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Everything posted by l2p

  1. good for you man, have fun!
  2. Heres another lady from the same day! biggest fin clipper ive ever caught. Thanks for all the comments and replies! tightlines
  3. def sum sort of salmon specie, atlantic? i think i see sum red dots and def a forked tail.. nice fish dude, i to hit up the local marinas around here for pike and what ever else hits!
  4. thanks for the comments, she def was an amazing specimen. been sum time since i caught a fish with a tail i could barely grip!
  5. Heres my pb so far this year, sorry guys no measurments. Couple quick pics and off she went. tightlines
  6. and yes dolphins are sumtimes cute lol. maybe i shud rephrase the title, its a little misleading.
  7. its not the dolphins tho. its the whole idea of it, the fact their government know they poach and cover it up.
  8. Was just sent this link by a friend of mine, watched the film and now am ready to throw up. Thoughts? http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/cove/ *Note it only lets you watch 72 mins of video for free so I youtubed the last 30 min or so...
  9. Looks fun!
  10. awsome fish, and amen to that!
  11. ohh man what id do to get another one of those stellar days down in the gorge!
  12. ^^ after today... maybe. haha great pics guys, somthing about sunset or sunrise on the ice!
  13. haha nice pics, beuty fish too! lets keep it going, i know you all got pics you wanna share somewhere
  14. more like was there blood left on the bat
  15. Post some of your winter fishing pictures! memorable ones, big fish ones, skunked day ones! Lets see some winter eye candy, wont be long now until were all fishing with less layers! ill start..
  16. great lookin trip boys! i can finally now believe that theres lakers in that lake haha. ive spent many hours on that lake lookin for them in the summer when i go up to buddies cottage and only ever pulled out smallies! we always mark tonnes of fish suspended deep though we never got any to commit, ive even heard stories of ppl catching browns and bows in same lake! but i guess those two have still yet to be proven best wishes as always and see you out on the water soon!!!
  17. nice looking rods but i havent seen them around yet, if your looking for an ultralight however look into these rods. http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Micro-Lite-Graphite-Spinning-Rods/product/10204875/-1645725 i have a 6ft ul and a 7'6 ul both are awsome rods and have caught anywhere from crappies to bows with them while fishing for brookies. great action and feel and for 40 bucks u cant really go wrong, specially with awsome bps warantee!
  18. haha oh wow "lets take pics of your arm so we can see how it looked like after..." i saw a father andson duo at willy this fall, the kid(prolly 10ish) accidentally slipped and fell on the mud. he was covered from his behind to the back of his head in mud and he started crying. the father looked at him once reached into his pockets and pulled out his car keys and tried to hand it to the crying kid. he just kept crying, a couple more casts later he packed up and left with the kid with some what a sour face on. mind you he still havent said anything to the boy. 15 min later i see him walking back just by himself this time, odd i thought. 2 hours later the fish have slowed down so we decided to pack it up and drive up river to hit up the pools, and what do u know i see the kid in the car with the doors locked and hees there in the same muddy clothes sobbing. but he had his gameboy with him to "keep him happy" i guess? some people werent meant to have kids...
  19. haha looks like a good time no doubt
  20. rip..
  21. thanks guys, ive always wanted to be down there on a crazy snow storm. I remember seeing waynes big steelie pic from down there in a snow storm and that was always something i wanted to experience, no crazy huge bow though haha. @Rob haha it was that cold bud, the first couple hours it was snowing hard but jsut falling straight down so it was nice then the wind picked up and thats when we packed it up. crappies soon =)
  22. haha oh man that was just the perfect video to top off my already random night lol thanks for posting
  23. ^ haha
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