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Everything posted by dsn

  1. I had massive abortion this morning with one of the female guppies. The female guppy for some reason couldn't delivery the babies and they were all dead in her belly. With a little help they came out. But from the looks of it they came out few days too late. Looks like frog food to me. dsn
  2. Oh yeah hungry eating machines !! Non Stop. Plus I think they are funny to laugh at with the face they have. I read that because they are such voracious eaters they are banned from being kept as pets in some states !! Just in case someone decides to release them into a pond or lake. (God Forbid !!) They can destroy everything because all they do is feed their bellies. I plan on keeping this guy for long time. Since I have tank of guppies growing it's my guppy gobbler. And with summer coming we have a lot a flies in this building. Should be fun to watch buzzing on the surface of the water. dsn
  3. Don't mean to.. When you type "But" you did it anyways. But.. Thats ok , It's practically over. dsn
  4. No No no... the earth worms are not for my guppies. They are for my frog. Wow, I can't imagine a 50 gal tank with guppies, now that's out of control !!But it must be a great setup though. A real community tank with live plants I guess eh? Always the best so peaceful. dsn
  5. Oh boy that tank looks intimidating. Its dark and fleshing eating fish everywhere. But it looks great !! Just like the amazon dsn
  6. I read up on Dwarf frogs before I thought about getting the African Clawed Frog. The African Clawed frog does grow faster. I had dwarf frog before but didn't know what it ate cause it has such a small mouth. As for the ghost shrimp.. I have a bit of success raising a few. I got 11 babies but then slowly they started to die off cause I didn't know what to feed it cause it was so tiny. Even brine shrimp was too hard for them to eat. Cause they were always "Hanging Around" upside down from the surface !! And the brine shrimp would be on the bottom. One thing I noticed about them was that they will swim close to a light source. So I took a flash light and shined it from the bottom of the tank up wards. And they would be moving downwards towards the light. I would have had more shrimp.. if I was prepared when the eggs were ready to be hatched but I wasn't until half the shrimps were eaten by the baby guppies. I thought they would be safe but I was wrong. So from 11 baby shrimp I'm now down to 6 and they are bigger now than in this picture. And they are eating brine shrimp. I can start feeding them flakes soon. I read that these shrimp will only breed when they are in a large group. I bought 5 since they were only 0.49 cents each !! Now I know what to feed them when they hatch. I first tried egg yoke cause that was the smallest thing I thought I can feed them. It works for tiny fish cause I have done it before. But the water quality really drops that's how I lost some of the baby shrimps. Now I know to feed them the food that brine shrimp feed on. Thats fine powdered algae !! Right next to the brine shrimp section in the warehouse. dsn
  7. I have been feeding the frog blood worms too but he keeps going and going and going. It must be the Energizer batteries he has hooked up to his mouth. DSN
  8. Oh Yeah Great Idea !! I never thought about the talapia. I have seen them in the stores. Mind you I wouldn't eat them from what I heard about them, but I'll feed it to my frog. Thanks "brifishrgy" dsn
  9. I just started keeping a tank full of guppies recently. I wanted to start something easy to mange. 2 Pairs of guppies and thats all. While setting up the tank I forget to buy all the little things. Like gang valves. Cause I knew I'd have to get a small container going for babies. (not a tank) I thought I'd just raise the babies and dump them back into the main tank, simple. Every time I forgot to get something I needed.. my bro would say hey that looks like a nice guppy I'll pay for it every time we visited the store! He ends up paying for everything which is great. We ended up with ghost shrimp too. I love the ghost shrimp interesting to watch. The ghost shrimp ends up with eggs. I had to find a new place to put it or it would be guppy food !! The guppies started producing and I had to find a new container for them with some kinda air stone to keep them alive. I had guppies before in the past but never knew they can have 36 babies !!! On top of that... my other guppy decides she wants to give birth too !! Now I have 72 babies in a small container. Feeding them Brine Shrimp. The previous ones I had to dump them into the main tank to make room for the new born.( Shot looking up at the surface of the tank.) Things were getting out of hand. I read online that in order to keep the guppies to produce brilliant colors you have to weed out the less colorful ones. Plus there were some that were deformed. So...... I bought a Guppy Gobbler, and everything else that fits in her mouth!! She was small and didn't eat much when I bought her. Now she's started to get bigger and eats 2 guppies per day. I ran out of guppies that I didn't want and shes getting hungry. I tried feeding her flakes which she did eat. But makes a mess of it. So I was wondering if anyone has seen any earth worms out they yet this year. I'll figure I'll feed her that till my guppies get bigger. If theres no worms yet I'll have to try processed ham. Maple Leaf? Thanks DSN
  10. You looking for fishermen or for fish?
  11. How about sneaking in a small "disable ad" button. dsn
  12. Wow so crisp and clean looking. Makes my monitor look like its bigger somehow. More space !! Great Job !! DSN
  13. The screaming is from this dolls of death.. Watch out. They chase fishermen. But because there are no people on the island yet they are killing the farm animals this is why you hear screaming. DSN
  14. LOL That's why I don't post anymore on locations. I'll pm my buddies on my friends list More unemployed more fishermen on the water. I'll still post pics as usual with no backgrounds . If I can get my hands on digital. DSN
  15. I normally go down to the show but every time I head down there always seems the be a hit or miss on carp baits and gear. Rather head to the local store that I know does have gear then pay the admission and finding nothing. Has happened before. DSN
  16. I normally use canned corn. Some brands will out perform others. Some are packed with just water, while other are soaked with its own juices. I use Green Giant. Some of the other brands the water or what they are canned with is white juice which is really water. The white juice is actually from the corn itself. The juices is what will attract a carp from a good distance off to your hooked bait. But I have had problems with gobies attacking my kernels in heavily infested areas. You can actually see the bite marks or parts of the corn bitten off. When this happends I chum with canned corn and and with bollies. And I then rig up a bollie. Cause even though a bollie does have scent... its not strong as concentrated sweet corn juice which travels in the water further. Good Luck DSN
  17. You crack me up !! DSN
  18. I just started up with Guppies recently. I was bored plus I had a 20g tank from my sister which she gave me cause she wasn't using it anymore cause all her goldfish died. So I have guppies in a 20g tank and I have all the small babies in a 10g tank. Plus I used to put ghost shrimp in with the guppies but found out that some of the tails of the guppies a chewed up. So I took most of the ghost shrimp out and stuck them in 5g tank. dsn
  19. And here I was imbracing myself for the graphic pics
  20. This world is changing. Good old days are slowly slipping away. dsn
  21. And here I was thinking of getting my neice one, soon. Hamster flu? dsn
  22. That last fish is so nasty MJL. But Your right it needs some major striength trainging. DSN
  23. Yeah we are. Its all I fish for. dsn
  24. yeah I do ice fishing. Haven't gone in 2-3 years cause no ride. dsn
  25. Guess you haven't tangled with a huge Carp huh? Looking for some in the GTA ? I know , I posted so late considering your post was back in October 2009 and it's now Jan 12,2010
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