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Everything posted by l2p

  1. Couple shots of some "spring" steelhead, now time to bust out the Ultra light for some sucker slaying
  2. I used to work summers at the bluffs so I've seen it as well, also have to agree with Solo that there are less fish being kept on the tribs.
  3. Definitely the most fish i've ever seen at the ladder, sad to see so many cut up fish from the sharp edges of the dam though.
  4. Man was it ever a clear view last night... was out fishing late and the star show was phenomenal, even saw a couple shooting stars
  5. Amazing! Ill be happy if I touch half of what you did in my next 10!
  6. l2p

    a new pb

    Awsome fish bro!
  7. WOW!
  8. keep ya head up bro!
  9. dang! those char are really somthing...
  10. looks fun! i need to get on some ice!
  11. l2p

    End of Year

    Thanks guys! Time for a change of pace, time to hit some thin ice!
  12. what its all about man Ive been hitting the rivers for years now and the feeling you get when your float goes down is still the same!
  13. l2p

    End of Year

    Haha lets just say that some of my friends hated me this season Atlantics are always a great surprise! That one was my first adult, ive caught two other atlantics and they had yet still to return to the lake. What made it even more special was the fact that I saw it blast from the other corner of the pool in the corner of my eye to smash my roe bag that was just entering the pool through the top of the drift! That memory has been etched into my head
  14. l2p

    End of Year

    Thanks guys! Merry Christmas!
  15. "you wanna try for that double header" I never thought you could TRY for one!
  16. Holy Muskie!
  17. Been such an awsome fall season and for one am happy that its all about to slow down, I never thought id say it but I think im a little fished out haha. Ice season is taking its time but im not rushing either and I'll never officially put the float gear away as Niagara trips are often in the winter but sleep will be my best friend for the next few months The restaurant is also in full holiday mode so after my short but sweet 10 days of time off in Jersey will be pretty much work work work, but thats never a bad thing! Anyway here is my photo recap on being a river bum for the last few months... So ended off the salmon season with my bud Mike hitting(actually hit and deep throated his bag) this spawned out "dropback" chinook right at the lake... lol. From then on we switched over to Chrome mode and went hunting... Lots of early morning days, most of which started of like this... Ofcourse on trips(2-3 day missions) we would have extra time waiting for the sun so this became part of breakfast... We ventured far and wide in our weekly search of steel. Exploring and walking stretches of rivers, some familiar some not. Chrome Colors Rarely seen Gems And on a very recent trip I managed to tame one of my biggest yet, I never measure or bother so I just go by what I remember... Trust me its hard to forget the big ones... Shes almost double the cork on my 14 ft raven im8! Nabbed her "little sister" later that morning. And of course the beautiful end to everyday. Wish everyone Happy Holidays and Tightlines!!
  18. great watch... thanks for sharing.
  19. hahah i stand corrected minus that one haha
  20. Way to be versatile! Nice fish, reminds me of this one time earlier this fall. Was fishing a large pool but the water was gin clear, you could see every fish in there. I was getting by using 3 lb lead and singles but after every fish id hook the pool would shut down for 20 min or so... then this older gent came up and started casting little brass spinners, almost every cast 5-10 fish would stray from the pod and follow with most striking short or "tasting" his lure. He hit 3 fish from that pool and was on his way... it was an awesome sight to see considering the fish were absolutely spooked from the morning bite.
  21. Ive never really caught a brown in the rivers that fought like a steelie, come to think of it the only time ive ever seen a brown jump while hooked is at a certain marina when they used to come in heavy. Generally i think they just like to take runs and hug bottom. Nice fish btw
  22. Gotta love a fishing trip with good friends... looks like you guys had a blast, thanks for sharing!
  23. Ahhh im just having a really good fall season thats all! And you guys are most certainly welcome!
  24. Looks like everyone's got the rainbows dialed in good this year, I have been blessed so far and have done really well so far. Theres not much that can top the feeling of an angry fall steelie fresh from the lake that just deep throat-ed your offering haha. heres my contribution, Gotta love fall for the colors!
  25. Absolutely some stunning rivers and scenery! I think me and Kelvin are gona have to pay you a visit some time
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