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Everything posted by dsn

  1. It's not the carp smell that I'm thinking of... It's the mud. Usually the mud along the bank smells. And if you dig a little deeper ooooh does it ever get bad. Rottening dead animals and maybe bodies. Carp do smell like Chanel after a long winter !!! Lets hope febreze helps. dsn
  2. Oh yuck!! That's one I try to avoid fishing in the nastiest places for carp and you rolled around in the mud for carp. You're more hardercore than I thought you were. I would never set myself up for facial anywhere carp roam. Cause not only the mud it bad but I'll bet it reaks of hell!! I'll do anything to avoid going into waters where carp swim in the shallows. But I guess someone had to do it. Might as well be you. I like to play it clean. That first carp is nasty looks like it half dead. Either that or it was just feeding of a body. DSN
  3. Nice outting. Looks great with all that greenery. Looks warm too but I guess it wasn't. I came down with a sore throat (allergies?) on friday and body aches. I was going to go to the doc for some meds but didn't. I decided to go Saturday. And I'm kinda glad I did. I was too early so I decided to set my banksticks in the local area. Only had 2hrs and wasn't exspecting an hits. But I got more bumps and hits than b4 things are slowly turning around. Although going out of the city would be a change of scenery. I can't bother getting up so early in this still chilly weather. And not knowing what to exspect. I also believe hotdogs are a carps favorite bait. Its greasey enough to pick up the scent. No one can turn down a hotdog not even a fish. Thanks for the report!! DSN
  4. Wow, what an awesome report Victor . And it does look cold out there too. You guys should bring a tent next time and set it up to nap in and block the wind. And why does MJL always get the mirror? I have seen mirrors but have yet to land one. dsn
  5. Well after yesterdays outing with MJL I looked at the forcast for the day after which is today. They were calling for a sunny day and warmer temps. Since the area already has been chummed and fished the prevoius day and the weather was improving. I thought I'd give it another shot. It was slow yesterday. Today when I got there the water was glass calm and I could see the bubbles moveing around in the lake and some tail action above the surface from a distance. Soon as I chummed a bit I had a hit. All the hits came before 12 noon. A Southwestern wind picked up and it got cooler. And things really died down. So I chummed the area good before I left the area.(12 noon) For next time. Or who ever will be fishing it after me. If no one is going to fish it then, better for me next time around. I forgot I couldn't lift anything heavy so I just banked it and when it was tired out. Floating Pike bait!! Speaking of Pike .... I think pike fishing would be easier on my back. Maybe I'll try some "topwater" tomorrow if the weather will co-operate. Going to try to get surface strikes on digital. That would be awesome to see. DSN
  6. OOOOH ouch!!! DSN
  7. OH man, we "LOVE Blurred pic bro." The only thing we can't reconize is water yet. However I do know the color of the water in some areas. Example Black bottom, Green , and brown. DSN I guess I should get out there with MJL with our heavy gear (buzzers and ground bait)
  8. You got that right Ben !! And where you blurr also tells where you were !!! ahhh ha ha ha Look at this pic behind her. I see grass and that blur beside the grass, just under her hand tells me that its a cement wall. ha ha ha And we know where that wall is. If you're going cover up, cover it all up! DSN
  9. Nice fish. I guess you were there the same day as me. But I was fishing the other end of the island. Yep I know where you were fishing. I see you found the carp that I was looking for. Only a carp can give you a fight of a life time. All the carpers know that, that's why they are carper's in the first place. Now I know where to find the carp now. Thanks for info. dsn
  10. Sorry, it's not what you think. I saw this one bird quietly resting and enjoying the day. On the corner of this cement stone I assume it's a female. Then there was two. The lower one I assume was the male The bird on the top doesn't move from her corner through all this ordeal. The one that was resting quietly, turns and looks at me? He certainly doesn't look happy. The male bird on the left moves closer. Mighty fat and chubby I'd say. He moves closer in for a better look at her. Surely the sense of attraction is there. He askes the ultimate question nicely. Even look's like he's smiling. But the other partner is just not interested. And turns thier back. And Plays deaf. The other bird screams again. Wanting to makeout badly. Still nothing, no reaction from the other bird. She ignores and cleans herself. This time he screams top of his little lungs. In desparation! Got some reaction. The female turned around and was looking in the right direction now. But that was all the reaction the bird got. This little guy was go angry his little feathers where all puffed up. Talk about desparate. Then he makes one last a temp.... Looks around... And goes right beside the female and let's it "RIP!!" By then it was all over She flew away and the show as over. dsn
  11. Yeah if it's Sunday...I won't be able to make it too. Church. If it was the Island... I would be willing to prep the entire streach of the main area of the island (from the Grandstand towards Halans Point ) which would help to keep the fish there til the actual GTG. But I would need a massive load of maize to do it with. Cause I will need to do it a few days at least before the GTG. But I have no maize. Might need some help too. I have a new sling now. DSN
  12. Sorry I don't think I'll be able to make it. Out or my league. Also out of my area of reach. DSN
  13. I was out searching for carp. The warmer weather that we had in April in the mid 20's for a week brought them into the area I usually fish. They were starting to feed. Some not all. But the cold winds came back and then themps dropped, drove all the carp back into deeper water not even the smell of a carp was around. If you're heading to the island make sure you have your license. They were checking today. make stops everywhere they see someone fishing. They were on the move. I lead them to this guy We'll they asked me. "If I seen any other person fishing?" I can't lie so. Cool boat I might say. Wonder how fast this baby can go? dsn Pike is next !!!
