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misfish last won the day on June 22

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About misfish

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  1. Were going 24/7 again. BUSY BUSY BUSY. Not sure I can go through this again. I like my health and dont need the stress. And what their bringing in for the weekend shift, really scares me. My poor machines. If I come across grumpy the next few months or so,Im sorry. Bonus part of the whole thing,the mrs,s got hired on.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. misfish


      I have been told that so many times bud. I try and try to step back. Then, I get dragged back in by my own will. DAMIT.

    3. irishfield


      Took me ten years to stop coming out of the office and pushing my maintenance guy out of the way because they were "my" machines Bri...since we started from scratch sleeping beside them. I understand the passion that they have to run and I hope they reward you well for it!

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      It can be tough for sure,I would take that over being slow in a heartbeat.Just remember as Wayne said,there not our machines,we get paid well for a good job,quite to often not even a thank you.Do your job,leave the rest for another day.No uneed to worry about it.

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