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Everything posted by l2p

  1. Sweet lookin rod and solid choice of reel, ive also had mine since they came out except mine might have more roe juice than the original black on it haha. Also some very healthy looking drop backs!
  2. Good to see u back in action Mike! Lets go do brookies soon, im on a role with them this year. I even pulled out of rice fishing for crappies haha.
  3. absoloutly jealous, great fishing doc!
  4. Nice fish Dave!!
  5. Nice fish bro, dont think of retiring the rainbow gear just yet. Plenty fish in the systems still!
  6. Ahhh good good times indeed! The fish are definatly of bigger size this year, exactly what i was expecting after seeing the salmon and bows of the fall run.
  7. Thanks guys, the fire was an absolout must for sat mourning. By 4 am everything around us was soaked, good thing we had the fire going all night so it had really hot embers that dried the wet wood up nicely. I must say this opener was one of my better ones from past years, I just hope others can also say so.
  8. Was an awsome fun weekend for us, hope everyones was aswell. Heres some pics to share, enjoy !
  9. beautiful dave, thanks for posting!
  10. Thanks guys, I dont think it has anything to do with boasting at all haha for as long as i can remember ive always seen fish close ups along with gear, maybe to show what you used to tame the "beast" like kill shots with bows and guns.
  11. thanks, your blog has some awsome old school pics!
  12. you guys are too kind, the camera did all the hard work! i just had to catch the fish and take the shots haha
  13. So with trout opener just around the corner i know alot of you are getting antsy and meticuously making sure that everything is set for the coming weekend, i know i am haha. Here are some pics to keep the few of us sane until the weekend, only four more days to go. May everyone have a safe and fun opener! Goodluck to everyone!
  14. just finished aswell, just under 200 id say within a couple of smokes!
  15. Gotta love the niagara! nice feesh.
  16. thanks efka!!
  17. anyone know where id be able to stream full episodes online of this show?
  18. Thought id share some pics from this spring so far, enjoy. Tightlines
  19. Nice fish and awsome pics, sucks about the sturgeon though...
  20. anywhere below the cnr tracks to the lake... google search cnr rail road.
  21. sent u a pm..
  22. ... two weeks ago all waas complaining because everything was frozen? now that all the rivers are thawed out people still cant go out and venture for them selves? nice first post btw. heres a tip.. pick one of those rivers u were thinkin of hitting. go there and see for yourself how the water is.. if its too high up to fish the regular holding spots then move around until u find the slower water. just cause the waters are high and murky doesnt mean they disappeared. on a side note you can follow live2's advice to hit up the niagara... i highly doubt its as dirty as sum of the rivers u were thinkin of..
  23. l2p


    Good to see a post from you Mike! See you out on the rivers soon!
  24. exactly!
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