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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. I never seen 4 pig perch like I did today. AMAZING.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Get back to yer learn,n kid.LOL

    3. misfish


      Tanks for da flys.

    4. Christopheraaron


      No prob, let me now how they fish :)

  2. Rain 30-50 mm, Ya right. It,s snowing like crazy here.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. spincast


      raining good enough for Noah now down this way. The Grand will be crazy by Saturday!

    3. Fang


      Outside with the dog for 3 minutes and I'm soaked

    4. kickingfrog


      'nough rain fer ya yet?

  3. 55 fow,herring/smelts.perch filled the screen from 20 fow all the way down. UNREAL. Got a nice feed of smelts for the gathering in two weeks. Eggs and side order of smelts.YUM YUM.

  4. Pan fish?????? Do smelt count?????

    1. Acountdeleted


      Only if they fit in the pan. :D

    2. Fisherpete


      They count for inches... on the waistline LOL

    3. misfish


      My belly had another nice feed today Pete.

  5. Buddy on the ice says,thats cool. Where did you buy that? I said,I made it.(felt like Forest Gump) Can I drill a few hole for ya? Sure he says. Can I try it? Thats where I drew the line. happy fishing to you and your GF.

  6. My old truck would of made it over that curb. DOH.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Terry


      second and third are working just fine thank you

    3. misfish


      Think yer mrs,s would say different.LMAO

    4. Terry


      I think we are talking about different things.....I hope....lol

  7. LMAO You guys call this snow down here. HA HA HA.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish
    3. misfish


      Has not let up since I got home Wayne. Straight down snow fall. Positive,lots of snow to bank the hub. Negative,back breaking walk out in the morning. LOL

      Not sure why Im LOL.

    4. irishfield


      Hasn't stopped since I got up this morning... hoping Leah's smart enough to stay in the city!

  8. Shaved off the stash tonight, After wiping away the shaving cream,I said,man I look like me pop.Even looked at a recent photo I took of him and I, AGE. Got to love it.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      LOL Almost. Atleast I don't look like Wayne or Terry. lmao

    3. mercman


      How will we know its you posting in the forum now Brian? Gonna take some getting used to.


    4. John


      God forbid! Terry OK but looking like Wayne....yikes!

  9. Pats upset the Bronco,s and Sanfran takes the Hawks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Probably the best two teams.Should be a great super bowl!

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I'm taking Seattle,how about a wager?

    4. misfish


      So am I,but since Im two up on ya,I,ll take the Broncos for an extra large timmies.

  10. START THE CAR,START THE CAR,,,,,,LOL Man got a couple of sweet deals today.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Mills
    3. misfish


      When one save over 300 bucks on two items,thats magic Friday.;0)

    4. GBW


      what two items did you steel then B? ;)

  11. Forgot to say thanks to fisherpete for the on ice delivery. Nice to finally meet you and the sled pulls with ease. Just need a longer rope.LOL

    1. misfish


      Oh and that reel is HUGE.LOL

  12. Got on me new Team CANADA sweater on. Come on byes. Going to be a tough one Im sure.

    1. misfish


      LUCKY SHIRT. It aint getting washed til the end

    2. misfish
  13. What a come back that would of been. They showed some true CANADIAN HEART. Too late though.

  14. Skuds catch perch ya,but they are killer herring flies. CRAZY.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Christopheraaron


      Well please, let me know when the big ones start coming up the hole!

    3. misfish


      Two days left to get a good one,then it,s BIG FISH TIME.

      I,ll try Chris.


    4. Christopheraaron


      No worries if you can't B, see what you can do! BTW, I've been trying some beadhead simcoe bugs tipped with minnow secions and it's been working well :)

  15. m a going fishing,he,s a going fishing,why dont you come a a fishing too?

    1. Terry


      i did good fishing today

    2. misfish


      Yes,and I played video perch games.LOL


      Work friday,then back to playing again.

  16. Ben Hur to start the afternoon off.

    1. misfish


      The Robe,then the King of Kings.

  17. Not seeing a power house TEAM CANADA yet. Very slow.

    1. John


      Sweden made them look like little boys. Hope that they get it together

    2. misfish


      I found the Swiss game hum drum.

      Wheres that smash in your face game?

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I'm also betting Sweden so far.It will get better.

  18. Christmas shopping is DONE. Now to try and get all my new fishing gifts to me, past the mrs,s. ;0)

  19. Watch out if your on this new ice. It,s going to be a wild weekend. Play safe.

  20. A nice surprise in my work email today. Once again we are pleased to say,there is profit sharing this year again. Now thats what Im talk,n about JACK. Might get me a new sippie cup.;0)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      Right on Wayne. They had a Christmas party for the gang,theyalso give a 100 dollar gift card for Zhers,plus a nice cash donation.


      I know I worked my a ss off for it.

    3. irishfield


      $75 base plus $25/year served. I have a few now that are costing us $700 each or more. Thank God we still don't have a 108 employees! lol

    4. misfish


      Nothing like


  21. NO MORE ICE REPORTS TIL YA ALL CAN WALK OUT ON 8-10 INCHES OF ICE. That should keep ya all happy.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. i2cool2fool


      There is no such thing as safe pavement!

    3. spincast


      with temps dropping to -13 tonight, you'll be posting come Friday. Time to get that there fire a'goin'

    4. Terry


      I would like to report 8 to10 INCHES


      I would like to

  22. We found ice again. All that matters.;0)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      We started at 7 am.

    3. misfish


      Looks like another ice trip in the morning. Ya ya ya.

    4. Christopheraaron


      Hey B, I may be short a partner, if he bails would you have me? Pinheads on me.

  23. Red huts stand out, so it seems.Even driving at 120km+. LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      Well,I was pretty much in the center.LOL

    3. Tdel


      I bought a red one too.

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I saw from the lights.Not knowing it was you and Terry,till I drove down and saw the car lol.

  24. I know something you dont know.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Oh,but were still trying.LOL

    3. crappieperchhunter





    4. John


      Practice makes perfect....so they say..lol

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