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Everything posted by timmeh

  1. Once you've tagged his movements it would be great if you could PM that info Just kiddin, beauty fish man.
  2. Along with the normal excitement of spring time fishing this year had a little added bonus, as I decided I would try my hand a fly fishing this year. So, for the past month or so I've been working hard perfect my techniques. It's been a tough at times to say the least, but I think things are starting to come together. It's nice to have the upper Grand within a 20 minute drive, so that's where most of my work has been done. Plenty of fish but they are heavily pressured so it can be a challenge. I started out mostly working streamers, as this was the simplest way to begin. I was able to take a few fish here and there, mostly of the smaller variety. In the last few trips I've decided to really focus hard on fishing dries when a hatch is going on and working nymphs the rest of the time. My aquatics background has certainly helped with matching the hatch, but proper presentation is a different story. Producing a drag free drift in a larger river is more difficult than it may seem, especially for a greenhorn. But this past week it all really came together. Early one morning I sat and watched a fish rising consistently from beside a large rock. After I figured out what he was taking and what I thought would be the best way to approach him, I made my move. Landing my cast just upstream, I watched in anticipation as the fly drifted down. When the fish rose and sipped in the fly I was initially stunned but recover to set the hook. I expected it would be a little first year stocker but was not disappointed when it turned out to be a 15 inch beauty. In the meantime I've been able to take several fish on dries, though nothing of much size since the first one. Unfortunately the fish aren't always rising so I've had to work on my nymphing, and it needs a lot of work. I've found this to be one of the toughest types of fishing I've done but practice is paying off. Again my first fish on the nymph was a decent sized fish, and since then I've continued to pick up mostly smaller fish, but they do seem to be coming with more consistency each time. Here are a few of the larger ones I've taken on streamers so far this spring. I've also spent some time working some brookie streams and picked up a few fish there as well. I was also lucky enough to pick up my PB brookie a week ago. This fish was beauty and the pic really doesn't do him any justice but here it is anyhow. Also all fish were released quickly to be caught by me again once they're bigger. Now of a few extra pics I've taken so far.. I'm sure you've all caught fish that were so full you couldn't believe the were still hungry but check this guy out. Despite having a large crayfish sticking out his mouth he still decided to hit a large streamer. Pretty aggressive for a 4 inch smallie... Not normally one for posting pics of shiners but I couldn't believe the colors on this fish. The sides were almost a fluorescent pink and the edges of every fish including the tail had a bright red stripe. Again my camera didn't really capture this too well but here it is anyhow. Finally can anyone give me an ID on this guy? Until next time........
  3. If you've got an electric motor you may want to think about guelph lake if you're in the area. Since gas motors are not allowed you don't get nearly as many yahoos flying all over the place. It can actually be peaceful. There are some pike in there and crappie as well, though it's not the fishery rice is.
  4. While our fishery may in fact be capable of supporting a year round C&R bass season there is 1 major reason I am strongly against it. Bass are found in nearly every waterbody and caught by a variety of methods. So by opening bass year round you are saying you can fish any system anytime of year. So what would be stopping me from going to the upper saugeen, maity, or any steelhead trib and throwing on a mepps spinner or floating worms in march or april, for bass or course. And if a big run of steelies happen to be coming through and I start picking them off no problem right? As long as I release them. Or maybe I'll go to my favorite walleye lake in april and bounce jigs for bass. And if I get a bunch of spawning walleye no biggie, I'll just let them go. Our bass populations are in good shape and MAY be able to withstand the accidental pressure of catching a few during their spawning season while fishing for other species. But are the populations of other key game fish, like trout and walleye, capable of supporting the same pressure if they're caught by "bass anglers" during their spawn?
  5. Part of the issue with the declining browns in whitemans is actually in fact due to the steelhead. Prior to the removal of the dam near the mouth of whitemans steelhead had limited access to the upper creek. Since it's been removed it's opened grounds for the steelies but it has been detrimental to the brown trout population. The last time I was their all I found were a few small browns and rainbow smolts. I agree with the harvest issues raised as well. But I suspect that is a problem everywhere. It's about time the 5 trout limit in Zone 16 and 17 streams is rethought. But that's an argument for another day.
  6. I agree to, but unfortunately they've got us bent over. We can either allow them to drill and take what they want or we can fight them from drilling for new supplies and watch oil prices go through the roof again. Pick your poison.
