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misfish last won the day on June 22

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About misfish

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Imperial Angler

Imperial Angler (10/10)



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  1. Ever wake up one morning and say,,,,,,,,,,Lets just go for a drive? 4:30 am up and I said that to myself this morning. Took a drive along a path I remembered as a kid going camping with my pop. Cold water and honey harbour,are nothing like I remember as a 10 yro. The times,they are a changing. I knew that already though.LOL

    1. misfish


      It did though, bring back so many flash backs. As you pull into cold water, there the grocery store. I dought it was food land back then, maybe IGA.This is where pop always stopped to get the groceries for the weeks stay. Leaving town there was the beer store. Driving along honey harbour rd, I tried to find his old friends place on the water at the turn off we use to take. Nothing looked the same, except theres lots of green where water use to be.

    2. misfish


      Where we use to launch and head to an island to camp was no longer. Private property. I know it,s the place as I asked some older locals. What a shame. So headed home thinking about all the times we spent up there. Got to give my pop a call and tell him about the changes and thank him for the memories.


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