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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. I always used roe exclusively all year up into the winter months at the mouths and hardly failed, sometimes I bottom bounced a jig and minnow just like walleye fishing and it can be deadly most days if you can keep from getting hung up too much.
  2. Yes,I got a pair and they are perfect for fishing, wind or rain and under or over other clothes when it gets colder, the only problem I found is that they make them for people with no torso because they are at least 6 inches shorter than most coats so order bigger than usual. I got a xxxl and it fits tight compared to a normal xl, I do like baggy clothes though. Here's an example, see how much longer my normal shirt is under the coat ? lol.
  3. Nice report and fish, I would say you guys had a good day, you really put in the work anyway from dusk to dawn, they can't be big all the time even in Lac Seul but that 24" is very nice still and a nice mix bag with that nasty Dog fish aka Ling, lol. When you think about it though fishing is getting more popular and growing substanually every year it seems, and with Walleye being number one on the dinner list, more lodges, internet, many different TV shows, ect... it's only a matter of time before the Lakes take a hit and aren't what they use to be, this is happening everywhere but it is what it is.
  4. GCD, Stripers are one fish I wish the bay did have, they look like a good fish to catch. Nice fish EHG, yeah when I got it I noticed the perch head and than the body looked like a crappie but I herd of guys getting white bass up here too so wasn't sure but I can see the difference now. I would guess Nipissing has them, they got everything else from the Bay and have herd of guys getting lots of White Bass there.
  5. Nice fish, gotta love the firetiger, doesn't look even remotely close to any fish color but always a good choice.
  6. Got this in the spring trolling Georgian Bay for walleye with a worm harness, I've never caught a white perch or a white bass so had no idea, googled it and seems to be a White Perch ? Anyone else catch white perch anywhere ? don't see them around to much on the bay.
  7. WTG, nice fatty for sure, gotta love the fall girth. You can tell how thick she is by your fingers barely stretching her skin, lol.
  8. Yeah, tough to beat the series one and lightning rods dollar for dollar, they are surprisingly tough and sensitive. My good old custom G-loomis is by far my best though, not just because it was the most expensive it really is the best quality, but I'll still never buy another when you can get 3 or 4 really good rods for the same price and not worry as much when the snap or crack eventually.
  9. Try future shop.
  10. Thanks guys, yep just keep grinding out on the bay and eventually you'll get a good fish of whatever species your after. Temp was down to 49, I took the pic on the timer than put her in the water by the tail and got my tape out but she wanted to leave in a hurry and it was hard to hold on, got one at 42" one at 44" so I'll go with 43" but she felt like a musky with a nice thick tight girth, she had some sort of big bait fish half way down her stomach as well if you look just after her head is thicker than her belly, lol. I've been wanting to get one of those 60" bump boards to get accurate measurements on big fish.
  11. Ha, looks like someone stole one of the ones at the liquor store and painted it pink. And they have went missing before from a few different locations.
  12. Thanks fellas. Wayne, nice monster musky you got this year by the way, seen it but didn't post that day. Darrell more rods the better, how bout you shoot me a PM when you feel like going out and we'll work it out, not much time left this year though the waters already 49 as of today, won't be long before ice comes in. Lol, it's good when you get them and there usually big but damn it's a tough place to fish, I'm not sure there is any tougher water in Ontario, lots of skunked days but the good ones make up for it on the Bay and you always have a shot at a trophy, if your about numbers it's not the place.
  13. Went out today just in time to get soaked in the rain but it ended up being a good day. Started to troll for muskies and like usuall I never get the targeted species but was happy with this monster Pike instead. Was marking tones of fish in 30fow so I was running baits at 20 feet, came up on a 18 foot hump and she hit a 10" Firetiger Jake rite when it started bouncing off the rocks, shortly after I thought I had a weed but it ended up being another Pike but just barely bigger than the lure. I had 3 batteries and two power packs on the boat and amazingly drained them all but the one power pack so I decided to head back home at 5:00pm just getting to the best time of day but had no choice. I pulled up to park my boat at the dock and my brother in law was just heading out in his boat and asked me if I wanted to go, so off we went this time for walleye. Caught a few small ones and then my biggest of the year a fat 31" to end a great day. Musky was my goal but can't complain when these things happen, all the fish swam away for another day.