  7. Great report, must have been a blast. I bet you're hooked on brookies now.
  8. You would be better off going into your local tackle shop and talking to someone there. Make them aware you're just getting into fishing and could use some help. Buy a few items and they'll usually point you in the right direction to catch some fish. You'll probably find most people are much more likely to help you in person than in a setting like this. The problem with posting good spots with easy shore access to the masses is that they don't remain good for too long.
  9. If you drive by everyday why not bring the rod and stop and give it a try. No better way to find out.
  10. 1. I would create more no kill zones, ie. single barbless hooks, no organic bait, all catch and release. Every major river would have a section designated as the Grand currently has. I would create small sections like this on the larger lakes as well. Prime spawning and juvenile grounds would be targeted for protection. 2. A major change to trout limits. Combined limit for all trout in southern ontario would be 3 instead of the current 5. And the individual limits for all trout would be reduced to 2. No one needs 5 brook trout out of fragile streams every weekend. 3. Make the conservation license a true conservation license. You have a harvest limit of 0 for all fish. If you'd like to harvest, buy a sportfishing licence. 4. Any persons who wish to keep fish regardless of age must have a sportfish licence. If you're under 18 and want to catch and release you may do so freely, however if you chose to harvest you buy the license. Reasoning for this is quite simple; i'm sick of watching families with 1 adult and 9 kids keeping 10 limits of fish with the 1 license they have between them. This is a problem at conservation areas in southern Ontario. If a child is keeping fish it's probably not his choice, his parents are likely telling him to, so they can foot the bill for his license.
  11. Nice to see most people doing well. My opener was a little tougher, but it was my first go with the fly rod so that was expected. The water levels are really disturbing though. Can't imagine what things may look like in the fall I think the low water is part of the reason why the numbers were so high this year. Those conditions really school hungry fish up together in the few deeper pools. In some of the smaller tribs it's like shooting fish in a barrel if you've got your stealth on.
  12. Good luck to you. I to will be out in search of some fantastic fish like those. It will be my first attempt with the fly rod so we'll see how it goes.
  13. The CO will always take the fish if he's fining you. It's evidence in case you decide to fight the ticket.
  14. Sounds like fun, does anyone question you using a centerpin?
  15. Good for you, I would lend a few hours, but I'm not in the area. But on a side note I have heard there is a group that keeps an eye on the Grand River and some of the tribs in the area. Can anyone confirm or deny this?
  16. Is there any hope of reviving this program? If we put some pressure on the MNR would they be willing to give this or a spin off program a shot? I've become very frustrated by some of the things I've seen and would like to do something about it. I'd certainly be willing to give some time to assist if a program existed. Other than continuing to make the phone calls is there anything else us responsible anglers can do? And I'm not just directing this at Rick, but anyone who has any ideas, lets hear them.
  17. Ya the MNR funding has been stripped no doubt, and with the debt our government took out to fight the recession I would suspect further cuts are probably (unfortunately ) in order. I agree with the lack of punishment though. Here's a thought: The fine is set at $100 for EVERY fish you're over the limit. That would make people think twice.
  18. You're absolutely right here. And unfortunately this is the reason that some people turn to vigilante justice. You can only go on watching people rape our resources for so long without doing something. And I don't think it's fair to blame the MNR though, they do what they can with the limited funding they have.
  19. I agree with you on this. I usually only talk to the younger guys when I'm in there, they're easier to talk to for sure. Also Drock - As M&S mention Rainbow is at the corner of King and Northland in Waterloo. It's just north of the Home Depot on King St.
  20. If you're in the KW area check out Rainbow sports as well. They don't have the selection of bass pro but the service is MUCH better. If price is your thing both Rainbow and Natural have decent prices.
  21. I vote for white buckets!
  22. Play under the same name as on here. When I'm on cash tables I usually play limit holdem. I switch to no limit holdem and usually play in the $3-5 tournies. But my pokerstars season usually only runs during the middle of winter since I don't ice fish. During the open water season I'm not really sitting inside too often....
  23. He is incredibly lucky if this is all he had to do in order to get a full time job with the MNR. Very few people get hired directly to full time out of school. Most people spend several years working contracts in various locations before an opportunity like that comes along.
  24. Congrats on the beauty of a fish. Nice to know it went back to swim again. It's too bad some people feel the need to drag you down.
  25. Well as per the regs you're supposed to kill them but realistically it doesn't matter what you do. Anglers can never make a dent in the population, the dam things reproduce multiple times a year.
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