haha oh wow "lets take pics of your arm so we can see how it looked like after..." i saw a father andson duo at willy this fall, the kid(prolly 10ish) accidentally slipped and fell on the mud. he was covered from his behind to the back of his head in mud and he started crying. the father looked at him once reached into his pockets and pulled out his car keys and tried to hand it to the crying kid. he just kept crying, a couple more casts later he packed up and left with the kid with some what a sour face on. mind you he still havent said anything to the boy. 15 min later i see him walking back just by himself this time, odd i thought. 2 hours later the fish have slowed down so we decided to pack it up and drive up river to hit up the pools, and what do u know i see the kid in the car with the doors locked and hees there in the same muddy clothes sobbing. but he had his gameboy with him to "keep him happy" i guess? some people werent meant to have kids...