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misfish last won the day on June 22

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  1. Where are we? Let me check the GPS.We are here. Here? I dont think so. Yes,we are here. How the hell do you know? I cant see 10 ' in front of us. We maybe here,but we are not there. It was a great adventure no matter.Nothing like pea soup for breakfast.LOL

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    2. Terry


      I was never lost, I knew where we were , not exact, it was hard to get a gps lost and we were way off the drop off but I was right out from the shore where I thought I was

    3. irishfield


      Yep.. we're always "right out from shore".. it's just which way is shore!! lol

    4. Terry


      no said the black forest was just up ahead and it was right where I said , the big problem was we were going to Brians secret spot but he wouldn't tell me where it was and I was blindfolded lol

      while driving

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