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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. I hope his wife was good at cleaning fish.
  2. Always fun dodging iceburgs. At least you got out.
  3. Nice job Lew, I always like your advice and reports.
  4. How big was the Sturgeon ? are they rare where you were fishing ? Nice job.
  5. I got one custom double buzzer, makes quite a racket at night, could be good.
  6. Well, I got to pic 9 with dial-up.lol. looked like a great day from what I seen.
  7. North of Parry sound (pointe au Baril area). There is only really one guide (Blair) and I will be talking more with him, I'm just looking for advice from some of you guys. Basically working for the lodges is good in many ways, no expenses,(use their boats, gas, bait, tackle etc...) you just show up, go fishing and get paid at the end of the day by the lodge, plus you have a gang of guides that tell you where the fish are, and your names not on the line as much, it's more of the lodges name and they are more responsible. So I'm basically considering going out on my own but It will be a lot different, plus it's easier to just ask you guys..before I find out the problems by myself.
  8. I would be on Georgian Bay, inshore, walleye, muskie, pike, smallmouth are what I fish for, could go offshore for Salmon, Rainbows and lakers but I would need two seperate boats to do that. May 1st to ice up is when I fish but I could imagine it gets slower in Oct, Nov. I would have to work a real job in the off months like GreenCoach. A couple guides here put out Ice huts in the winter but the ice fishing is slow.
  9. Nice one Roy. Team #10 is by far the best squad.
  10. I imagine there are quite a few guides on this site, just a few basic questions for you. I have fished my whole life and the last two years have guided part time for lodges and independent guides that asked me when they were booked. I'm thinking of going full time, I took my time learning all the local hot spots and learning the structure, times of year when the fish move, temperature etc...and started a journal of my days on the water to try and lock it in a little more. There is only one full time independent guide in the area I fish and he is always booked and I've talked and fished with him quite a bit, he thinks it would be a good idea, there is more than enough buisness plus he just had a baby girl and she will give him a handfull. How did you start ? What was your first guide boat ? Do you like your job ? Can you make a good living ? What licenses or insurance do you need ? I guess that's more than a few questions, but I have a million more. I know it's not easy like people think, but I'm willing to give it a go. How have your experiences been ?
  11. That's one of them thar skunk salmon, half decomposed carcass. Sweet pics again, It's a dream of mine to get to the Yukon and Alaska for some fishing and 4 wheeling.
  12. That's sad news, dogs are part of the family, that's for sure, but you'll always have the memories of the good times.
  13. Ebay has tones of nice boats, new and used. A lot of actual boat dealerships on there and manufacturers selling boats to, just make sure you ask all questions and even phone them to, once in a while there is Canadians selling boats on there to but not many.
  14. Sorry to here that Matt, that resort is not getting to much positive feedback. I would have traded positions with you though just being outside in the warm weather would be a good time for me right now, this winter is carrying on to long.
  15. I did that a couple years ago and still have the same batteries, if your charger auto stops than it should be fine and then it trickle charges by itself every so often, I try to charge them up once a month in the winter. You'll just have to see when you hook them up but they should be fine. If they were all the way out of water you could have a problem, that's never happened to me so I don't know about that.
  16. WASS gps will be my next purchase. I think a bow mount electric motor was the best investment I ever made, it allows you to fish so many different ways it's very handy. The rods reels and lures never end..
  17. No surprise there. Nice report, you'll have some nice bait for a while now.
  18. I ate around 3-5 cans of tuna a day when I use to body build, can't even look at it anymore. And the boybuilding days are over too, but it looks like I got a couple dozen walleyes in my gut. Time to start eating that mercury again I think.
  19. I have caught at least 5 walleyes with the same minnow on more than one occasion, I try to make them last as long as possible. Speaking of rubber, I use it more for rigging minnows, it's a little trick, you cut a small piece of the rubber worm and put it on after the minnow and it holds it there so the only way it will come off is if a fish rips it off but it will increase your hook ups and save you minnows.
  20. Wow those could all be screen savers and wallpaper. Here's the most memorable encounter I had last year.
  21. I was wondering the same thing, use to see him on all the time, haven't seen a post from him in a while.
  22. Prep H.... I'd say. Last year I fished with a good friend that hates live bait and insists that plastic is better. I'll just say he got skunked and I ended up with some nice fish, but I have ran out of live bait and went to the plastic reserve before and they do work, I get the scented ones.
  23. As long as it doesn't look like one of the thousands that show up at Wasaga Beach, way overdone with all the bells an whilstles except for the motor. she will like it. Between Civic and volkswagen is a toss up for the most reliable engine. I've seen many civics with 1,000,000 or so kilometres.
  24. Thanks Wayne, I was just eating dinner. What an idiot, hope they find him/them.
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