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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Cold icey one one this morning. 2 fish on,little bit of a fight and gone. That was the last laker outing for 2013.

  2. Grow op in Phelpston busted. GO FIGURE.LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. irishfield


      3 of the ring leaders for the Molson plant op were out of Phelpston.. coincidence?

    3. BillM


      Nothing else to do out there :)

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      The phelpston hotel was on the main snowmobile trail.Lots of good memories there lol.

  3. Our company has been picked to fabricate for a winner from the Dragons Den. So cool.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. irishfield


      What Brian... what... I'd hit delete based on what your plant does not hard to narrow down.


    3. misfish


      This is totally off the wall Wayne.

    4. misfish


      Totally not auto motive. LOL

  4. Are the Mods sleeping?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      Good thing,Im out of popcorn.

    3. Roy


      Is there a problem here? Please let me know.

    4. irishfield


      Sometimes you have to give them enough rope to do it themselves Brian. Roy and Art have it in hand I'm sure.... and then it will be millertime!


  5. 8pm and the lights are on. Man ,summer sure was short this year,or is time flying by?

    1. spincast


      Both. I think summer was a week long, and it felt like a day

    2. BillM


      It's cutting down on my crappie fishing!

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      6:30 this morning,still dark.Summer made a quick pass through.

  6. North wind this morning made for a real work out in the tube,but the fishing was real good.

  7. Off to celebrate my parents 50th. WOW

    1. HTHM


      They must be married longer than you're alive....Congrads!

    2. misfish


      Was a nice G2G. And yes,one year more then my life,but 10 years before they got married.So 60 years as best of friends.

  8. Listened today about yesterdays music compared todays. Yesterdays,had so much more meaning. I agree..

    1. dhickey


      Its all in the eye of the beholder. I relate to the old as well as the new. Its all the same..

  9. Anyone seeing icefishing gear being displayed yet? Looking for an eskimo 3 pop up hut.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fang


      Some strating to show on kijiji used sporting goods

    3. Terry


      slow down, we still have boat fishing to do and river and tube

    4. misfish


      Thanks Paul.

      Yup,lots of other fishing to be done before ice up.

  10. A few hours of fun fishing out of the tube,then the skies opened up. Got off just in time.Perch and smallies made for a good time.

    1. Dan668


      Nice, we killed it on gbay today. Had to get off early for about 30 mins because of tshowers.

  11. Thanks for the reel Daniel. And I must say,great job on the weight lose.Keep it up.

  12. Georgian Bay smallies,kick Simcoe smallies big time. Do they every fight.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Terry


      I have had a bad year on simcoe for smallie

    3. irishfield


      GBay kicks Simcoe's ass on most accounts... just a little harder on boats for some!


    4. misfish


      They are a blast Wayne. Leaps and dives.AWESOME.

  13. Wierd theft. Wife left car unlocked. Theif went in,stole about 25 timmie tea bags,petty change and a small ash tray. Left the 25 cd,s.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. John Bacon

      John Bacon

      They don't fit their iPods ;-) When I was a teenager kids my age wouldn't have bothered with 8 tracks ;-D

    3. Musky or Specks

      Musky or Specks

      Not so much a weird theft as a scathing indictment of your musical taste

    4. misfish
  14. Bristol,,not the same track.BORING.

    1. irishfield


      Bristol has always been boring in my books.. won't even watch them go around a football field.


    2. spincast


      I like bristols?

  15. Michigan,88,s favorite track. GO JR NATION.

    1. misfish


      Here we go again. Damit.

    2. irishfield


      What.. he crashed... son was there in person, I'm sure he'll tell me the sorrow story when he gets home tomorrow!


  16. Oh what a beautiful morning,oh what a beautiful day.

    1. irishfield


      Now if you hadda caught something...


    1. Terry


      I'm hoping to buy an argo 8x8, just saying..lol

  18. Why is it,the Muddler always comes though to catch fish? I threw atleast 5 different flies nadda. End of the day,tie on a muddler,and wham wham wham. Go figure. I want to try the SanWaun sp? Do they work?

    1. Christopheraaron


      I know they do well out west with them, what does it cost, $0.50 to make? Try it out and let us know!

  19. Getting loaded up for bassntuben or is that tubenbassn?Either way,should be fun.

    1. misfish


      20 k winds from the north and tubing,not a good mix,but a good work out for the legs.LOL

    2. misfish


      Thanks Nick,for going and get my waders. WHEW

  20. Surf and turf Sunday. Life is good.

  21. What a great day of events. Im exhausted.

    1. Christopheraaron


      better get some sleep for tomorrow there!

    2. misfish


      Wont be making it.Sad to say. Have fun,and good luck Chris.

    3. Christopheraaron


      too bad, shall I win the flippin stick for you then? LOL

  22. Musky steaks for dinner.YUM YUM.

    1. HTHM


      The fillets are much better. Not as many bones.

    2. ketchenany


      If the kids catch a chubb/Muskie tomorrow I'll pm you for a pickup

    3. Pigeontroller


      irresponsible comments


  23. Ah,it,s the weekend,,,,,,,,,,again.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Friday looks even better.LOL

    3. Terry


      I have thurs, fri, sat and sun off all looking good

    4. Terry


      wake up, it's time to go

  24. Looking like a 3 day weekend of fishing is coming. Ya I know the work load is coming again soon.. Take what I can get,while the getting is good.

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