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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. If you talking about where I think your talking about, I would head opposite the dam outlet near the trees. Find the areas where the trees are underwater.
  2. Nice looking eye. Great job
  3. Beauty walleye. Good job
  4. Anytime I have fished for perch, usually find big and small together. Only my experience though.
  5. Nice looking pike. Great job!
  6. Nice job. Planning on trying to get some crappie this year though the ice too.
  7. Thats quite along way, its only an hour north of Pittsburgh I mean it is a great mall, but helluva drive just to shop.
  8. That won't save him. I am surprised Ron could even get out the front door of his house. They closed Western today it is so bad, cancelled all classes and exams. I have been calling my family in Scotland a bunch of whiners because of the unusual artic weather they have been getting. This is what you call Karma: And its still snowing.......... I wanted to go fishing again on thursday, but not looking likely.
  9. Great job. You venture out in that kind of weather, you deserve a bunch of fish.
  10. Contact C. Best stuff ever :thumbsup_anim:
  11. What he said. I have a cat, she has no interest in going out in this weather thank god. My girlfriend has 2 greyhounds, I laugh every night when it rains or snows or its freezing. :rofl2: Is my cat a minion of satan? Almost certainly she is, but I'll take a cat over a dog any time.
  12. Nice looking chrome. I need to get out again soon.......
  13. Maybe I don't usually fish for rainbows or salmon and so wouldn't know how to deal with roe. I could be a musky guide for all you know. Anyhoo, welcome to the board Brian B, yep, I went with the Docs suggestion, salt/brown sugar. We'll see how it works, only one way to find out :whistling: So far the look like I expected they would for what it is worth.
  14. Thanks for the info guys. Much appreciated
  15. OK, so I admit I haven't got a clue. I got roe on thursday from some fish and have no idea how to cure it or store it. Any help would be appreciated and if you have a secret recipe or something, shoot me a pm and I won't tell anyone. Any help would be greatly appreciated. cheers Doug.
  16. Those are some bloody nice fish. Congrats
  17. Whatever gives you that idea More of a haddock/halibut person, but trust me I have no problem finding takers for perch fillets.
  18. Yep, Ron got his butt kicked. I kept 17, but probably caught 60.
  19. Nice Ryan, great pics. Glad to see Averie still out fishes you
  20. I blame the media for alot of this. They raise expectations of the team to stupid levels when everyone KNOWS it is not that good a team. They are not even close to competing and if by some miracle they pulled it together and scraped 8th place, they would be one and done, probably by a sweep. The east is crap, but the top 3 or 4 teams are way better than the other 11 or 12 teams. Media, from what I understand, are far too negative about the players. That is quite a de-motivator. Think about it. If you are constantly criticized in your job, most people eventually lose interest and don't see the point in trying. Salary is irrelevant. These guys earn so much it is probably not even a factor in their thinking on a day to day basis. If you keep telling someone they suck, eventually they will believe it too. Its a self-fufiling prophecy. Funny how when players leave this atmosphere they go on fire, Stempniak springs to mind last year with Phoenix. TO is a poisonous atmosphere for these guys. Just my .02 cents.
  21. Very nice fish guys. Great job
  22. Nice video Richard, thanks for sharing. Doug.
  23. I watched bits of the program. Very cool. Wouldn't want to mess with one of those though
  24. mmm, don't see it myself........
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