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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Is the BPS header .ca or .com ?

    1. grizzlybri
    2. misfish


      I knew the prices were to good to be true Brian. DAMIT

  2. I think John F was smiling down on me today, heck, he was probly standing right beside me cheering on every catch. I rigged up the rod I bought from him for todays outing. It still has MOJO.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Thx for sharing that Brian...and I'm sure he was right there.


    2. misfish


      I just watched the video of my first river steelhead I caught on that rod Steve. ;0)

    3. moxie


      Absolutely Brian. I remember first meeting John when he had just opened his shop in West Hill. Always had time for anglers whether you were a novice or ran your own charter op. Will be missed

  3. On the hunt for a 14 ft tinny and trailer. Nothing special.

    1. misfish


      I will be powering it electric tiller.;0)

    2. John


      Make you a fabulous deal on a 17.5 Princecraft with 90 4st....

    3. misfish


      Thanks John, but it has to be something easy to move around. That's why just a tinny and trailer.

  4. I wonder if the deer hunters are liking these temps? I know I wouldnt be. Deer wont move,and if you get one,to warm for hanging.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rodbender


      Buck's were Moving this morning chasing does

    3. misfish


      Sounds like a great work out Wayne.

    4. Fisherman


      Saw a nuber wacked today and a couple others with their noses to the ground.

  5. HOO would ever think, I could talk to animals. Video up later. Made my morning.

    1. spincast


      Dr Doolittle I presume?

    2. misfish


      Yes, very little I doo mr..LOL

  6. It happened again. 3rd drift nice silver buck. That was all she wrote for the rest of the day. It sure was better then working though. ;0)

    1. spincast


      sweet man. I gotta get some streamside time in before that nasty four letter word shows up for a few months.

  7. The long weekend begins,3,2,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,NOW ;0)

    1. misfish


      12 doz bags tied ready for the big bite. I hope. LOL I got red,peach,green,pink, white and a couple dozen tied that are my brown sugar/sea salt cure. That stuff is tacky and smells good enough for me to eat.LOL

    2. Fisherman


      Good luck, tight line and stiff rod..

  8. Spiel, you have a pm regarding a rod build.

  9. RAM, The most fuel effiencent truck built today. ;0)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Skipper D

      Skipper D

      pm me if you want to see a pic of one of these opened up with the side removed


    3. Fisherman
    4. Skipper D
  10. My new go to river floats are, River Master. They are so sweet.

  11. I thought forsure was the big day. Well for one guy it was.LOL Good seeing you again Martin. Might see you out there Friday.;0)

    1. 12footspringbok


      Just doing up some more orange bags for the morning. :)

    2. misfish


      Orange eh. That means by Friday, it will be a chartruce day.LOL

  12. Im likeing what I see. Bring it.

  13. It,s amazing how a grain of sand, you cant even see, can make a float reel sound like it was full of gravel. I gringe everytime it happens. It,s all nice a smooth now. Thanks dude for the bearing upgrade advice. Now to get rid of this cold and get back on the river.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BillM


      That river can make even the best of reels sound like $20 Walmart specials, lol. ABEC 5's are what you want.

    3. misfish


      Will see how the new bearings roll in the morning.

    4. misfish


      Totally impressed. That reel spins just from the wind blowing on it. Sadly didnt get much time to enjoy as got a call in. Oh well, theres sunday.

  14. Just got and opened the winter Cabelas catalogue. They are out to lunch.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. misfish


      Bring Sail. It would fit nice in the old Target building store. Would save me the drive.

    3. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      I go by BPS everyday,all good if I need anything.

    4. misfish
  15. I thought I was going to wake up to a country of ruins. But nope, just woke up like any other day with fishing on my mind. ;0)

  16. If your a fair weather fisherman, this weekend is not for you. ;o)

    1. irishfield


      Why I'm going for 'skis Monday and Tuesday! ;)


    2. ecmilley


      yup big skunk today

    3. misfish


      Yup. 0-1 totally not impressed with the weather man. No snow. LOL On the bright side, filled up for .89 per lt.

  17. Cant wait til the election is over. Thought Toronto fans were above this stupid stuff. What was I thinking back in the 80,s taking my 5 yoa son to a leafs game when there was no nets at the end of the rink . Bad father I was.

    1. Rodbender


      First row reds at the Garden's behind the net's loved those seats

    2. grizzlybri


      i got to see one of the last games at the Gardens first row of blues right above the goalie

  18. Long weekend is almost done. The nice part is, it,s only a 4 day work week, then back to fishing.

  19. Was nice to hold the CTS again. This rod is awesome. Beats the meat stick I have been using the last few weeks.LOL

    1. misfish


      All tied up and ready for some sumthn sumthn in the early morn.

  20. Just back from a 3 am departure to Huron. Arriving at temps of 0 and freezing the fingers off chucking hardware and floating some bags, I figured come home and lick my wounds. Should of PM,ed a few fellas before heading out there, but I felt like a young,n again. 1 for 5. And it was a shaker.

    1. Fisherman


      Well at least you didn't get skunked.

  21. Hope it wont be too cold for sleeping in the truck. Decided on a road trip.

    1. Fisherman


      Throw a couple of the hot hands packs in your bag or blanket, they're amazing for that type of use.


  22. Thanks giving weekend. That means crowds. Guess I best get the bush wacking boots out.

  23. The things you hear,,,,,,,,,,,,, I got about 30 pounds of roe,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,What the hell you need that much for?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Wait for it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I sell it to the steelheaders. Pretty sure thats illegal is it not? Selling wild roe.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. misfish


      Good question Rick. I have been searching, yet there is no report of weight. If I had to guess, a pound and a half per hen? I think thats over IMO.

    3. BillM


      I think people aren't very good at estimating how much roe they actually have :)

    4. adolson


      People who fish usually aren't that great about estimating weight of any kind, haha. Sure, that 13" brookie is totally a 3.5lber...

  24. LMAO. I get two chiinneys on dime size pieces of shrimp under a float. Pays to listen to the locals. LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fisherman


      Cheaper than minnows too.

    3. dave524


      use big ones for Channel Cats

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Will need to keep that in mind,thanks.

  25. Going to put in at Beaverton at 6am Saturday morning. Should be in Barrie by 6:15 am. LOL That wind is going to be blowing.

    1. Fisherman


      Oh ya, probably good for wind surfers

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