really interesting people (good and not so good). Rob V
  19. I couln't make it for Saturday but did get there Friday afternoon/night. I quite enjoyed the show. I saw some good prices on some stuff, some not so good prices on other stuff. Nice selection of boats and a good representation of everything else from a-z. Guest speakers were great also. Wasn't very busy last night which was kinda nice. Had all the attention I wanted from various vendors/rep's . Didn't leave too much money there, but I did get some good information and ideas . Thanks TJ for the tickets. My wife and I had a great time.
  20. Bernie you hit the nail on the head. I too went to see what kind of deals there were and other than some crap that shouldn't be on the shelves in the first place it was a waste of time. I did see a nice 4 pack of 10' tie downs with ratchets for $12 that I couldn't be without - guess I left a bit of money there. Mission accomplished
  21. I have to say - I think our educators deserve a decent living - they certainly do an important job. And I want the best teaching my kids. But having said that - there's only one pocket all this comes out of - and sooner or later that pot is going to run dry (many think it already is). In addition to that, the thing I get tired of is what appears to be the lack of quality control. I think most of the teachers out there are good, but it doesn't seem like their performance is what drives their remuneration. What seems to matter only is the number of letters behind their names. Something that many of us in private industry don't have the luxury of - either perform - (and the bar is always being raised) or say good-bye. Timing is everything and this certainly isn't good timing to be conducting these types of negotiations especially with public money. Hopefully they use the education they've got and think this through. Public opinion certainly isn't going to be on their side if they walk out.
  22. Thanks from me too !
  23. oh brother.
  24. I'm not sure if I can make it Saturday - it'll be either Saturday or Friday.
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