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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. It is cheaper and I know what you mean about Canada not having a selection like the US. Lawnmower pull cords come in like 5-6', you'll have to look around locally to find them and melt your own lead onto them or just use separate lead pieces same thing, if not US is the only place.
  2. There have been many surveys done on muskies and their diet, walleye is usually at around 1-3% of the diet so that is not a factor in the decline from what I've read, perch is on the menu most of the time or large bait fish but they are territorial and will eat a walleye if it's in the wrong neighbourhood.
  3. Have no money for week trips but you never know, I'll be on GB almost every day, and Nip, French, Moon river, Parry Sound areas are all close with great fishing so I can't wait to get the boat in the water and Collingwood, Wasaga beach, for salmon and bows when I go home. I guess a good camp ground could be a cheaper option for a longer trip though.
  4. Nice, you'll be glad you went with 50lbs.
  5. Unbelievable, I'm glad your daughter didn't get hurt to badly, I've lost a lot of friends and family to the roads, drive safe out there. And all you that think your Dale Ernhart, slow down, especially in this dirty weather.
  6. That's just amazing, looks like the photo. Why is it backwards from Dans photo though ? was there a mirror involved somewhere.
  7. Maybe try and rub some dog flea soap on the line. I have no idea, never had that problem, just rig the reels with some different lines and see what works best.
  8. HAHAAa, tell Elly May not to worry I will drill all the holes for her, ask her if I should bring the 6 or 8" auger.
  9. That's cool Nauti, you met all the Hollywood superstars of the fishing world, looked like you had a awesome time. Did you see Britney Spears at the show with here shaved head ?
  10. These guys have a set on them, I would love to catch someone stealing out of my pocket. (other than the bank) That's a big turd for sure.
  11. I was thinking it looked like a sucker too.
  12. It looked like the Tarpus Erectile Dysfunctionist in the first attempt, it's getting better each time.
  13. Nice perch. Those whities are a good meal to.
  14. Hard to say what that fish is, doesn't really look like a Walleye to me but I don't know, you should have chipped it out and ate it, probably still good.
  15. 1/4oz Jigs and more jigs, worm harnesses and more worm harnesses, I find worms the best bait in August for bass and walleye. It's funny but I've caught all my biggest smallmouth 6-7lbs on worm harnesses chasing walleye and you might hook into a musky or pike as well.
  16. I have herd a lot of guys say the Luna is the best reel out, and cheaper than the Calcutta, I was thinking of getting one. I used a Induron 400 last year for the whole season, it gave me no problems, but it doesn't seem to well built, lots of plastic pieces, my abus feel better for around the same price, only time will tell, I will see how long it lasts.
  17. Great response Rick, with those examples you gave I guess 99% of us are pirates. Arrrghhh, we all got a case of the scurvy.
  18. There are a lot of nice used motors around, but the 1 year warranty would be nice a new kota is only 2 years and motorguide has a 3 year warranty. Back to the shaft length again considering you can move the shaft up and down like most motors. Irish had a good point with the handle,if you went with the longer shaft but if you like standing and casting than it would be better up high.
  19. Very nice, big ice fish.
  20. Custom 7' gloomis glx with cedar handle, M, 15lb braided line on a pflueger president spin reel is my fav for Walleye. 7'6" St Croix Avid, with abu big game loaded with 60-80lb braid for musky. These are the rods I use the most.
  21. Headhunter, as far as I know you can read the papers on the net, up to date, I know the Sun does because I read it on the net, has all the top stories of the day, have not looked for the Star but I'm sure they do to.
  22. Thanks guys. Yes Lew I will need a boo-box, I have some lexan I was thinking of using or I might do the cheap milk crate idea.
  23. Exactly what I was thinking, rich get richer, poor get poorer. Jughead don't worry it won't be me in your cottage. I have a conscience and it will tell me I'm wrong if ever for downloading music and video, but I doubt it. How about the bank loan you got to pay for the cottage, tell me they are not the real thieves ? they broke into your cottage before you even moved in.
  24. Sorry corporate America, are you're billions of profit not enough for you, stock holders not happy. Nice scare tactic, but my Ipod will be filled.
  25. You finally have the good ol' Loonie south of the boarder that you are calling the presidential coin, we all know it's really a Loonie, now quit making fun of us. jk
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