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Everything posted by MCTFisher9120

  1. I'll have to try it before hating it. My propane 8" was awesome 1st pull machine every time but was heavy. I sold it and am now trying the much lighter Husqvarna 8" and it's pretty cool. Much lighter but not a 1st pull machine, takes 2 or 3 pulls but it reliable. I disliked hang augers they hurt my back some that winter. When it would punch through i hurt something….regardless the drill is a nice idea but that low bending might suck after awhile but hey that's part of the game!
  2. No thanks too much bending lol, the husqvarna auger i bought it expensive but unreal. Drill is nice idea tho
  3. Dam it's a lefty, unreal reels once you learn how to use a bait caster! Regret selling mine a year or 2 ago. Sorry never backlashed before so can't share to the stories
  4. i've cleaned out the fishing cave finally…time to sell more

  5. Chautauqua Lake in New York has a similar deal, open season C&R Only lot's of fun but bed fishing has it's challenges sometimes, finicky fish and finding the sweet spot on the bed and keeping your craw/drop shot there is a must, you can find fish pre spawn, post spawn and spawning during those spring times so a huge variety of techniques work. Only did it once for a few days but would fish them again in a heartbeat.
  6. Got myself 2 new Stradic CI4+ Spinning reels for next season. A 1000FA and 2500FA. Got a new Fuji Waterproof Camera, $100 bucks for canadian tire some TackleWarehouse money and the necessities like socks, deodorant, shaving creak and razors…My yearly stock just about haha Giant dinner last night, a big breakfast today and Christmas dinner tonight…Love this time of year
  7. I think the Moose Cree natives own Kesagami and Cochrane Air also…..they own it all in the north it seems
  8. They sell fast hold onto it for sure great unit's the 4X and Elite 4's are Nice buy! MTBF
  9. Haha, its a great tune captures Lindsay, Bancroft and NorthBay so well
  10. Not going to play this everyday but a good tune with mild bad language advised
  11. Nice job, looks like a good year for sure!
  12. Core 50Mg7, another crank bait rod and Megabass lures…DeepX150/300/Deep-Six…all deep cranks..some vision 110+ jerk baits too
  13. LOL I love that plastic craw…It's been a hit for 2 seasons now… It's #1 Use to use jigs but caught way more bass on this similar presentation…buoyant rubber and the best scent on the market…Owner 4/0 Wide Gap Plus, peg your tungsten flush to the flat head and start pitching
  14. he put you on sensor control…no more writing what you read on forums Chris Unless you get a lift to the lake drill a hole and measure the ice yourself. All kidding aside, wait…we don't need human test dummies going out there getting there toes wet…I laugh when I hear I fell through this week testing the ice…stop telling me it's safe to go out. Christmas is 2 weeks away. Let the cold do it's thing and freeze the lake. Nobody dies and we all fish on safe ice…is that so hard If everybody believed that we wrote on this forum was 100% correct and true half the threads be taken down. If I walk out on thin ice because I read on a forum it was safe…I am the dumbarse and there is nobody to blame but me…Head to scugog in a few weeks and see 50 people out there fishing…Then I'll talk out and head for a fish…what we hear and what we think is why we post here on OFC. If Chris hears a group of guys were testing spots then why not post it. I was on fish bay the week before last it was thin ice but it held me up…I might of even mentioned it in a post don't care don't remember. Point is if your the only one heading out be careful and don't rely on any forum, news report etc…I use my brain and common sense, something people don't have. End of Rant, happy ice fishing
  15. Right on, nice pics!
  16. Giants, nice job!
  17. Lol funny guy, I hope I catch them all again next year and I'll be in for a real good summer Thanks for the welcome, plan to fish south one day Art. Thanks for the reply's everyone. Can't wait to fish more water next year, lot's of new areas to find
  18. Unreal…that made me cringe 15 times ouch…he fell for 13 or 14 seconds just unreal.
  19. Awesome recap looks like a great season for sure!
  20. Good to hear, I believe the MNR computers are now doing 2014 at the shop. I can post some prices if anybody needs….wonder how much they jacked everything up for next season.
  21. Registering for the WildCard is the bonus with G.Loomis due to the fact that if you do step on the rod, crush it etc if gives you the choice to make a judgement call to either send it in cause a fish broke it and you think warranty should cover it. Or perhaps you snapped the handle in half in your tailgate and you know they will question it. Pull the card and you get a "freebie" From G.Loomis website "Wild Card: A service program offering a onetime, no questions asked, free, over the counter replacement. Only applicable to current rod models of NRX,Pro4xGLX and GL2." Then of course on your 2nd rod your Limited Lifetime Warranty applies and for most all G.Loomis rods you pay a $20 processing warranty fee that includes the replacement of your rod and the return shipping that is as long as the rod is deemed warranty covered. I haven't fished the GL2's but hear there great. Let me tell you however the Aetos lineup of rods is nice and after a year of selling lot's at the shop I've seen 1 or 2 out of many come back broken most likely due to angler error. Pure Fishing is never as fast as Shimano or Loomis most times when dealing with warranty but are 95% going to do a free replacement on any rod. You just pay shipping. Good luck with your choice, the Elite Tech rods are well made and a little cheaper than both rods mentioned and are something to look at also. MTBF
  22. Here is still my favourite photo from all the trips and bass I've caught over the last 4 years. You never forget your biggest and for me my personal best Largemouth is all I chase. Back in 2009 I was doing a early morning solo fish off the docks at my old trailer park. Was working the Rapala Skitter Pop one of my standby techniques now (poppers in the am) on 12lb mono and a shady spinning rod. I had a passion for the forums and sharing reports so of course a camera was on a tri-pod behind me filming a good minute of the fight and the moment where I reached under the dock and held him on camera. It was warm, smooth water and not a soul around to share the fun with me. I remember looking back at camp a million times hoping someone would see me. After another video of the release and 2 or 3 more photos this largemouth was all of 6lbs 13oz. I'll catch a bigger bass from my waters in Eastern Ontario it's only a matter of time Hoping to get the replica mount done up this winter MTBF
  23. Awesome season, got to get a recap together I think soon! Thanks for sharing MTBF
  24. Very cool, lot's of mystery still left in this world.
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