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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Wow Dragon's Den eh... Wish All The Best!! Karper
  2. You're making hungry. Thanks for info. But do you know who dispose the canisters? Will CT take them back emptied? karper
  3. Thats thats a great help. I can acctually picture that. Thanks karper.
  4. Wow you managed to do the circuit. From cats to perch to carp !! Thats awesome !! And all in one place too and in only a day or two or three. Now that's great fishing !! karper
  5. Another thing I was wondering how do you dispose the 1lb canisters? Will CT take them back after they are emptied? I read they are considered hazardous waste and must be disposed of properly. When I asked 2 of the employees at CT before they said just toss them out. Thanks karper
  6. I was there this morning making payment on my card. When the 2 fellas infront of me were up. The first guy placed his items on the table and the cashier pulls out the scratch and save. She opens it and says... "OH you get $5 bucks off. The second person goes up.. She pulls out another scratch and save... Oh Your get $5 bucks off. I open mined at home, and says I get $5 bucks off MM Meats? I don't even shop at M&M meats. I guess you don't have to bring it to CT. They have all the $5 bucks off purchase prizes. karper
  7. Oh ok thanks Mercmen it gives me some idea. And yes I also read that a 20lb tank can be attached to this unit easily with a hose. Its posted on the CTC reveiws of this item. Thanks again.
  8. With the BBQ season approaching and seeing CT might have some portable BBQ units on sale approaching, I was thinking going propane with a portable BBQ unit. I used to mess with the old charcoal briquettes and go to a local park and use thet BBQ set up they have. Nasty as they are... Bird dropping etc. I would clean them ahead of time of course. But with the TEK PORTABLE PORPANE BBQ unit going for $29.99 this coming Friday.... I said why not. The original price is $49.99 I can also use this unit on the balcony which is nice. No dangerous charcoal fumes. My question is....with the 1 lb propane canisters... how long would they last roughly? Estimation. I guess it all depends on how high you turn on the burners and how often I would BBQ. And How much I food I would BBQ at a giving time. Example... lets say 2-3 boxes of burgers per season. 8 burgers per box..For now. Yeah might be a dumb question but I'm wondering how long do these canisters last? I also read you can't recycle them. So Sad....... landfill ? Thanks Karper
  9. I love to watch shows like monster quest and destination truth which tries to find evedience of such creatures. Some of the things or info they find is surprising. All I can say is it interesting stuff. And it is possible I guess. karper
  10. OH My God !! IT'S WHITE.. Nice fatty. Sorry to hear about the mishaps. karper
  11. Go with the canned corn and uglystick. It's the ultimate set-up. Oh and I forgot.. ultra-point hooks. hee hee karp
  12. Wow thats awesome except for the fishing weather conditions. I'd love to give that a try but for fun 3 days straight no sleep carp fishing. karper
  13. I knew you were goin to make it through the battle all long. Congrats. The underwater shots looks amazing. I can think of all kinds great shots underwater. Now comes the hard part. Who's going to fish now? Now that you fallen inlove with a new toy? Underwater shot in rivers are ok but for carp... you'll need to jump in over your head to get the full effect. . Karper
  14. Almost time !!! Thanks for igniting the flame again. carper
  15. Those are awesome pics. What camera were you using? My camera's picture don't even turn out like that. Thanks carper
  16. Looks like the sword was a bad idea. The freddie glove is better idea. Funny thanks carper
  17. Its always I great day when the bite alarms go off. Your post is making me get the itch. Carper
  18. Thanks For the heads up . I'll go check it out. Don't think I need anything but always nice to browse. Carper
  19. Thats awesome. Thanks !! Gotta put that one on my MP3 Carper
  20. Yeah I agree with everything Grimace mentioned above !! Oh hey Aaron Will there be any icefishing episodes from this year? Thanks C
  21. Wow makes me wanna go out for some action now. CP
  22. I was watching fishing Canada this past weekend and pete bowman was fishing a water discharge. I it was in the cold month. Not sure if it was in the fall or winter but it was cold and there was smallies, large mouth and yes he did get into a 30lb + carp it spooled him but he held on and landed it. He said it was bigger than the episode of carp fishing he did at centre island !! dsn
  23. Aw no Bible Christain Study Camp.. huh? Guess that means I don't qualify. Guess we'll never know what the fishing could have been like then. However, I pray you have great and safe journey, And that God will have mercy and bless you're trip. Do bring back lots of pics. dsn
  24. Ok links fixed.
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