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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Not to hyjack this thread but are we talking bout a De Tomaso Pantera??? They came with 351 cu in engines. No big blocks. I may be wrong but when it comes to cars, not usually. My buddy had one as well. They are mid engine and I don't think they have enoyugh room to shoehorn in a bigblock. As for the boat, congrats. SUCK MY WAKE would be a good name for her.
  2. Unless you had a special pantera, I am pretty sure they came with a 351
  3. He probably superimposed that background on there. There are no perch near those buildings. I repeat, there are no perch!
  4. Clay pigeon. They are very tasty this time of year. lol. Congrats Brian. $200 is nice indeed!
  5. Wow! Let me know when you are going to catch a big pike. You know you are a an experienced monster icefisherman when you drill 2 holes beside each other before catching a fish because one 8" hole just ain't big enough. Amazing!
  6. I caught a nice fat close to 3 pounder yesterday by accident while fishing for perch in the Orillia perch festival. It was in about 9ft of water and I was drop shotting a pink and white micro tiube. Vey small lure miving really slowly.
  7. They had 3 left in Midland when I went at lunch on the first day of the sale. I bought one for a friend of mine. They are a great little rod and reel so no wonder they sold out quickly.
  8. not as long as you might think. Middle of May and it can definately be used.
  9. I can see pics. Those are big Pike. I guess pike is open where you live. That is cool. Congrats
  10. They are from Midland. It is ong Georgian bay. Rob Weber organizes these rides. He also owns a bunch of other toys including at one time 450+ hp snowmobile and a twin turbine 50' offshore boat.
  11. Just got it tonight. Can't wait to use her.
  12. Very cool pics. You did very well.
  13. Very nice. When I grow up and get some $ I will get one or two of those. On a side note. My newer spinning rods have got a different kind of hook keeper near the handle that can be used with drop shot setups. They hold the weight there. I really find that very useful.
  14. Wind, followed closely by my wife. Man I hope she doesn't read this.
  15. What are you doing in Angus??? Did you have a meeting with Helena Guergius?
  16. I was in the Penetang store Friday and there was nothing. I will go tomorrow and check. I will bring my camera too.
  17. Nice work. From what I see, Italo appears to be a decent guy. I don't think he means to talk down to people and I think people on this board might just be a bit sensitive. Italo and Henry made a mistake and it seems some here can't forgive. That is too bad. I have been fishing for 30 years and I too have fished illegally before (obviously not anymore or even recently or even on purpose at times). I guess those of you who have never ever, ever, done anything illegal while fishing before can sit on your pedestals and comment on others. Some of us who might have fished with an illegal bait, or maybe thrown out one too many lines, or tried to catch an out of season fish, or maybe just netted a fish in a creek for fun should keep our mouthes shut. Those living in glass houses should not throw stones. If it the case that Italo continues to use unlawful or unethical fishing methods and he has not learned from his mistakes, then I too would probably be casting stones. Again, I don't know him I would just to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. Hopefully he has cahnged. Keep up the good work Stoty. I hope to see you on TV soon.
  18. Silva talked about Maia disrespecting him outside the ring and then anderson disrespect the whole sport inside the ring. He is a counter striker and pretended it was Maia who would not engage. It was easy to see who would not engage in the final 3 rounds. Edgar had a great gameplan and stuck to it. Be firts to the punch, hit and get out. Lots of head movement and movement in general . BJ showed no urgency until the last 10 seconds of the final round.
  19. Way to go Rob! That is a sweet fish! Looks like a sailfish. Nice.
  20. My favourite bumper sticker is "Looking for your cat? Check under my tires."
  21. I wouldn't even use it as backing. That is all I am going to say about that.
  22. As a teacher I resent the fact that you use that quote to describe anything but a teacher. I thought we had exclusive rights to that one. PS congrats on our fish. I hope you have an understanding wife/girlfriend in other words she understands why she won't be seeing quite as much of you as she used to (and that goes for both the wife and the girlfriend lol).
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