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Everything posted by dsn

  1. Yesterday I was out searching for pike with no luck. So I went to check out a carp location I used to fish. I wasn't sure if there was any carp there at this time of year. As many tell me the carp has moved deeper into the warmer waters. But I decided to give it a try. It was a cold morning wind 27km/hr and a -3 degrees. Chummed a bit. The water was so clear that you can even see the corn to the right of this bush. You can even make out where the bollies are and what colors they were. Nothing like radio active corn. This was the second location I chummed. (below) Then I seen a shadow move in. Cause the clouds moved in also and everything was dark. Then this white stuff started coming down. Move white stuff. The carp took the bait and slowly moved half an inch. The rod slowly bends. I set the hook and the fight was on!! Or was it? The thing didn't fight must at all. A slow tug and the battle was over. It didn't even go for a 5 foot run. Couple twists here and there and the battle was over. All the shots above was exactly how the battle played out. Its like fishing for catfish. I guess I'll leave these guys alone. Their no fun anymore. Not to mention extra slimmy. They weren't this slimmy in the summer. I could bearly hold him up. Then these fellows moved in and my day was over. I guess with the clear water they can spot the corn from the CN Tower. There goes the dive bombs!! Hey MJL remember this guy? How's about now? I decided to make the best of it so here comes the peking duck pictures. I thought some action shots would be cool. By the time they got though my chum muddy waters was the result. Couldn't see a thing. Dinner time.
  2. woe with post like that I'm afraid to fish with all of you. dsn
  3. I'm always free but no ride. Plus they are calling for 30-37 km.hr winds I think for tomorrow. I think I'll stay on shore. dsn
  4. Oops sounds like the fishing hole is about to be covered over. dsn
  5. I have never taken Fireworks with a digital before so I thought I'd play around with it I was kinda disappointed that the longest exsposure setting was 15 seconds I believe. dsn
  6. Thats what I was just thinking. dsn
  7. Looks cold out there your camera lens fogged abit. I see the trees are in all thier colors. Thansk for the report
  8. dsn

    PM spam...

    Me Too!! I knew I shouldn't have but I'm always a curious one so I went to the site. The page was blank and my comp froze so I did an enmergency shut down!! By holding the "ON" button to shut it down quick as possible instead of yanking the power plug out of the wall. That would have been my next choice. dsn
  9. Thats kills me!! LOL dsn
  10. All the above looks good. Go try them all. But personally I never fished that are b4.
  11. I think he decided to keep his location private or it will be a national world wide attraction.
  12. Yeah I'd love to see an action shot of the arrow flying and the deer infront. LOL
  13. Wow you were right nothing in the sky not even a misquito. But peaceful I might add. Sorry for lack of action. Would have been nice to see some shots. dsn
  14. I'm in the dark about this one just like you. I don't even know where in the humber its located. I would love to see the under water windows and watch fish swim up or down. dsn
  15. Nice report. And yep is it ever a long walk. dsn
  16. I would go for a zara spook or a pop-r. Somthing slow and something that makes noise. If that fails got with a "SMARTCAST" fish finder they work well to check out the depth and bottom content. dsn
  17. Its easy to do better and try harder. The catch is how long can they endure and keep it up day after day month after month, year after year. Now thats the tough part. Where Tony Robbins when we need him? LOL (or is Anthony Robbins)
  18. Yep I live in rental unit so never ending power supply unless theres a blackout!! LOL dsn
  19. When clocks go back 1 hr You get to sleep 1 hr more. I have weird dreams. LOL dsn
  20. Well I showed up around 3:30pm There was alot of coupon promotions going on with little catches like spend so much and get so little discount back kinda thingy. I spun the wheel and got $6 bucks off today so I picked up some spoons. But I had to spend Minimum of $25 to get $6.00 off. My total was $15.00 but I guess the cashier didn't noticed the small print. So I got my $6.00 bucks. Well the funny thing was my bro went before me and got a $1 off. The thing was he didn't even have a CT card in order to use the $1 off. ha ha ha dsn
  21. Those are some amazing pics. dsn
  22. I'm only 15-20mins away from that CT. . I've been there twice this week when they were giving out freebies. And I wonder why they call it a "GRAND OPENING" when it's been there since I move into this location since june 1st. All they did was renovate the store. But they didn't shut the entire store down while they were doing it. dsn
  23. Copy/paste whizz. Thats funny!! Thanks Rick
  24. If I went hunting on my own I'd say hey look fresh chestnuts!! LOL
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