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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. Brock is going to win the fight thats it thats all.
  2. Not me , best of luck to those going out there.
  3. again lot's of very nice fish, congrads!
  4. wow those are very nice looking fish. Congrads on all the great catches
  5. Nice bass!
  6. SMB-4lbs LMB- 5 1/2lbs
  7. Our school had a excellent service today
  8. I was wondering what happened, I was wakeing up and went on to OFC and i got nothing. Went to school came home and the site was fixed. Glad the problem was resolved
  9. Greate report! I have yet to catch a lake trout. Thanks for sharing
  10. WOW, thats a huge fish.
  11. Good luck at Muskoka. It doesn't look like im going to be going out on the water at all for the rest of this season. For me it's pretty much done Have fun and hopefully we will see a great report! Mike
  12. Greate report Justin! Congrads on those very nice walleye you both caught.
  13. Nice pictures, I useually watch Tavares and the Oshawa Generals here at the GM Center.
  14. Very nice photo!
  15. Good stuff man, congrads on the PB.
  16. I wish i could catch pike like that, sorry you didn't get as many walleye as you wanted. Great Report!
  17. what about spinnerbaits
  18. That was cool to read, i hope that in the future i can enter a tournament like that but i would enter a pro/am tournament (amature side) just to get a taste of tournament fishing. Thanks for sharing
  19. Beautiful musky smbhunter. Congrads
  20. Very very good video, funny at times too. Nice job, to bad u didn't win
  21. Nope, i reached down and just had a hold of its head but it just slipped out of my grip...the spinnerbait was in it's mouth just past the knot, the line must of broke by the teeth on the musky...it probable would of been between 14 and 18inches
  22. Today it was cold and windy. I got there at about 9:30 this morning and started right off using a white spinnerbait and all i got was nothing I gave a few other baits a try but i didn't last to long out there, i then moved to the boat launch and fished right off the main dock with that same spinnerbait and i got a nice hit. After no more than a minute i got the fish to the dock and it was a wee little musky. I reached down to grab it and the fish took a quick run and cut me off. O well i might go out there one more time this season but i think im done for trying to get bass from shore.
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