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Everything posted by timmeh

  1. I hear ya, last year I ran into another guy at one of my spots, started talking, and told him I was doing okay, a couple decent fish and so. He told me he was doing better, told me his AVERAGE bass was lbs 7-8lbs this year! I didn't really know what to say, smiled and ask him what he was fishing with.
  2. Smallies in any stretch of the river, it really depends on where you want to go. Keep in mind the Paris stretch is special regs (no live bait, single barbless hook, catch and release).
  3. Most likely caddis, more mothlike than mayflies.
  4. Sounds like a lizard fish.
  5. Sounds like a good trip even if you couldn't fish everywhere you wanted. At least you ended up finding some nice water to fish. Nice fish and pics. On the list of places I'd like to fish.
  6. Wow. Good to hear things have turned out okay. Give those fish heck when you get back out.
  7. Are you stuck on perch or walleye? Another option is too look for channel cats in the river. Stop in at fishmasters and I'm sure they can give you some starting pointers.
  8. I've got a 4wt that I use for dries so this rod would mainly be for streamers.Didn't think about a line wallet, that's an idea. I tested one of those today and was quite surprised, I wasn't expecting too much. I'm going to have to give it some consideration.
  9. Thanks for the input guys. Can't just walk in and exchange as i've only broken one section and they're going to replace that section not the entire rod. Also the store doesn't have any of the model in anymore. But they will send it back for me and it will cost me much less than if I do it myself, but will take longer. It doesn't necessarily have to be a 6 weight, a fast action 5 may work, but I'd like it to be able to cast my current 6WF line. If it can't then I need new line to match, and a spare spool if I don't want to swap lines often. Plus I've already got an 8wt. I don't mind having another 6 since I use it alot and it would be nice to have a backup on trips. But I see the point and am going to consider getting a 5 or 7 instead. I have been test casting a few rods today and will again tomorrow so hopefully I find something good.
  10. Hey all, Fishing ended early to today with the crack of my 6wt avid splintering into 5 pieces. I'll be sending it back but realistically it'll be mid June until I can expect to have it back. So If I can find the right rod at the right price I'm considering adding a new stick to the arsenal. Wouldn't be bad to have a backup considering I use it frequently. What I'm looking for is a rod for throwing trout streamers and bass fishing. I'm used to a med-fast action but am not stuck on that. I'm willing to spend in the 3-400 range at most, if I can find the right deal. If anyone has any suggestions of rods to consider or knows of any sales I'd be interested. I've heard good things about the TFO BVKs, anyone have anything good or bad to say about those? Thanks, Tim
  11. Interesting post, i've been thinking about trying for gar too. Put up a few pics if you're successful. I'd like to hook into one of those with my fly road this year.
  12. Nice fish bud! And don't completely give up on those steelhead holes if you really want to fish them. Just fish them at different hours. Most guys show up around the same time (sunrise). But if you show up late afternoon and fish till sunset it can be just as good, with far fewer people.
  13. Good stuff Brad. Was thinking of getting some panfish tomorrow but this makes me want to get out the 4w instead...
  14. Ya but it will be all set up when they make the playoffs again in 10 years.
  15. For those of you who feel that more guns = better safety how do you feel towards the studies that indicate you're more likely to shoot a family member or friend than a criminal?
  16. Problem is that no matter where the funding comes from stocking is not a cure for declining fisheries. It's a bandaid that attempts to cover up the symptons but does nothing to address the underlying cause. And that cause is plain and simple overharvest. Anglers, as a group, have an absolutely terrible history with responsible management of our resources. It's a take your limit cause I can attitude and then complain when the fishery isn't what it was or could be. And then "fix" it by stocking more fish so we don't have to change our attitude.
  17. Best of luck Mike. You'll win this battle and have an even better season next year (though 45 in 6 seems pretty darn good).
  18. No input on your location but for general travel you can take fishing gear on the plane. I've taken fly gear so the rod, reel and all gear fit into my checked luggage fine. I've never had an issue. However fly rods break down small enough to do this, most others will not, unless you've got a travel spinning rod. For larger gear I'd call the agent or airline you'd be flying with to find out the specifics. I'm sure you'll be allowed to take them, but likely have to pay for a second piece of checked luggage, same as when guys take golf clubs. And you'll want to make sure you've got a strong rod case to pack them in.
  19. I would recommend looking at far more houses than 3, unless you're looking in a small area and there aren't many on the market. The more you see the better you'll be able to identify what you like and what you don't. Also think about seeing a place two or three times before putting an offer in. If you find a place you really like, take a few days to think about it, then take a second tour through the house. You'll often notice things (good and bad) that you didn't see the first time. Since you're a first time buyer bring family with you if you can, again always nice to have second opinions. And don't let agents make you feel rushed in any way. Take as much time as you need to feel comfortable. And, as mentioned, get a home inspection, and find the inspector yourself.
  20. Thanks guys, I'll look into those guides and get something booked. And try to get some good pics for a report in the new year.
  21. Hey guys and gals, I'm lucky enough to be spending a little time in Islamorada in the Florida keys and am looking to hire a guide for a day. Not sure if it'll be deep sea or backcountry yet. I've found a lot of guides online but if anyone who's been there has any personal experience or recommendations I'd appreciate hearing them. Also, if anyone knows any non fishing related activities or things to do in that area that'd be cool too. Thanks, Tim
  22. I certainly agree there's a lot of marketing out there trying to make you feel useless without the newest and best gear. But the reason I do and will continue to spend on decent equipment is durability. I may catch the same # of fish on the first day with cheap gear, but over it's lifetime I will catch more fish with quality gear. It can cost less to buy something once than replacing it constantly.
  23. Some fly fishing clubs out there KW, Hamilton, Izaak Walton, Friends of the Grand, many others i'm sure. I'm sure you've already looked up all the trout unlimited groups.
  24. Awesome stuff. Back country is great, light tackle for hard fighting fish. Try firing a gold spoon around just before sunset if you get the chance. Bridges can hold some big snook. As for the fish i think you've got a jack and a mangrove snapper.
  25. Thanks for taking the time to write that up. Great report with some great pics.
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