  14. One thing I noticed this year after seeing and loosing more follows than I've ever seen was that my bow mount trolling motor scared them away, I didn't catch one musky all year that came withing 2 feet of the boat, finally realized why they were swimming away and it was the motor for sure so I started turning it off half way through a cast so it's off making no nose when the musky is close and it seems to be workin, and no bananas either.
  15. Well 6'2" is still short for dunking standards at that height you would still need above average vertical to dunk regulation, but yeah at 255 lbs that's real tough for a big guy, just hit the gym hard do more Z's, play more basketball, run harder and a healthy diet is most important. I think 200lbs would be a perfect basketball weight for you at 6'2" and you'll feel a lot lighter and have less stress on your knees ect, so I wouldn't worry about trying to put on muscle at this point untill you feel really light and than you can add lean muscle later on if you want. If your playing basketball for a couple hours every day and change your diet healthier that alone should be enough to drop the pounds fairly quick, if you do workout do light weights high reps and back to back sets like circuit training, if you have a super slow metabolism than all you can do is work even harder, sweat untill you puke and eventually you won't puke anymore. If you drop some decent pounds I think your vertical will improve and your joints should feel better and you'll have a good shot. So more cardio, healthier diet, play as much as you can, constantly jump at the rim over and over every day and you'll get there.
  16. I use to be a hard core body builder and know a little and also played basketball for years and could dunk pretty good at only 6 feet (blew out my knees a few yeras ago). Whats your goal ? to loose fat or gain muscle ? because you can't do both at the same time like people think, all though if you loose fat and tone up it gives the appearance that you gained muscle. To gain muscle you have to eat extra calories than normal with tones of protein and lift heavy weights where you can only do 4-5 reps tops, to loose fat you simply do cardio and eat less/better, fast paced workout, play a sport or whatever, if your sweating hard that's a good sign . Best foods for protein : Egg whites Salmon/most fish Skim milk Skinless baked chicken Almonds Natural almond butter instead of peanut Stick to those healthy foods with lots of green veggies and only drink water, you'll see results. It comes down to motivation and dedication and a whole new eating habit for life, not just a little diet here and there. If your goal is basketball training, loosing wight and cardio is going to help a million times more than adding any muscle but at the same time playing basketball in itself is some of the best exercise and cardio you could ever get, so I say just play more, jump more, run more and it will come. As far as dunking a ball most people just can't, height is the biggest factor really, you can get those jump shoes and training program comes with them, we use to use them at camp not sure how much they helped. Stretching before playing is important, and to dunk you'll need to get at least 5 inches over the rim but it comes down to athleticism and practice so time on the court will be the best help working out will be second but I would just play more, it will come.
  17. Interested in seeing those pics. Could be a albino fish ? that would be a new one, funny that you got 4 of them together too.
  18. Perfect, thanks Glen.
  19. Thanks Carp, yeah it's just the O rings. Good idea I'll go to Canadian tire tomorrow and if they don't have connectors, I'll just grab some assorted O rigs while I'm there and order the rite piece over the net later on. It sucked today, wanted to get out for the full moon fish badly, got about 50 yards and the boat stalled, realized it was just the O rings but still couldn't get out without them, I had to hold it snug on the gas tank with one hand and one hand on the wheel to get back to the dock, lol.
  20. Does anyone know if they have fuel line connectors or full fuel line assemblies at canadiantire for Johnson/Evinrude outboard motors ? Called all the local marinas and they don't carry Johnson anymore, I really just need the end pieces because the rubber seals are shot.
  21. Now when you google anything with the word fish in it your sure to get a OFC link somewhere.
  22. Nice little meal there, no wonder she looked so fat in the first pic. I use to have a pic where a guy cleaned a huge pike and found a little Loon in it, can't seem to find it.
  23. Yeah drifting is still awesome, but a nice trolling motor makes it a lot easier when the wind pushes you off course just get back into position with the motor and your good, just makes it that much better.
  24. Well, no doubt you've fished trophy water with many 50+ and potential WR's in the Moon and Niagara just a little harder to find them and lots of hours and lot's of water. I would say Lake of the Woods and St.Clair as well, they seem to have a higher population with less water to cover but still have huge fish. Next the French and lake Nippising, but still a difficult water to find fish, similar to the Moon.
  25. All my biggest pike came on jigs, walleye fishing rite on the bottom, spring and fall.
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