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rob v

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Everything posted by rob v

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to go about mounting a downrigger or two on my crestliner. The gunnel on my boat is 3 inches wide and the mounting base/plates on my big john downriggers is 4" square. I would like to mount them on the gunnel some how but I can't decide how. I was thinking of mounting the base plate to the gunnel with the extra 1" hanging over the inside edge of the gunnel with a 1" peice of aluminium angle under the extra edge and attached to the side of the gunnel. Not really excited about mounting a board across the stern. I looked into the Bert's mounting system - but the base plate for that system is 3 1/2 " wide - which would leave an extra 1/4" over each side if I centred it on the gunnel. I may have to consider that option. Anybody have any other ideas/suggestions ? Thanks.
  2. Great report and nice fish. Walleye after dark on a top water is amazing. I look forward to doing it every opportunity I get. Floating rapala type baits work great also. question: your camping location - you mention that you registered your site at riverview cottages. do they have remote caming sites of is there a park of some sort there that you rented your spot through. I would be very interested in doing a similar trip and I would appreciate some details. Thanks very much.
  3. Nice fish - would you have any recommendaitons on places to stay ?
  4. I own a 2000 ranger - two wheel drive, 3L engine. bought it 3 years ago with 50K km on it and now have about 110K on it. great litttle truck that pulls my crestliner 1750 fishawk with no problems. Recently I had to replace a number of front end suspension items to the tune of about $1500, but other than that no problems. I would definitely get the extended cab though - I didn,t and wish I did. When/if the time comes I would definitely consider another ranger.
  5. It was a good production - and the price was certainly right. They got the back of my head in one of the london shots also - didn't know there was quite that big a sunny patch back there ! : )))
  6. You're a rich man - all the money in the world can't buy you that kind of experience. Enjoy it while you can - because tomorrow they'll be all grown up. While we didn't go anywhere quite as remote as your trip, my son and I made 2 or 3 trips in the spring to the Bay of Quinte when he was 10 or 11 years old for 2 or 3 days each trip and tented it at a local camp ground there. I know I'll cherish those memories for a long time - and every now and then he brings them up also (he's 23 now). I'm hoping that when the time is right he and I can do something similar again.
  7. I have to agree. Having said that regardless of what you think about the seal hunt and/or the politics of it - I think the fact that she respects the culture of the people of this country enough to eat raw seal says a lot about the character of this woman. Hats off.
  8. My thoughts also - $20,000 can buy a lot of boat with lots of things in it. Obviously though, this was much more than just a boat - it looks like he put a lot of thought and effort into it - I'm sure he's proud of it. It looks like he's done a great job. re: livewells - I've often wondered whether that space could be put to better use. Suppose I could just throw ice in it and keep my fish for the table that way.
  9. Yesterday I took the old unit out and tried to figure out the problem. It seemed to run okay but then it started to cough and sputter - so I said the heck with it and went shopping. The only one I found was at Canadian tire - 800 GPH made by seasense. So I've installed it- but while doing that I noticed that my bilge pump wasn't properly seated in it's bracket - so while trying to get it re-seated it busted off of the hose it was clamped to. So another trip to CT to get a replacement. I also knew I was going to need some new plumbing - some 3/4 inch re-inforced plastic tubing to replace the parts connecting the livewell pump. the only store I found that carried it was at home depot and they'd only sell me a 10 foot length - of course all I needed was about 8 inches. Bottom line I've got everything installed and hopefully working in good order when I next get it in the water. It looked like everything was original and needed uprading anyways. Gave me something to do during the 1st day of my vacation. Now the rest of the week's weather looks like crap - oh bother.
  10. Yes - mine is the same thing. I'll have to check walmart out in the a.m. what iritates me is the darned thing runs, the impeller turns but it doesn't pump.
  11. No trash in the impeller - it seems to be turning okay - but it doesn't seem to pump very well. Probably easier to replace it them fiddle with it very much I suppose. I know I can find bildge pumps at ctc and wall mart but I can't remember seeing livewell pumps.