  14. And don't forget the "UglyStick !" And stay away from copper hooks . DSN
  15. I guess the AVI files will remain AVI. Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. Had no idea it would take this much time and space. Thanks, DSN You learn something everyday.
  16. After trying converting.. and my laptop ran out of space.. I decided to email Cucu and ask for a refund. Let's hope I get one. Since I only purchased it Friday night. I told them what was happeing and that I wasn't with the software. I didn't know converting 6 AVI files on one dvd, to a DVD format I would be burning all 6 AVI files to 6 DVDs. Does this mean AVI files are more compact than DVD format? I have given up anyways my laptop can't handle it. Dsn Thanks for all the help
  17. Ok I deciced to go with Cucusoft AVI. It cost me $34 bucks. Easy to use and run. But boy oh boy it's "Killing me !" It has an option to chose Highest Quality or low quality. Not know much .. I chose Highest Quality output. I have 11 AVI's I want to convert to DVD. This first one has taken me more than 8 hrs. And still going. I had no idea converting would take forever. Maybe I'll be done when I'm 100yrs old. I rather go fishing. Bring on the warm weather!! dsn
  18. I'm searching for a program that can convert AVI files and other files into DVD format. I did a search and found a few but not sure which one is good. I don't feel right playing AVI files on my laptop just incase the DVD/RW drive kicks. It will cost more to replace the DVD/RW on my laptop than it would cost to replace a DVD Player. Any help is appreciated. Thanks dsn
  19. I think the dog treats from a grocery store should be safe enough. But Lets see what she decides to do. Thanks for all the amazing responses. dsn
  20. Thanks for all the info. Truely greatful to you all. My brother said she has spoken to the neighbor but they didn't do anything about it. Since it is the neighbor directly beside her house... I think the best way to go about it is to feed the dog "treats." But I don't think she'll try mashmellows. As they can't be toss from a safe distance She's afraid the dog might be able to jump the fence. We'll recommend her to try the doggy treats. And we'll tell her not to over feed the dog so it won't die of over feeding or high colestrol. Many Thanks DSN We'll see how things go. I'm not one who hate dogs either. I get a german shepard if I could
  21. I have a friend that has a neighbor with a grumpy dog. Everytime my friend goes out to her back yard the dog comes out of the house and starts barking everytime at her. Now she stays inside and is afraid to go out. To her very own back yard ! ! I heard there are whistles that you can buy that only a dog can hear and human ears can not detect it. And the whistle is a high pitch tone which hurts the dogs senstive ears. Is this true. If so where can I get hold of one in the GTA? Or if there are another solutions or suggestions they would be a great help thanks! I hate to go to any other extreme measures to silence a dog. Thanks DSN
  22. Very nice ccmt. Congrats on the PB. I'm still searching for the trophies too. Most areas I fish now has slowed down due to the cool down of temps. dsn
  23. Least you're geting the bigger fish. I'm still waiting. The usual GTA spot was empty this morning. Last I was wout there one guy saw me catch a carp and wanted it. I shouldn't have given it to him. Then he said he was going to feed it to his dog. I think ht must have fished it all out cause I never gotten a single hit. Time to try next location. Nice going!!! dsn
  24. Awesome scenic shots. I'm still feeding the carp they should be ready to go soon. dsn
  25. Yeah they don't build stuff the way they used anymore. All cheap stuff they use. No matter what they build these days. $2.30 an hr huh? 50-60 yrs young. I was making $4.25 in a grocery store so you must be slightly ahead of me. dsn
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