  12. When I put the boat in the water this spring my live well pump wouldn't come on at all. After fiddling with it a bit ( a couple of taps here and there) the pump activated ( I can hear the motor running) but it pumps very little water. These pumps don't look too complicated - but is there a seal on these things that needs to be replaced from time to time or should I just replace the pump completely ? Anyone have any experience with these things ? thx.
  13. Thanks Henry - I did refer to that info on the other post but it didn't really get into my question as to whether you needed to modify the engine's original filtering system - looks like you don't have to. \ When mounting these things do you ususally just find the most convenient place or should it be protected from the elements ? I looks pretty "weather resistant" .
  14. I have a merucry optimax 115 and I,m looking to add a small kicker (honda 7.5 4 stroke). In trying to kill two birds with one stone I was thinking of adding a fuel filter/water seperator which would help to filter my fuel further and seperate any water while at the same time giving me a convenient way to tie into the main fuel system. The unit I was looking at was made by a company called seasense. Will the extra filtering cause undue straing on my fuel system/fuel pump and potential damage/poor performance ? Should I remove the existing fuel filter systems on my motors if I put this system in ? Any suggestions from anyone who uses them would be appreciated. thx.
  15. Thanks for the input guys. I have to keep within a bit of a budget and whether you like them or not the inflatables are too dear for me. But I was able to negotiate a bit with the sports dept mgt at CTC (a bit of a plug for the CTC guys). They didn't have the size I wanted in the el-cheapo line (convenient actually) so I offered to purchase a couple of the mustang jackets they had also marked down a bit at the end of the isle. He didn't discount them as much as they did the el-cheapo line but he did knock another 35% or so off - so for about $110 (regular tag price was $86 each) I got two fairly nice jackets that should last me a long time.
  16. Looks like you had a great trip Sinker. My wife and I are planning a trip to visit my daughter at hell's Gate this summer. One of the things I had on my wish list was a strugeon fishing trip also. I'll have to look these guys up. What was their pricing like ? I"ll be fishing alone cause I'd never talk my wife into it so I may need to pair up with someone they may have booked already ?
  17. CTC has some pfd's on sale right now at a fairly good price. But after checking them out (made in china) and comparing them to a comparably rated mustang unit they look kinda cheap. But the mustang unit is quite a bit more expensive. Is the extra cost worth it - or am I paying for a name ? Anyone have any experience with these things ?
  18. It's times like these that really make you think about an eye for an eye. Regardless of what happens to these people in our court system sooner or later they'll get theirs. My thoughts and prayers are with Tori and her family.
  19. Thanks Bob - we'll look into those lakes.
  20. My son and I may be visiting a friend of his in blind river in the next week or two. I was thinking about taking the boat and making a fishing trip out of it. any suggestions on good walleye fishing lakes in the area ? We've never been there and I'm looking for some suggestions. Appreciate any in-site. thanks.
  21. Nice report - thanks very much for sharing. For those of us not able to get on such outtings it's great of you to share so we can enjoy also. Nice fish too !
  22. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. http://www.boattest.ca/boatsandplaces/test...p;engineType=OB
  23. I'm not sure what part of the river you were fishing - but I've seen chugging rods + pencil plugs a the Gander mountain store in Port Huron. Never used them myself but I'm told once you get the hang of it it can be very productive. Hand lining is said to work well also.
  24. I'm not sure what their selection is like or their price range but you may want to try Novak's right down town. I haven't been in their store for lately but I know they have all kinds of out door wear. http://www.novacks.com/article/default.asp?aid=112
  25. That's a good recommendation Lew. I went out and bought myself one of those T tire irons (4 different nut sizes on it) from princess auto a while ago and keep it in the truck. fits every wheel nut I,ve ever come across and much easier to use then those bloody things that come with the vehicle. I read somewhere that a good thing to check the first time in the water are your livewell and bildge pumps to make sure a) they work and nothing has frozen and cracked which could end up flooding your boat.
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